![]() Author has written 11 stories for Elsword, and Yumeiro Pâtissière/夢色パティシエール. ~ Hiya!~ I'm Hikari-No-Aria, a author who writes romance stories for my viewers! Call me Aria or Hikari! Or Aria-chan or Hikari-chan! I don't care! Anything works for me! xDDD. I'm currently holding up my stories because of the torture of school and all. But I assure you! I WILL get back to my stories! And I hope I WILL allow anyone who wishes to help me complete some of my chappies to do so! For now though, I'm on Hiatus..well a slight hiatus... HIATUS MODE!- Hiatus on Fanfiction~! I'm currently busy on Wattpad -w-. Here are a few things you might want to know about me!: ~Basic Information~ ~Hobbies and Interests~ ~Dislikes~ ~Dream Job~ ~My Personality~ ~My Friends on FF~ Anna.Tetsu.Mixed- Anna and Tetsu are just great! They give such encouraging words to me and make me feel fuzzy inside! I consider them my Onee-Chan and Onii-Chan! X3333 SeraphPrincessKaguya-She's just so DARK! She's a great inspiration to me and my stories~! She's a great author and a great friend! MaouSama00- Shirou-kun- Shiro is a great supporter and writer! He writes very descriptive stories that make my stories look like chopped liver! xDDD. I'm very thankful for his endless support! He is a great internet friend and he's like a brother to me! TT I really can count on him. SoulHorse-Soul is one of my favorite reviewers(All of my reviewers are my favorite actually). Soul is always a source of energy when I feel like I don't want to write FF. Soul motivates me A LOT and Soul is a great writer. Her stories are very fun to read and I can't wait to read more! MasterofMinds MistressofSouls- Seppi-chan is a wonderful Add x Eve author. She doesn't update often, but when she does I say "Hallelujah!". She always makes my day! Tamako-Chama-Mako-chan writes AMAZING Chara stories. I can't believe that I know her! (-O-) Her stories encourage me to write more Chara and I really consider her an internet friend. waterlily12-Lil is not just Amazing, but a great writer as well. She's calm and creative! She writes FABULOUS/AMAZING/FANTASTIC stories! I'm REALLY REALLY inspired by her! CX. Lil is a AWESOME Author and friend! x33333. I really like her. CyanYuki537-Yuki-chan is a very creative writer. She's energetic and fun. I really enjoy reading her stories~! xDDD KingdomDinasty-Di-chan(I just made this up off the spot_xDD) is a wonderful Chara writer. I really enjoyed the two-shot that she wrote! xDDD. GO CHARA! Lunarxxx-Luna-chan(Again with the made up nickname~!) is AN AMAZING FRIEND! She writes stories for different couples in Elsword and she writes VERY WELL! I enjoy PM her and talking with her. I wish that she could write more though~! C; HatsuneFeii-Feii is a foreigner that I enjoy talking to! She's speaks so many languages(So does Anna-onee and Tetsu-nii)! She needs more work in English, but I know that she can do it~! Go Feii! I'm rooting for your success! xDDDD. The King of Ash and Roses-She just AMAZING! She's my very own editor that I count on! She does amazing work both when she's doing FF and editing! Her Raven x Rena stories are ALWAYS enjoyable to read and she makes my day! GirlyTurtle-She's a VERY VERY VERY important part of my stories. Her thoughts and reviews always make me smile in a way! I'm glad that she reviews to my stories~! Keep on riding your flying turtle! xDDD 9TailsDevil-She's a beginner just like me, but I can tell that she works hard. I enjoy being and talking with her as a friend on the internet! I hope you can keep working~! ~My Kohais & Special Reviewers & Inspirational Authors ~ DescendingSnow-She is a great reviewer even if she doesn't review very often! I consider her my friend as well as my reviewer in a way! I'm going to keep working~! YamiMeiden-Yami iS SO SO SO SO GOOD AT WHAT SHE DOES~! OwO...SHE'S AMAZING TIMES 10! TIMES 100! GO YAMI-CHAN~!!!!!! I AM VERY INSPIRED BY HER! Saya.Arieline.-Saya-chan is considered a friend and a kohai to me! I am very touched by her simple yet sweet story. GO GANBATTE! GO SAYA CHAN~! LunarxPrincess-OMG~!OMG~! I LOVE HER~!!!! EHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! She writes Gakuen Alice stories which melt my heart, break my heart, and warm my heart! X-X...TOO AMAZING! I consider her an inspirational author! Dragoneel13-EHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE her/his stories.(I thinks its a him). He/she is VERY VERY AWESOME TIMES 10000! His stories have AMAZING description, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. I LOVE His/Her STORIES!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDD. HoneyLemonTea-O_O...Owo...xDDDDDDDDD. I LOVE HER! She's like my favorite Add x Ara author! Maybe ONE of my top favorite Adra authors~! I REALLY REALLY SUPER EXTRA LUPER LOOK UP TO HER! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD Sugarlatte-U_U...*sigh*...I u-um...ABSOLUETLY ADORE HER! :DDDDDDDDDD. She's Super amazing! WHY! WHY! IS SHE SO GOOD AT WRITING STORIES! ITS AWESOME! XDDDDDDD. I'm SO Inspired by her!~! EHHHHHHHHHH!!! KaleidoscopicKitty- OMG! Mei is AMAZINGINGINGINGING! I LOVE HER CHARA AND ADRA STORIES! EHHHHHH!!!! She REALLY inspires me and I consider her a friend! xDDDDD Also-My other friends that I didn't include, I AM VERY SORRY! QwQ...I still remember you...it's just that I don't have anything to say to you guys~! OwO...YOU GUYS ARE TOO AWESOME TO PUT INTO WORDS~~~~! OoO...Everyone else is awesome too of course! xDDD ~My OC's/OC~ Name- Ichikawa Kaito Base Class-Nonoka Descripton- Nonoko lived in Sander where the Wind El was guarded and worked as a shrine maiden. She worked as an apprentice of the Wind Priest and guarded the Wind El. Sander was then invaded by demons. One day, the Wind Priest got captured and the Wind El was taken away. The shrine that the Wind El rested in was burnt and she was left alone without her only friend, the Priest. Just as she was going to give up hope, she remembered the story that the Wind Priest told her. "Nonoka...deep within the shrine lays a sacred fan that had absorbed the power of the Wind El...one day when a tragedy falls...I want you to go get it and keep it safe for me...". No-chan searched the whole burnt shrine except for one place...the secret chamber. As she searched it, she found a fan that emitted a strange aura. As she touched it a voice called out to her. "Child of the Wind...I am Kazeki the Wind Spirit that absorbed the power of the Wind El...You may need me when time comes and when it does...call my name and I will be there...My friend..." Nonoko started crying and smiled. "Thank you...". As time passed, she decided to travel to Ruben where demons didn't lie and that's where she met the El Gang. "Why don't you join us?" Elsword asked as he shook her hand. "Yes..thank you...". She decided to restore Sander to it's original state with the help of the Gang. Quote- "I will restore Sander and I will save you!" Appearance: Skills- Breeze Shot(No-chan points her fan at her enemies and a strong breeze wraps around them), Wind Tornado(No-chan calls forth a tornado of wind that damages enemies) , Cutting Strike(No-chan turns wind into a sharp needle that strikes the enemies) ,~Imperial Class~ Description- As time passed, Nonoko was still unable to save the Wind Priest. Her journey became limited to her powers so she sought help from her teammates. She felt welcome whenever they were with her, but she knew that she needed to strengthened her power. "Kazeki...Come out...". "What is it that you need Nonoko?" "I need to become stronger...I need to..." "Well, first why do you need to become stronger?" "I-I...want to protect my friends...I want to help them!" " Hm..very well Nonoka, I will help you.." Then, a surge of light engulfed her and she transformed into "Shrine Mistress". Quote- "I want to protect everyone..!" Skills- Wind Chime(No-chan sends wind through the bells on Kazeki and sends sound waves to paralyze the enemies), Echo Sound(Using Kazeki, No-chan uses wind power to echo or copy the move of the enemy), Wind Cutter-Chime( No-chan sends wind in the form of an X that repeatedly hits the enemy.) ~Rebellious Class~ Description- No-chan was training one day when she spotted a shadow in the forest of Ruben. She ignored it and kept training. As time passed, that shadow haunted her in her dreams causing fierce nightmares about her past. One night, she got sick of that shadow and called out to it. "Who are you and why are you doing this to me!?" She called out to no one. She looked around and waited for her answer. Suddenly, the shadow appeared before her as the identity of...herself. No-chan looked shocked at what she saw. "Nonoka...I am you, but a different you. I have watched over you since days ago and seen you become weak due to your fears. You want power right!?" The shadow called out to her. No-chan thought for a moment and shook her head. "I don't want power, but I want the ability to face my fears." She replied bravely. Nonoka knew that without facing her fears, she would never obtain true power. The shadow sighed and nodded. "Very well..I hope you grow stronger Nonoka.." The shadow told her as it engulfed her in darkness. She was now Yami Mistress, the mistress that wields the power of darkness. (Note-xDD Sorry if that didn't really make sense. I'm kinda made at this kind of stuff. My apologizes.) 2 Job Class- Demonic Ruler Description- When the El Search Party went to Velder for a visit, No-chan gets captured by Cloe as an hostage. During that time, Cloe tortured her until No-chan fell unconscious. She bruised, sliced, and cut. Insider her head was a void, a dark void with no exit. There was no Light, no justice, no positive emotions...She felt empty just like the void she was stuck in. The void she could never escape. Then a voice called out to her. "Nonoka...don't give up yet..there is still a way out of here...a way out of this void...". She looked up only to find nothing, no trace of that voice. "Who are you..and can you help me?" She asked begging. " I am a demon...a demon that used to be human..,but I died...I became a demon..,but then I was stripped of my powers. And I can help you..,but I need a source of power..something that can hold me.." The voice said again. Nonoka wasn't going to believe this demon so easily, but she had no choice. "Fine...You can be absorbed into my fan.., Kazeki just as long as I get out of here and you don't hurt anyone..Promise?" Nonoka asked. "Very well...Nice to meet you Nonoka...I'm Kuromi..The Demon of the Void of Souls..." Nonoka closed her eyes and broke free from the void. She became the new her "Demonic Ruler". She was freed from Cloe's grasp and she returned to the El gang with Kuromi and Kazeki... Skills- Demonic Exile(Using her demonic powers, No-chan summons Kuromi to slice her enemies and uses Kazeki to blow them away in a shape of an X.) Demonic Reaper Summon- Poisonous Current(Using Kazeki, No-chan creates a current of dark energy infused with wind to slice her enemies and ends with Kuromi casting a poisonous clouds around the area. Dark Fusion( Using her dark powers, she fuses Kuromi and herself together, resulting in her gaining a scythe and the power to reap souls. Her appearance doesn't change, but she wields a scythe in this mode and she wears a long dark black robe.) ~Transformed Class~ What are your favorite colors Aria?: White and Silver Top 10 Favorite animes: Yumeiro Patissiere, Kaichou wa maid sama, Pokémon(All the seasons up to Black and White), Kamichama Karin, Shugo Chara, Kirarin Revolution, Saint Tail, KamiKaze Kaitou Jeanne, Gakuen Alice, and Cardcaptor Sakura. I like and know a lot more animes but these are most favs! Some of my other favorite animes: Nagi no Asukara, My Little Monster, Special A, Nagareboshi lens, Cutie Honey(Its a really old anime, but I still like it), Fresh Precure( I love magical girl animes! xD), Pretty Cure/Precure, Naruto(I'm not really into it as much now), FairyTail(I've watched like only a few episodes, but I love it), Rosario x Vampire( I totally LOVE this ANIME!/manga), and etc. My thoughts on the classes: Chung-IP-never played before-Looks like a girl *snicker* She-He is pretty and unescapable in PVP with those combos. T_T. 3rd favorite Chung. *IRON PRINCESS* Ara-SD-She pretty-Has the smallest bust of all the Aras-Great in PvP-She the cute and energetic type-Reminds me of myself My Elsword(NA) Characters: ;P LIST YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS (OCs count) AND ACT AS IF YOU WERE ACTUALLY IN THE GAME (This is based on personality, backstories, and such not gameplay-wise. So hard to choose.) I got this from Kaleidoscopickitty! 1. Ara Then ask the following questions: What would you do if Number 1 woke you up in the middle of the night? Ara~ *Carefully opens my bedroom door* Hi Aria! I need some help from you! xDD. I wouldn't mind helping her, just as long as she explains how she came in here in the middle of the night. Even though Chung is the cutest, sweetest, little thing..he's still a male and males shouldn't come into the bathroom when a female is showering! o)3)o Number 5 cooked you dinner? Me~ Um..Raven? Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? Me~ *Stares* I never knew Elesis had this side of her! SO Cute~! *Turns around and nods to Eve* Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? Number 8 got into the hospital somehow? Me~ *Stares at Eve* Eve...how did you end up in the hospital in such a condition? Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1 do? It's your birthday. What does 3 get you? You're stuck in your house and it's on fire. What does 4 do? You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up?(I'm only 11, so how about I was rejected!) Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? You're dating 3 and he/she introduces you to his/her parents. Would you get along? (I'm not even old enough to date someone!) 07/5/15 07/31/15 8/14/15 8/22/15 9/1/15 10/29/15 |
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