
Relax and breath.

No worries.

No hurry.

"Excuse me! . . . I'm sorry!"

A girl ran through the crowded building towards the elevator. Her ebony hair flew behind her as she dodged left and right, trying not to bump into anyone or slipping on her 2inch dark green thick heels. Her green skirt flared a bit as she carefully ran. Her white three quarter length, v-neck blouse swayed a bit too. Her silver necklace bounced as her silver cresent moon shaped earrings swayed from side to side. Her brown eyes looked frantically at the elevator ahead. Her cheeks had a slight blush due to her running. She held her beverage tight in her hand, making sure not to drop it on someone, or herself.

'Just a little bit more!'

A 'bing' was heard and the elevator opened its doors, a small group of people casually walked out. Kagome rushed through, without looking she pushed the '7' and 'Close doors' buttons. The doors closed and she glanced at the digital clock that was above. By now she was trying to catch her breath as she was silently panting. The inside of the elevator was in bright gold, reflecting everything inside. Made it look like a stand in mirror instead.

'7:57. Maybe I won't be late after all.'

She smoothed out her knee high skirt, checked to see if her white blouse wasn't too wrinkled, and sipped on her nice, cool, refreshing, mocha frappuccino. She closed her eyes as swallowed the drink.


Suddenly a pair of masculine arms came from behind her and wrapped themselves around her petite waist. Kagome gasped and carefully turned her head to the side to see her intruder.

"Every time you do that little gasping sound, it sends shivers up my back. Makes me think how you and I would be perfect for each other. Don't you think?"

"Sorry Koga, but I already told you. I have a boyfriend."

He let his grasp on her go and stood next to her. He had long black hair tied in a ponytail, and had cool blue eyes. Not to mention he had a small tan going on. He was probably about 6'3 and had a nice 'manly' body.

" Kagome, how could you have a boyfriend? Since when?!"

Kagome turned fully to the side and looked at him from her 5'6 height level. He was wearing black shoes, some nice fitting dark brown pants, and a semi tight coffee creamed long sleeve shirt. The man WAS good looking, but he was too conceited at times. Not to mention a bit pushy.

"I've been telling you Koga, for 2 months now."

Koga grabbed her free hand and cupped it within his own two.

"Kagome, just remember that you're my woman. And there's no one out there for me but you."

Kagome sighed and looked down, lightly shaking her head in the process.

"Koga, when will you reconsider and try going out with other girls? Like Ayame, she's been eyeing you for a while now."

"No one but you, Kagome. Besides, there can be no way that boyfriend of yours is satisfying you. Just try me out, you'll see what I mean." Koga gave her his 'womanizing' smile.

The elevator 'binged' and the doors opened. Kagome quickly snatched her hand back and walked out casually.

"Sorry Koga!" She glanced to smile at him when he walked out. She hurriedly went to the digital clock box that was on the wall, not to far away from the elevator. Every one had a code to clock in, as for her, she thought it was the most easiest way to clock in. She dialed her 5 digit numbers and looked at the time it read.

' 8:01. Missed it by a minute. Oh well, at least I'm not like most people here and clock in at 8:10 or anything. I guess I'm okay.'

She casually walked towards her cubicle. Mornings were called out to her and she happily replied back. Once she got to her 'office', she placed her beverage next to the computer and put her purse in her file cabinet. She sat in her rolling chair, stretched her arms out forward, arched her back, and took a deep breath.

'5, 4, 3, 2, 1...' She exhaled slowly, and stopped stretching.

"Now I'm ready!"

Her 'office' was in the shape of an 'L'. In front of her she had her flat screen computer. Next to it was the phone with pink post it's and a pen, underneath the counter was the waste basket and shredder. She looked to her right and she had manilla folders, which probably had some 'important' documents inside. She also had some notebooks, and a small pot with daisies in it.

On her little wall, she had some pictures. Some were of her and her family, which were her mother, little brother, and grandfather. And most of them were of her and her friends.

Just as she was about to turn on her computer, a girl walked in her cubicle. She was wearing 2inch black closed thin heeled shoes, black office slacks, with a pink long sleeve blouse tucked in. She had her darkbrown hair up in a high ponytail, and she had a thin line of pink eye shadow above her light brown eyes.

"About time you got here! I actually thought you were gonna call in sick or something."

"Sango, you should know me better than that!"

Sango eyed Kagome's cubicle and stared at her beverage cup.

"Cold coffee in the morning, huh? I'll never understand how you can hack with that stuff."

Kagome stood up with her beverage and drank. She sighed and indulged in the sweet, cool, aroma of the cold drink.

"You'll never understand, believe me! So enough about me being late, what did I miss on this morning's gossip?"

The two young women leaned on her cubicle and talked quietly.

"Well, first Ayame thinks that you're flirting with Koga on purpose, just because you know she likes him."

"What?! No way! As a matter of fact, I told Koga this morning that Ayame had a thing for him."

"Yeah well, that's nothing! The big thing this morning is that our 'dear' company executive's girlfriend will be coming this morning. The one he's been dating for a WHOLE month now? He wants to 'show' her around, you know, to see what he does and stuff."

"Yeah, uh huh. Just like he shows any other new female with a hot body around!"

"Kagome, are you jealous?"

Kagome turned to her best friend in anger.

"Me?! Jealous?! Sango don't make me laugh! Why would I be jealous of an arrogant, rude, and selfish jerk?!"

Just then, a tall man with short black hair tied in a very small ponytail walked up to the two girls.

"Don't forget Ms. Kagome, you work for that jerk."

His eyes were a mix of deep violet and dark-blue, more violet than blue. Like every other man in this company, he was tall too, about 6'1. He had light skin and an average 'man' body. He was known as a lecher, and often called 'monk'. He once trained to be a monk, but left since he couldn't control himself around women. His charm was unique and he socialized with every woman he set his eyes on. He had black shoes, khaki office pants, and a dark navy blue long sleeved shirt, buttoned at his wrists. The first 3 buttons from the top the shirt were unbuttoned.

"Oh hi Miroku. Sango here was just filling me in on some important information."

"Ah, the gossip talk, I see." He turned to face Sango.

"And how is my lovely maiden this morning?"Sango just scoffed and turned her head the opposite direction.

"Don't even think about it monk! It's too early for your lecherous games!"

Miroku placed his hand on his heart and gave Sango a humble look.

"Sango, you wound me! How can you even consider that my feelings for you are a mere game?"

As Kagome watched the two argue with each other she stepped in her little office and got one of the manilla folders. It had a post-it on it, it read, 'copy'. She turned back outside and looked at the two 'admirers'. She knew Sango had a 'thing' for Miroku, she just couldn't figure out why she wouldn't tell him. Or at least give the poor guy a hint. Honesty, he tried to hard sometimes.

"Well you two, its about just that time for me to get started. I'm gonna go get these copies done. See you two around!"

As Kagome walked away, Miroku and Sango turned to face each other, and just stared. Sango muttered in between her breath and broke the silence.

"I guess she's right, we better get to work before the almighty one comes around."

"As always Sango, you are as brightest as ever. And might I say- HELLO!" miroku turned his head the opposite direction quickly.

Sango turned to face Miroku. He was staring what seemed to be space until she caught what he was gawking at.

"Honestly monk! Couldn't you be a bit more respectful and not stare at Kagome!?"

"Wasn't Kagome wearing a green skirt, though?"

Sango looked at the skirt the young woman was wearing. Then she looked at the girl completely. She looked exactly like Kagome! She was even dressed like her! Only her skirt was red, she had her hair tied with a white ribbon and was longer too. Not only that, this girl was walking like if she was a ghost, almost gliding. While kagome had light skin, hers was lighter, she looked pale-white.

"Wow, she does look like Kagome, in some weird way."

Miroku cleared his throat and said "good morning" to her as she walked by. The girl didn't even stop. She glanced back and gave him a cold, icy stare. Miroku flinched a bit and took a step back.

"Ouch! Talk about a death glare." Sango just stared at her while she continued to walk off.

"Yeah, to bad she looks like kagome though. She isn't any where near kagome's personality!"

The two walked away towards their own cubicles. Meanwhile, Kagome was in the copy room trying to make copies of her files. The room was small. The walls were a mix of green and dark blue. It had 2 copy machines, 2 shredders, and 3 fax machines. There were 2 more copy rooms like this one, but all the others were full of workers. As she was waiting for her copies to be done, she wondered to herself.

'I wonder what his girl friend looks like? Probably no different than the rest. Not to tall, not to short, nice hair, nice face, and great body. Yup, she's probably one of those.'

Suddenly a pair of masculine arms wrapped themselves around her waist. Just in-between her shoulder and neck she felt a nose rubbing up and down slowly. Whoever it was, whom she had an idea who, was now sniffing her?!

"I already told you Koga! I have a boy friend!!"

The sniffing stopped and she felt the arms tighten around her waist. She then heard a familiar voice.

"Koga?! How the HELL do you know KOGA?!" Kagome's eyes shot open as she realized who it was.
