Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha.
Hello there, I'm a major anime and manga fan ever since my sis got me hooked into it, though i have chilled down since then. :)
~~My most fav Anime/Manga is Inuyasha it's like the best in the world!
Yu Yu Hakusho
Ranma 1/2
Vampire Night
Fruit Basket
Midori days
Host club
Onegai Teacher
Onegai Twin
Air Gear
Zero no tsukaima
Prism Ark
Absolute Boyfriend
Angle Sancturary
High School Debut
Millennium Vampire
Backstage Prince
~~Likes: Dance, Writing, drawing, music, friends, movies
~Dislikes: KIKYO!(burn dead corpse burn!), school, chinesses food, and fruitflys!
~Music I like:... Almost every thing!
Favorite artist: A Perfect circel, SOAD
~~Favorite Quot: "Just Beacause we have the technology, does it mean we have to use it?"
~My fav food is SUSHI! it's like the best!
~~Favorite Couples:
Inuyasha/Kagome (Best couple in the world!)
~Five ways of ruining a fanfic (personaly speaking)
1) Adding your own main character (unless very talented writer, does it good)
2) Adding long lost sibblings
3) Changing one of the main characters complitly (most of the times)
4) Having way to many author notes
5) Putting yourself inside the story! (#1 way of Ruining a fanfic...i think anyway)
Title: "Why me?" (as in why did he chose her.)
Summary: INUKAG “God I hate him, he gets so annoying soooo fast!” her eyes started to well up with tears. There was a rustle in one of the bushes next to her. She turned her head and was surprised of what she saw. Rated for language,fluff moments,and lemon(s).
Chapter's so far: 31 chap
A/n: Yay I've done up to chappie 30 or was it 33(hmmm?) and i so happy of how succsesful it is besideds a couple of spelling/grammer mistakes...or maybe a lot...hehe
Title: Life's isn't as bad as it seems
Summary: InuKag. When you think life is bad and gets worst you never no one it will turn completly upside down or even right side up. Rated language, fluff moments, and graphic scences...just to be safe.
Chapters: One-shot
A/n: OK i have finnishe it and it took me up till 1:00am to finish it but woot it's done!
Title: Here in Africa
Summary: Kagome volunteer's in a foundation to help villages around the world, her destination, Africa. Though the trip turns out to be more beneficial then expected. This village also so seems to be in more trouble then expected.
Chapters: 1chap
A/n: This is going to be an on going fic and i don't know how long each update will be, but i'll try my best to make it fast. thanks :)
Title: The Forest Scenario
Summary: One camping trip could be a beginning of a love that should never end.
Chapters: One-shot
A/n: just something while i had a writers block. (don't know if i'll put it up yet)