Authors note: This is my first Twilight fic, be warned it may be a bit ooc, and if so I apoligize. Please I want reveiws,I even can except flames.

Disclaimer: I own twilight...eyes shift around ha your guillable hehe of coruse I don't own a damn thing! Don't bring and hotshot lawyers at my door!

It was my fault, all of it. The rain fell, covering me in a wet cocoon, my thoughts trailed off. I laid in the meadow, were Edward and I have shared so many times. I closed my eyes, hoping to block out all reality.This couldn't't't't be happening. My memory flooded back to what I had just witnessed...


My phone rang vibrating my ears.

"Hello," I managed in a tattered voice.

"Get over here," Alice's once soft angelic voice was filled with anger.

"Alice what-"

"Just come over Bella."

I clicked off the phone and sat up on my bed. I glanced out the window, the rain was pounding on the pavement. I grabbed my jacket and my keys and headed out to my truck.

The ride to the Cullen house seemed to take forever, and once in my life I wish I could get my truck to go faster. I stopped the car and made my way up to the front door. I slowly opened it.

"Alice, Jasper?"

No answer. I trudged up the stairs. Music filled my ears, it was soft and entrancing. I titled my head in question. It was coming from Edwards room. I walked silently and rested my hand on the door knob. I twisted it silently and pushed it open. I looked around and my heart clenched in pain.

Edward...he and...touching...kissing and Rosalie. My thoughts ran rapid. I couldn't process them all. Edward was kissing her jaw line working his way to her neck, moaning she grabbed his hair and pushed him closer. Their shirts were already off. Edward was working on her jeans.

Unconsciously tears ran down my cheeks. A guttural cry tore from my throat. Edwards head shot up in neck breaking speed. Remorse filled his eyes. My whole body was shaking. I slowly backed up and hit against something hard. I glanced up and saw Emmett. He growled, his eyes narrowing.

"Bella, Bella" Edwards voice was shaky "I can explain." he pleaded.

"Save it," anger tore through me.

Emmett pushed past me, and advanced toward Edward. He wrapped his long hands around his neck.


Edward did nothing to fight back, instead he looked at my eyes. Rosalie tried best to hid herself grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around her. Emmett's fist connected with Edwards jaw, sending him into the wall.

"Just what the hell is going on-" Jaspers eyes widened in disbelief.

"Rosalie?" he probed.

She looked away ashamed. I couldn't't't fathom just exactly I was feeling right now. I couldn't take this. The looked on his face was heart breaking. I ran out the door. Blinded by m tears I drove aimlessly until I reached a destination. My breathing was erratic, and my tears ran until there were't anymore to shed.

(End flashback)

It has been hours. I laid in feedal position. I should have know. I should have noticed how overly happy he was. Was I wrong to be sad, was I selfish wanting him to be only mine. It was always to real to be true. He a god would't love me, and I knew that, but still it hurt. It felt like this pain would never leave.

"Bella?" A voice questioned.

I looked up with emotionless eyes. Emmett stood there, already drenched from the rain. His eyes were cold.

"Alice told me you would be here. You should get inside before you get sick."

I only nodded and before I got a chance to stand up Emmett already had me in his grip. He lead me to his jeep, I climbed into the front.Emmett started the car and in human pace drove me home.

"Bella, I need to tall you something." His voice was questioning me. I gave him a nod OK and he proceeded. "Edward and Rose" he flinched as he said her name "they are going to move"

My heart wrenched, and fresh tears ran down my cheeks. He softly whipped them away. He was just as hurt as I was.

"Where?" I finally asked.

"Somewhere in Alaska"

"Oh" was all I could muster out.

We made are way up to the door and I asked him if he wanted to come in. We walked through the door. Emmett's eyes narrowed.

"Edward." he said.

I glanced around Edward was standing looking at me. "Bella I need to talk to you."

"WHY the fuck would you wanna do that! You fuck my wife and now you come crawling back to her!" Emmett growled.

"What Edward?" I asked completely intrigued.

"It was all a mistake and I know it! Please Bella I love you!" he pleaded.

I did't answer. Instead I asked a question that was burning in my head. "how long?"

He did't answer. "Edward! I am asking a simply question, how long?"

"Three months"

I looked beside me and Emmett's was growling predatory.

"Get the fuck out of my house Edward"I said coldly

He didn't reply he just pushed past Emmett and I.Emmett pushed his against the wall.

"I never want to see you face again Edward, because next time I won't Hesitate to rip your throat out. Your not my brother anymore."

Edward walked out the door, not once looking back at me.

30 mintues have passed Emmett was laying on my bed, I came in my hair was wet from the shower. I quickly ran a brush through it and put on my favorite pair of pj's a white tank-top and green sweatpants.

"You take a long time." he said, completely bored.

" Well sorry, not all of us have vampire speed. Are you staying here tonight?" I asked.

He chuckled then became more serious "I just can't stay there anymore." he said looking down.

"Alright, umm you, if you want you can go downstairs and watch some movies Charlie is gone for a week on a trip with Billy..." I said awkwardly.

"Alright... you wanna watch something with me?"

"Sure I'll meet you down stairs." Emmett ran down the stairs and sorted through the movies. I grabbed some blankets and pillows and ran down the stairs, which only resulted to me tripping. To cold arms wrapped around me before I made contact with the floor. Emmett only laughed.

"How did you ever live this long?" he asked amusement in his voice.

"Very painfully." I giggled.

We laid out our pallets and decided to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Emmett kept on laughing about how off they were about vamps.

"I mean come on, bursting into flames at the first sight of sun, so not true." Emmett didn't stop ranting on about it.

I rested on his chest until I finally dosed off.

Reveiw!!!!!Please!!! Should I continue?