Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No copyright infringement is intended.
Thanks to Eowyn77 for doing the beta-read for this. I appreciate you so much!!
The Talk by Heartbroken1
Chapter Four - Plans Change
Last night brought about some interesting revelations. Bella knew something -- quite adamantly. She loved me, only me. And 'he's just a friend, who's worried about her safety.' I could only assume that the 'he' was Jacob.
As she began to stir against my chest, relief washed over me. With the first morning's light coming in the windows, I hoped that explanations would flow from her. Understanding everything that happened last night was something that I needed. Especially her sticking her tongue to my arm. What was that about?
"Hi," her voice was rough. She smiled and leaned up to press her lips lightly to mine. "How was your night?"
"Interesting," I told her, raising an eyebrow while a smirk tugged at my upper lip.
Her heart rate increased and color flooded her cheeks. "What did I say?"
"Do you really think I'm the 108-year-old virgin?"
She groaned. "I'm so sorry, Edward. It's just…"
I pressed my finger to her lips and chuckled. When she first whispered the reference, I was hurt, angry, but the more I thought about it, and the longer I held her in my arms, I knew it didn't matter. And truth be told, Jacob's reference to my lack of experience was quite funny.
"It's okay, Bella. You can't help what you dream." Or what the mutt puts in your head.
"I don't see you that way."
"I know."
"What else?" She pulled the comforter up in front of her face as though she could hide from what I was going to tell her.
"Well, what do you remember dreaming?" I figured that was a safer place to start.
The comforter dropped so that I could see her beautiful chocolate eyes. She blinked as her heart continued to pound in her chest. "I really don't want to talk about this." Her cheeks flooded with color.
I laughed. "You already did."
She yelped and pulled the fluffy piece of fabric in front of her face again.
I could tell she wasn't going to open up without some prying and decided that my curiosity would eat me alive. "What does 'triple dog dare you' mean?"
"Crap!" she muttered from behind the comforter which dropped to reveal her whole exquisite face. She was biting on her lower lip. "I didn't…"
I fought against the chuckle that was building.
"Edward, I didn't…" Her eyes widened and she shook her head slowly back and forth. "Did I stick my tongue to you?"
The contained laughter burst out, filling the room.
"Oh, no."
"Yes, my love. You stuck it to my arm."
"Would you like to tell me why?"
She shifted in the bed, leaning against the headboard. She cleared her throat and blinked against the nervous tears glistening in her eyes. "Jacob…"
An involuntary growl rumbled in my chest at the mention of his name.
She cleared her throat and scowled at me. "Do you want to hear this or not?"
"Yes." I took control of my every emotion in order to not reveal my true feelings to her. "It sounds like you and Jacob had an interesting conversation."
"He's just worried about me," she defended him.
Yeah, I'm sure that was his reasoning. I stared into her eyes, hoping that I was able to cover the animosity flowing through my body.
She continued to explain their conversation. Remaining in control was harder than I ever thought it would be. Every muscle in my body wanted to rip his throat out, but I couldn't allow myself to hurt her friend. As much as he desired her, she still only saw him as a friend. Thankfully.
Her warm hand on mine brought me out of my thoughts. "I really do think it's great that you waited so long… for me." She smiled, lighting up her whole face.
"I told you before, you're the only one for me, Bella, and if we ever…" I let the thought trail off, not wanting to think about making love to Bella.
"Bella, you know it's not safe." I'd unintentionally opened a can of worms with her.
"Now you sound like Jacob."
I groaned. The last thing in this world I wanted to be compared to was that dog. The dog that loved my Bella.
"You'd never hurt me."
"Not intentionally."
She sighed and leaned her head against the headboard. "I'm done talking about this with you. I need to see Alice."
"Alice?" She wanted to talk about sex with Alice? This could not be a good thing. Taking her to the house where everyone could hear her conversation would only end up humiliating one or the both of us. "Whatever you want, Bella. I'll go get the car and be back in half an hour. Can you be ready by then?"
She nodded as her eyebrows furrowed. "Why is it going to take you so long?" She was far too perceptive for her own good.
"Shower. I'm going to shower too." Sure, that excuse works.
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine. "I'll see you in a half hour then. I love you."
"Love you too." Heaven help me. I loved her more than life itself. So much so that I was going to subject myself to Emmett's thoughts while she described her dreams to Alice.
Climbing out her window, I headed for home. Trying to make sense of my jumbled thoughts. For the millionth time, I wished I could just hear what was going on inside her head. It would make life so much easier for all of us.
Alice met me at the door, a huge smile plastered on her face. "I can't wait to talk to Bella."
"Do you know what she's going to talk to you about?"
She giggled and nodded. Her eyes drifted closed and I could see the future. Bella sitting on the couch next to Alice, asking if we would stick.
Laughter bubbled into the room, both from me and my sister. "Surely she can't think…"
"She does think. I think she's rather bothered by it too."
"You'll talk her through it?"
"Of course." I listened for the other members of my family. The house was far too quiet. "Where is everybody?"
"When I saw what Bella wanted to talk about, I sent them away. Emmett, Rose and Jasper went hunting. Esme went shopping and Carlisle is at work. I'm going to join Esme when I'm done to give you two some time to…" she grinned, "discuss things."
I gave her a mock glare. "Thanks, Alice."
"Any time." She flitted toward the stairs. "You'd better hurry. She's going to be waiting for you."
I hurried past Alice, up the stairs and into my room. A quick change later, I was on my way back to Bella's -- in my car.
She opened the door when I pulled up, dressed in a pair of light blue jeans and a navy sweater. She always looked so beautiful in blue. It took my breath away.
"Ready?" she said with a smile.
"Yes, are you?"
She nodded, pulling the door closed and locking it behind her.
When Bella was safely seat belted in the passenger seat, I turned the key, starting the engine. She was much too quiet during the short trip to my house. She closed her eyes and her thin, shaky fingers played with the straps of her bag.
Again, I cursed the fact that I couldn't just peer into her mind and find out what she was thinking without waiting for her to tell me.
I pushed the front door open and listened. There didn't seem to be anyone home. "Alice?" I said softly, hoping Bella wouldn't hear anything more than a small hiss. There was no response. "Would you like something to drink, love?"
"Yeah, water would be great."
In the kitchen, I pressed Alice's number into my cell phone.
"Hi, Edward."
"Where the hell are you?"
Alice giggled. "Bella had a change in plans. Relax."
Without even honoring her with a response, I snapped the phone closed, silencing her irritating laughter. Change in plans? It was hard to decide which bothered me more; Bella wanting to discuss sex with Alice or the fact that now she didn't. I groaned, ran my fingers through my hair and started back toward Bella. Bottle of water! my thoughts reminded me.
I ripped open the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of Aquafina. My aggravation was building as was my hatred for that arrogant dog. What was he thinking talking to my girlfriend about sex?
Standing at the swinging door, I took a deep breath, composed my face and pushed.
Bella was sitting on the couch, twirling a DVD around her finger, a smile on her beautiful face. "She must have seen my change in plans, I thought we could watch a movie instead."