Chapter 1

They were all dead. All gone.

It had happened four months ago, and now Hermione Granger found her self in a run down pub in NockTurn ally.

That's where she bumped into him, but he didn't recognize her, not that she cared. She was wearing a midnight blue cloak with the hood up, no one could see her face.

But that didn't really matter either, it's not like anyone would notice her. She was presumed dead, just like everyone else she had every really know or cared about.

They all died in the final battle.

Hermione shook her head trying to rid herself of all the horrid memories that haunted her. She finished her drink and called over to the bartender.

"You have anything stronger than this?" she asked.

The bartender walked over to her, "What your drinking is 42 alcohal, and it's not diluted with anything, I don't think I even have a drink in this whole bar that's stronger."

This caught the attention of the man who had just sat down next to Hermione, it intreuged him, who was this girl who could drink so much, she didn't even sound drunk. Even more than that, he recognized her voice.

'I know I've heard that voice before, who is she, I'm sure I know her.' he thought.

He turned around but couldn't see her face.

"Do I know you?" he asked in a puzzled voice.

"Yes." was all she answered, and grabbed the drink the bartender had set before her. She finished it in a second and waved to the bartender for another.

"Any chance you'll tell me how I know you or where I know you from? Or who you are?" he asked in a semi-sarcastic tone.

"No." she said plainly and grabbed the new drink of the counter.

"You know it's not healthy to drink that much." he said

"I don't really care, if you haven't noticed ferret." Hermione replied, not bothering to keep the annoyence out of her voice. He just looked confused. (And no, your not supposed to know who the he is yet, but I just gave you a clue.)

Hermione sighed, "That was a clue Ferret, think about it." she put emphasis on the Ferret.

"Ferret?" he muttered to himself "Ferret? When was I a----fourth year. You went to school with me didn't you."

"Oh, bravo, well it took you this long but you guessed right eventually. Can you tell me who I am yet? Or are you as slow as I remember you to be?" she remarked snidely. (Yes, snidely, four month of lonesomeness and having everyone she cared about murdered had changed Hermione Granger.)

"You could just save me the trouble and tell me." he retorted.

"I could but I won't. I'm bored and it's entertaining to watch you try and guess who I am. Here's another clue, I was in your year. Can you guess now?"

"I could but I'd get it wrong. No Slytherin would call me a crude name, and all the Gryffindors, Huffelpuffs and Ravenclaws are dead."

"Not all." she said and grabbed another drink.

"Granger?" he said in an astonished voice.

"In person. Malfoy."

(a/n) ok, my second fic. i hope you like it. pleaz R&R...and read Mrauder Magick tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this chapter is a little bit short, but they get longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

i love each and everyone of my readers, don't be a silent reader, i want to know what you think!!!!!!!!!!

the more you review, the more i write and update!!!!!!!!!!1

enjoy the story
