(A/N: As usual, a nice thx for the reviews. Enjoy the chapter. For everybody who has been waiting for a little bit more Inu/Kag moments, here they are. This chapter is the last Memories of Pain, and also the introduction of new mysteries, etc. The ending of this chapter will have everybody throwing random objects at me to update the next chappie. Please enjoy, Thank you. Oh yeah, a lemon will come! Just wait patiently; I am hoping to finish posting the story before summer ends.)

Chapter 14: Memories of Pain Part 3

Everybody sat in the Tendo Dojo. InuYasha, Kagome, Sango and Rai all sat. Genma and Soun sat at the head of the table. Everything was so silent.

Soun coughed to get everybody's attention. He smirked when everybody did.

"Now, before we start this important meeting. Where is Chibi?"

"Out with Tenshi."

"Oh I see…"

Silence was welcomed into the room again.

The two men started laughing.

Kagome sweatdropped, InuYasha rolled his eyes, Sango and Rai just stared oddly.

"We have a way of making the Tendo dojo rich!" Soun said.

"I don't know why we didn't think of it sooner." Genma added.

Everybody just stared.

"We are going to open up our dojo to the public."

"We will teach martial arts and have tours."

"Get out the name of the Tendo dojo."

"And where do we come in?" asked Rai.

"Simple. You come in, in teaching and tours. Nabiki and Kasumi will be in charge of tours. You all will be in charge of teaching. Give out the Tendo name." Soun replied.

Kagome nodded. This sounded like a good idea, especially compared to their other ones.

"InuYasha will be included. Chibi, we must talk to Chibi at another time. We will start next week. Therefore, we must start organizing and start advertising. Money will flow. We will start decorating the dojo as well. We also need to repair."

Rai stopped the two men. "Wait, why not just ask Kagome or the Higurashi family to donate money, and then you guys can be living and swimming in it for the rest of your lives, instead of this?"

"To give to the community." Genma replied.

"Yes. In addition, why not give them the ability to learn from the best. Ranma will also be involved. So what do you say?"

Kagome thought for a second. "Ok, how about this? I give you money to freshen up the dojo. Fix the ceilings, walls, add new sections, etc. If I do this, you have to promise do this program. Tenshi will work on advertisement, and we will work on the teachings of martial arts. Kasumi and Nabiki will work on the tours and so on. Since Kasumi is good with baking, cooking, etc. She can make food for the tours and the people that come to train here."

Everybody nodded and agreed to Kagome's thoughts.

Soun and Genma signalled everyone to get up and leave, that was the meeting. Kagome and InuYasha were about the leave when the two stopped them.

"Wait." Soun said.

Kagome turned around and looked at them. InuYasha just crossed his arms.

"Kagome, your mother says to meet her at the Takahashi mansion today at 6:00 pm."

InuYasha looked at them. "Feh. Why?"

Sure, their families have gotten closer, but it's not as if they were dating or one big happy family.

Soun shrugged his shoulders. "InuTaisho informed me that you are to report to the mansion at 6:00 pm. Mrs.Higurashi said the same thing."

Soun and Genma decided to leave.

"Since we're going to have to meet up again, why not just spend the rest of the day together?" Kagome suggested.

InuYasha nodded. Wondering, just wondering what their parents were up to.

Tenshi and Chibi walked out of the Angelic store. Both of them were smiling at the success they had accomplished.

Tenshi looked at the information in the notebook she had recorded everything in.

Chibi smiled. "You know, we need to make it back to the Takahashi mansion. Kagome and InuYasha's family are going to break the news to them."

Tenshi laughed. "Of course I know," she started, as the two decided to go for a little walk (The limo following them of course) "I'm so happy that Mrs. Higurashi and Mr. Takahashi are going to tell them. It's about time that the plan is followed."

Chibi nodded in agreement.

Tenshi smiled, and clasped her hands together in excitement. "Let's go to an ice cream shop. I feel for something a little sweet. I'm so happy that today is the day our plan finally takes action."

Chibi laughed at Tenshi's antics.

The two walked all the way to the ice cream shop. The limo was following their path.

Tenshi's mind went to the discussion with her and Melin…

"I am training her for her angelic test." Melin stated.

Tenshi looked at Melin. She couldn't ask Melin what the test was, because she was suppose to know, being the 'Queen's Loyal Advisor'. However, if she went on into the conversation she would not know.

Chibi sensed this and took action. "What do you mean Angelic test?" She questioned.

Melin looked at Chibi and replied. "It is a test the trainee angelic must pass in order to be accepted by the rest of the culture. We as angelics are very … um… how should I put this… … … pure."

Chibi blinked. "Pure?"

Tenshi nodded remembering her discussion with Yoko about the status of angelics. "Yes pure. We believe that we should have full angelics in our own culture. It helps us strengthen ourselves and become a more undefeatable race. That is why we do not mind demons, because they are also powerful and accept us for who we are. However, humans-"

"Are a racist bunch who do not accept anything that seems different from them. That is why we as angelics live away from the world of the humans, because we know that in the end they will attempt to kill us as they have demons." Melin finished.

Chibi nodded, as she took in the new amount of information. She found this to be quite the interesting discussion.

So all that was left was the silence as everyone's mind pondered.

Finally Tenshi broke the silence. "It has been heard that a sinner has been running around helping a terrible demon. Do you know of this sinner?"

"Yep, her name is ..." (A/N: Like I would actually tell! –Laughs evilly.-)

At the Takahashi mansion, everyone was preparing for the meeting with the Higurashi family.

Souta's mind however, was only focused on getting his rumbling belly some of the delicious foods that would be served.

He slowly tiptoed into the kitchen, and leaned against the doorframe. He noticed all the foods that the chef was preparing. He mouth was literally watering. However, his mind could only remember his mother's words.

"Souta!" Mrs.Higurashi yelled as she slapped the boy's hand from the good meals. "Don't you dare think about taking a bite. These are for the meeting. Now find something constructive to do with your time, and help us prepare!"

Souta just stared. Then blinked, and stared again. Oh to hell with it!

Souta dashed into the kitchen and stole a plate before running out. Of course, however, the chef saw this, only to go and start screaming to catch the entire home's attention.

Souta just continued to run like the devil was at his heels. There was no way he was going to let this meal go to waste. He ran into a guest room and locked the door. He quickly started eating down the food.

After he was done, Souta went into the bathroom inside the room and was off his hands and the plate. Only to have felt someone tapping his shoulder.

He slowly turned his head around to be met with the angry look of his mother. Her eyes were not only angry, but also flaring with fire. A deadly fire could not be put out.

Souta just blinked and tried to run for safety, but his mother grabbed the end of his collar and started dragging his body out of the room. At this action, he just sighed, knowing that there was no room for argument.

"I never understand why everywhere you go you cause trouble! At school, home, outside, work, everywhere! You could at least do me the pleasure once, but no you have to go and steal a plate from the chef!" His mother ranted.

"Well… if she didn't want me to steal a plate she shouldn't have made it so good!" Souta defended. However, his head only received a lump in return.

Mrs.Higurashi had dragged him all the way from the upstairs guestroom to the downstairs room where the meeting was being held.

She then sat him down on one of the comfortable sofas. Souta sat there and stared at his mother for a while. The two of them stayed that way until Mr.Takahashi came down and looked at the two of them and sweatdropped.

"The meals are almost done, I've gotten Sesshomaru to also get the research papers ready. He is just doing the final additions to them right now. I figured we might as well enjoy this evening, as much as we can." He said breaking the silence.

Mrs.Higurashi's face brightened, as she turned her attention from her troublesome son to the businessman. "This is excellent!" She exclaimed as she put her hands together. "Now all we need is to set this up properly, and everything will go just fine!"

Souta looked up at his mother's excited face. "What is so important that you have to meet up here? I mean, can't you just tell them whatever it is, that you want to tell them later on at home maybe? I mean, to tempt me like this is just horrible."

The two adults just stared at Souta for a while, before Mrs.Higurashi hit Souta on the head.

"This is important to both families. It must be done correctly! Now, I suggest you start acting like the young male you are properly, or I will have to ban you from your games!"

Souta nodded. He knew never to mess with his mother. Therefore, he sat there and simply nodded.

"I can't wait to tell them the good news." InuTaisho stated.

Mrs.Higurashi nodded. "Hopefully Kagome won't kill me though."

(A/N: To those of you who have just started reading, and know the next chapter's name, this is somewhat easy to find out. It's a given. Future… think about it people think! However, to those waiting for me to update to chapter 15, you are probably itching to know. That and it is also mentioned at the end of the chapter. Unless you understand the hint that I'm now giving you.)

InuYasha and Kagome entered Dragon Games. It was known to be one of the best arcades in Japan. (A/N: Though it doesn't exist… at least that's what I last remember …) Kagome's face brightened. She had asked InuYasha earlier if they could go to the mall before going to the mansion. However, just walking around shopping didn't seem to strike his interest. So she suggested the arcade.

Kagome looked over to see some people playing the Dance Dance Revolution game. She points to the game and tugs onto InuYasha's arm.

"Come on dog boy! I want to see!" She stated as she pulled him over towards the game.

InuYasha let her pull, but paused when he realised what she had called him. "Hey wench, what do you mean dog boy!" He exclaimed. However, this went unnoticed by the rest of crowd due to the amount of noises were coming from all the games, and chatter.

"Calm down, I just wanna see ok?" She said, as they came to a stop at the game. A crowd had formed.

Everyone looked in awe at the two players. The two of them were very good, however they did make a few unnoticed mistakes. However, Kagome noticed. InuYasha… well… his mind was on the scents of the food in the arcade. That and the other more violent games.

Once the song had ended, the two bowed and jumped off while the crowd talked to them not noticing that Kagome had decided to find her way up to the game and was starting a match.

"Hey Kagome, why don't why try that shooting game over there?" InuYasha turned, only to realise his company had disappeared. He looked up to see Kagome fighting with the two players from before. He toke notice that the male was flirting with Kagome, while the girl was challenging her.

InuYasha pushed through the crowd getting a few complaints from the people watching the seen. He made his way to the front only to hear the male say a very unwanted comment.

"My your lovely. And that ass of yours is very nice. How about you and me get out of here and you let me get to know it a little bit better."

The man was about to grab Kagome when InuYasha had grabbed her out of his reach. InuYasha then growled at the man.

"Look it's a friggin' half demon. Nothin' to fear here. Now babe, are you commin' or what?" The man asked. Obviously, he did not know when to back off.

The woman pushed through and glared at the man. "He's not just a half demon. He's a sexy one. How about we get together sometime ourselves?" She said as she spoke to the man, and then directed her attention to InuYasha.

InuYasha stepped back a little, with Kagome behind him, still growling. First of all the two of them smelled like rotten food, and garbage. The woman also had the scent of various men on her.

"Get away from me you fucking whore! And you," InuYasha said, as he began to put his attention towards the man. "If you ever talk to Kagome like that again, I'll slit your stomach in half!"

The crowd just stood there. Some people going 'oo' or whistling.

Kagome blushed at all of the attention she was getting. Most of all, from how protective InuYasha was getting.

The man looked at the two. "Fine me, and you on this thing right now, if you win you get the pretty lady, if I win, I get her."

InuYasha nodded. "You're on you filthy bastard!"

Kagome blinked as she saw the two get onto the machine. "Wait! You can't go trading me off like that InuYasha!" She yelled.

"Shut up wench!" He retorted.

Kagome glared at him, only to have to woman stand beside her. "After, I challenge you for the hottie over there."

"Fine." Kagome agreed. If InuYasha was going to trade her off then she would him.

Everybody watched as the two played an intense game. Kagome just continued to cheer InuYasha on. She looked at him play, he was basically perfect with all of his moves. Perfectly on beat and everything. However, his opponent may have been good but he was still making a few mistakes.

In the end, InuYasha had won. The man was beyond pissed off, however he just left in embarrassment after InuYasha made a comment.

Next, was Kagome who did just like InuYasha. The woman got angry and was about to hurt Kagome when Kagome stepped aside, only to have the woman attack an innocent bystander. The woman left following her partner.

(A/N: I know, very random, but I was somewhat hyperactive when I wrote this.)

The two of them went onto playing more video games, such as shooting games, and racing games. Of course, they also had the fighting games. InuYasha and Kagome did the best to let go of the bad events, and just enjoy themselves.

Due to InuYasha's hunger, they also ate fries, pizza, and a burger. Well InuYasha did, Kagome just had pizza and a few fries.

They had decided later on that they would have to leave, to meet with their families.

InuYasha's mind travelled to the woman who tried to seduce him. It only brought his memories back to his old girlfriend and lover Kikyo.

He scrunched up his face in remembrance.

It was around the time in school when things were hectic, yes, the dreaded exams!

InuYasha had arranged with Kikyo that they would meet up at her house that afternoon to study.

While InuYasha's mind was on studying, hers was not. Kikyo was ready to finally screw his brains out, and have him give her the most precious thing he had.

It was known that demons took things like sex seriously. A lot of demons knew that at the time of climax they would mark their mate on their neck, and bond together forever. However, some demons did not complete the ritual.

That is what Kikyo wanted however. To be bonded to InuYasha for life. That way she would be filled in a life full of riches, and him. That he would only be able to look at her.

She had learned more of the 'character' she was meant to play, and took it seriously. Apparently, after hearing a discussion between InuTaisho and Sesshomaru, she had learned that it was the Higurashi daughter Kagome that InuYasha was truly in love with. But she had a plan of her own.

InuYasha would not be able to mate to Kagome and leave her if she was already mated to him. That was her ultimate goal.

'However, it doesn't realise that I've been screwing around him, behind his back. He thinks I'm an innocent virgin!' Kikyo snickered at the thought, as she prepared her house for his arrival.

'No, tonight I will have become mine fully' She thought as she licked her lips.

A while later InuYasha had arrived. Kikyo hugged him tightly.

"Hey Inu-baby! How are you?" She smiled.

InuYasha smiled back at her as he took of his shoes. "Fine, just a little stressed from the tests. That's all."

Kikyo put her mouth closely to his ears lightly pressing her lips on it. For some reason, InuYasha didn't know why it made him feel like pushing her away instead of holding her close.

"Well then Inu-baby we should head upstairs and finish 'studying' so you won't feel as 'stressed' out anymore." She whispered seductively.

Before InuYasha could answer she had dragged InuYasha upstairs for some 'studying'.

InuYasha knew what she was really implying. That's why he had prepared for it. He wanted to mate her, but could only remember Sesshomaru and his father's words.

'Do NOT mate to her. She may have claimed to have been raped, but I sense something else in store.'

InuYasha just sighed inwardly at the thought. Kikyo wasn't a whore, was she. Everybody told him that, but he thought that they were just jealous that he was giving Kikyo more attention.

However, as he made 'love' to her, he obeyed his father's orders, and did not bite Kikyo with the mating mark. Though Kikyo had protested, and said that he should

While he was holding her to his chest, the phone had rung. Kikyo was sleeping so he had decided to pick it up for her.

When he picked it up he was greeted with a voice who didn't even give him the chance to say 'hello' or 'bye'.

"Yo Kikyo! I'm feeling really frustrated right now if you know what I mean. I'm comin' over right now! I know you said you have other plans, I love the way you fuck me like crazy, bye!"

All that was left was a dial-tone. InuYasha had felt betrayed. No wonder everyone hated her! She was a fake. She was nothing, but a whore pretending, as Rin had nicely put it.

InuYasha's eyes glowed a slight red, before going back to normal. 'How DARE she!'

He shook Kikyo vigorously so she would wake up.

"Oh, hey Inu-"

"Don't Inu-baby me you slut! You were pretending weren't you?" He demanded.

Kikyo looked at him scared. She saw his eyes slowly changing from it's beautiful gold, to a dark bloody red. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't fucking play dumb! You've been pretending the entire time, and then worst of all, you've been sleeping around!"

Kikyo pouted. "Now Inu-darling, you know I wouldn't do sometime like that. How dare you accuse me wrongly."

InuYasha just got up and put on his clothes. "Were through bitch."

"What?" Kikyo asked in surprise.

InuYasha nodded, as he took his backpack in hand and headed out of her bedroom door. "Oh yeah, your friend told me to tell you he would be here soon for a fuck." And with that he left a surprised and shocked Kikyo in his path.

Tenshi and Chibi had arrived to the ice cream shop. The two had decided to get vanilla ice cream with sprinkles. (A/N: I love sweets! )

The two stood in line waiting for the other people to make their orders so they could soon make their own.

"So…" Chibi has started. She didn't really know how to fill the silence.

Tenshi looked over to Chibi oddly. "So what?"

"So what is our next move?"

Tenshi simply nodded. "Even I need time to think things through."

Chibi just stared. "So you don't know what your going to do next?"

Tenshi shook her head. "I have a distinctive feeling that our next move is to go to the kingdom of Kalay and find out more information. However, I myself do not know where the angelics reside."

The two of them paused. "Yoko!" Thy both exclaimed. Only to have everybody in the ice cream shop looking at them oddly.

Tenshi blushed. "Sorry, both of us were just getting into a very heated conversation. You may go back to your daily activities."

Chibi just stared. (A/N: Wow… Tenshi is really professional!)

"Tenshi?" asked a voice.

The two girls turned around to be greeted with a man in his twenties. His hair was mixed with both a blonde and a light brown. He looked like a handsome young man.

The man quickly grabbed Tenshi's hand as the two walked up to the front of the line, still looking at him.

Chibi face looked confused, while Tenshi's held brightness.

"Hiroshi is that you?" Tenshi asked.

The man nodded. "Yes, it's been quite a while Tenshi."

Tenshi and then turned her attention to ordering the ice creams.

"So what brings you here?" Tenshi asked as the woman working there went to go get their order.

"Nothing much. I just came back from Hong Kong. I decided that it was time to come home for a longer period of time. Maybe even longer." He stated, as he looked down at Chibi. "What a cute little girl, is she yours?"

Tenshi and Chibi sweatdropped. Chibi wasn't a child she was a teenager. Was it really that hard to see?

"Wow… you're not the brightest tool in the shed, are you?" Chibi asked.

Tenshi lightly hit Chibi on the head.

Hiroshi just ignored the question. (A/N: Think of him like Hojo, but a bit smarter, and looks different.)

Hiroshi looked up at Tenshi. "Say, how about we go out sometime Tenshi. Like old times?"

Tenshi nodded. "That would be nice."

"Here you go ma'am." The woman said, as she told them the total as well.

Tenshi was about to pay when Hiroshi took out his own money and paid.

"Keep the change." He said to the woman.

The woman nodded and gave them their receipt. Tenshi took it and looked at Hiroshi.

"Thank you." She said.

Hiroshi just chuckled. "Yes, well thank you for agreeing." He took out a pen and a paper and got Tenshi to write down her number, and wrote his as well.

"Ok, I'll see you later, bye." He said as he headed out of the shop.

Chibi just stared at Tenshi, as she looked at the little sheet of paper, not saying goodbye.

"Well isn't he quite the charmer…" She said sarcastically.

The car pulled up to the Takahashi mansion, and the two came out of the car. Kagome was excited. She had never been to the Takahashi mansion before. He had always heard the stories that it was quite a nice place.

Kagome looked at the outside of the home. Yes, it did look quite beautiful, and very elegant.

The two of them headed inside of the mansion.

"Master InuYasha. Your father, brother, his mate and the Higurashi family have settled into the family meeting room." A small voice said.

Kagome looked everywhere but could not distinguish where the voice was coming from. Only a few seconds later did she hear a slap from InuYasha. She turned to see that he had slapped something on his cheek.

InuYasha put out his hand only to reveal a small little flea.

"What ever Myoga, but do you have to always suck my blood when I enter this house?" he stated very annoyed.

Before the small flea could answer, he was flicked away into a nearby wall.

Kagome just blinked as she noticed InuYasha walking, so she just followed.

Her view glanced towards the painting and family photos. 'For some odd reason those look familiar.' She thought.

She then found herself bumping into a figure. She looked up and noticed InuYasha had stopped in front of two large doors.

"What where your going next time, alright wench?" He stated.

Kagome glared at his back before pushing herself off him. "Well sorry! Can't you say anything to me besides wench?" She retorted.

InuYasha just pushed the doors open with a "Feh!"

Kagome just sighed as she followed in suit. She looked inside and notice it was a very comfortable looking room. It had almost a living room feel to it, only it didn't have a TV, or video games. So noticed a three nice sofa's beside one another. Two of the sofa's facing each other, while the one in the middle faced the door she had entered from.

She noticed her mother and Souta sitting on one of the Sofa's that were facing each other, and the Takahashi family sitting on the other one, while the one in the middle remained free.

InuYasha sat her down on that one.

"So old man, why are we here anyway?" InuYasha said getting straight to the point as he noticed the chef, and her co-workers bring in a set of meals and set them on a table.

InuTaisho chuckled. "I see you intend to get on straight to the point do you not InuYasha?"

Kagome just stared. "What's going on?" She asked, as she noticed the excitement coming from her mother and Rin.

"Sesshomaru get out the folders." InuTaisho commanded to his eldest son.

Doing as he was told, Sesshomaru took out two folders that had a few papers inside. Sesshomaru smirked as he did this.

'It is about time you knew baby brother…' Sesshomaru thought.

(A/N: And that is the end! No I'm just joking. I decided to tease my one of my friends, by putting an A/N here.)

"Just cut to the chase dammit!" InuYasha stated. (A/N: Some of you are probably saying that right now!)

"You two are officially engaged!" Mr. Takahashi and Mrs.Higurashi said excitedly.

(A/N: Ok, Now I know doing this is pretty cruel, but it had to be done. Ok people, at least ten reviews. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, No flames please. Constructive criticism only! One person that e-mailed me was very rude. If there is something you think I should edit tell me, but don't tell me never to write! I mean, I'm still getting used to writing in English. anyway I would like to thank a few people who have reviewed quite a lot. If I don't have you on my list just tell me, so I can add you onto the list in my next chapter.)







Raining Tear Drops4










Thank you for reviewing more than once. (Your username was only put on here if you reviewed more than once, and did not go anon. And gave a good review –even if it meant only saying UPDATE- ,because it gives me an idea of how I'm doing and what to improve on.)