![]() Author has written 34 stories for Full Moon wo Sagashite, Kingdom Hearts, Gilmore Girls, Harry Potter, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Spiral, Final Fantasy X-2, Eyeshield 21, Fullmetal Alchemist, Alice in Wonderland, and Final Fantasy XII. BIO .: 10 things you always (never) wanted to know about Cliffie :. .o1 - I go by Ria on most other sites .o2 - I have a slight obsession with owls .o3 - I find myself writing a lot of short angst pieces, but I really have a soft spot for shameless fluff .o4 - I play RPGs, action/adventure, and occasionally hack'n'slash video games but rarely actually complete them (slowly but surely this is changing) .o5 - I've done NaNoWriMo since 2006 (penname is CliffieMaster if you want to friend me) and write original fiction voraciously .o6 - I lovelovelove crack pairings. Balthier/Yuffie is one of my OTPs .07 - I'm a senior in college this year, so I probably won't write too much during the semesters .o8 - I intend to get a degree in library science -- the library is literally my favorite place in the world .o9 - Baking cupcakes is one of my favorite hobbies .10 - My favorite movie is Labyrinth. I think this expresses my geekiness fairly well. NEWS 01.09.12 -- A new year, a new adventure, eh? :) Same old, same old going on at my end: college (about to graduate!!) then grad school in the fall. I'm working on an AU college crossover fic between FFVII, FFX, and FFXII but who knows when it'll see the light of day, if ever. I'd like to get at least halfway done before I post any full-length work nowadays, since I've gotten so awful about completing them. SHIPS I have quite a few ships I'm fond of, although I will probably try anything at least once. Here are some of my favorites, because I know you all are just that curious. :) ~Final Fantasy~ --VII-- Reno/Tifa : Vincent/Tifa : Reno/Yuffie : Vincent/Yuffie : Rude/Elena : Cloud/Aeris : Zack/Aeris --X/X-2-- Tidus/Yuna : Auron/Rikku : Nooj/Paine : Gippal/Rikku --XII-- Balthier/Fran : Ashe/Basch ~Kingdom Hearts~ Squall/Yuffie : Kairi/Axel : Riku/Namine : Demyx/Namine : Sora/Kairi ~FFXII and KH Crossover~ Balthier/Yuffie ~Harry Potter~ Draco/Hermione : Snape/Hermione ~Buffy the Vampire Slayer~ Spike/Willow : Buffy/Angel ~Labyrinth~ Jareth/Sarah ~Eyeshield 21~ Hiruma/Mamori ~Fullmetal Alchemist~ Roy/Riza People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes. - Neil Gaiman |