Author has written 20 stories for Angel, Buffy X-overs, Anne of Green Gables series, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Harry Potter, Grey's Anatomy, Twilight, and Life With Derek. Wow, so it's been a while since I updated this thing. Actually, it's been a while since I was even on this site. I still write fanfiction, but most of it is on my livejournal now. None of those stories have my usual long, rambling author's notes, so if you're looking for those, check my blog. I hope you like what I write! Most of (but not all) of my incomplete stories will remain that way unless someone wants to adopt them. If you do feel like adopting a story, comment my lj or pm me or something. I'm sorry, since I have such a great bunch of reviewers, but in the time when I couldn't write fanfiction...Well, a lot can happen during a few months, and I actually managed to grow asa writer and a person. I can't get into a lot of the fics that I was writing before, since so much has happened since then. However, anything you see that's been published/updated recently is going to be updated, so don't worry. oh, and if you're interested in the things that inspire my stories, check out my tumblr. |