Promising Entirely
I have no words.
This is a poem.
I suck.
A/N: Yeaaah. I wrote that poem for you guys in apology for my AWOLness. I really do have no excuse. Some of you old readers probably won't even read this because you're sixty and blind now. Some of you probably won't read this 'cause you died already. But for those of you who DO read, I offer you a lifetime of servitude in appreciation. This is not apply to Annjirika, who I know will be reading this anyway and to whom I already owe eight lifetimes of servitude. So.
This, my friends, I would like to call Part 1. It is incredibly short and not anywhere near done. But I hoped that posting it online would get me to write more. It is unedited. It is a draft. But I hope you will forgive me and review anyway. Kthanx.
I Remember You Now - Part One.
"How the heck do you even work this thing?" Yuffie Kisaragi frowned at the best and evilest invention ever known to man, seeing the knobs and the flashing lights and suddenly missing the wash bucket that she and everyone else had been using for years. A washing machine. Who needed a machine to wash clothes? It wasn't that hard. Sure, sometimes it took a little extra work if you got heartless blood or grape juice on them but it didn't mean they needed something so ridiculously complicated to get the stains out. Cloud and Aerith were lazy. Just lazy. Feeling all domestic because they were getting married and they'd all just moved into a real house and Yuffie just didn't see why she was the one who'd been appointed the task of figuring out how it was supposed to actually do the washing and…
Squall leaned over her and turned the knob a few times until the whir of machinery and rushing water filled the room. Yuffie stared and slowly turned, meeting his eyes with a look of completely dangerous shock. Squall shrugged and held up the user's manual. Yuffie snatched it out of his hand and hit him with it. He smirked.
"Don't you smirk at me!" she said as she waved the small book around. "I have been here for eighteen hours—"
"It's only been twenty minutes…"
"And I could have been buying one pinto bean every hour! Count' em up, that's nine cents worth of pinto beans!"
"You don't even like pinto beans…"
"That's so incidental! Aerith likes pinto beans and I could have bought some for her! But no, you had to sit there and watch me struggle when you could have been helping—"
"I didn't think it was so complicated…"
"Squall," She said, drawing herself to her full height, which only made Squall smirk because she didn't have that much, which only made her try and draw herself higher. "You are insufferable."
"Insufferable?" Squall repeated quietly, after a few long, long few moments in which Yuffie had actually drawn the conclusion that she'd truly insulted him. "You're calling me insufferable?"
"Yes." She said stubbornly, with a trembling air of uncertainty. "Insufferable."
"Because you don't have nine cents worth of pinto beans?"
"They're good for you," she argued weakly, thrown off by his tone, and especially thrown off when he grabbed her wrist and held it tightly, leaned forward, and stared straight into her eyes. "S-Squall."
"Insufferable?" he repeated, backing her into the machine. She swallowed nervously. His body heat was tingling and the fur of his jacket tickled her skin. He was so close. This was one thing she'd never taken into account. The sun was shining and the World was bustling with life; they'd begun restoration of the city, and with a sudden sense of purpose, Leon had taken a huge leap, more than she'd ever been able to accomplish with him in the long time she had known him. It had already been two months, but Yuffie was still surprised whenever she saw him smile. This was what she'd wanted. This was what she'd be aiming for. Except now… with his warmth and his kindness and with him being the Squall she hadn't known since she was nine…she didn't know what to do with him.
"I…" She brought her hands up and pushed at his chest. "Yes, totally insufferable!"
. His arms were sliding around her and he was leaning closer, his eyes on her lips. Yuffie's heart did a strange dance in her chest. Squall Leonhart had her backed against a cursed washing machine. Squall Leonhart was looking at her that way. Squall Leonhart was going to kiss her. Squall Leonhart was going to dump a handful of laundry soap in her hair.
"Squall!" she shrieked, shoving him hard. Weaving stubby-nailed fingers through her short locks and brushing out the powdery soap, Yuffie aimed several short kicks at Squall's ankles. "You big jerk! What was that for?"
Squall chuckled, crossing his arms in a satisfied sort of posturing. "You should be careful what you say to insufferable people."
Huffing, Yuffie groped around in the cupboard above the washer while Squall watched with interest. He wasn't naïve enough, after many years of fighting with her, to think she was not coming up with a plan of revenge. "Hah!" she cried finally, whirling around. In her hands was a bright yellow bottle of liquid laundry soap. She advanced on him.
"Yuffie," he warned, holding up his hands. "Don't do anything rash…"
"Squeezy, squeezy," Yuffie replied evily, squeezing the bottle in her hands so that a drop of blue gel oozed out of the nozzle. "Squeezy all over Squally's jacket…off to dry cleaning with Squally…"
Squall could move quickly when faced with extreme danger. His hand blurred as it shot out, grabbing hold of a nearby mop and holding it in front of him like a sword. They eyed each other and the enemy choice of weapon. For a moment, the air between them crackled with something serious as water dripped on to the floor. Then Yuffie showed him all her vigorously brushed teeth and squirted blue liquid laundry soap on to his chin.
That's the end. AHAHHA. Like I said, it's not a full thing. It will be added upon. I know you're probably screaming for blood 'cause that's all I have after a million years. Feel free to flame me. Feel free also to tell me if this chapters flows with the rest of the story, or if my writing style has changed completely. Kthanx.