-Feb. 11 xx21 Someplace just outside of Elder Village-
"Man it's cold tonight."
The winds would send a chill down my spine as I sat on a not so comfy bench. The tree that the bench was located under didn't help at all considering it's sinister appearance at night sending even more chills down my spine. I stared up at the clear sky, reaching for it I asked myself.
"Will she deny my confession?" Heat began to build up in my face from just thinking about said person. I couldn't help but chuckle imagining what kind of facial expression I was currently making.
-Earlier that day-
It's loud. It's unnecessarily loud. It's so completely utterly unnecessarily LOUD. So I believed.
"So did you you get all of that?"
Elsword said as he snapped his fingers in front of my face. Yes the source of the UNNECESSARILY loud noise was none other than the Elbrat.
"Ugh, yes i heard you! "I groaned waving my hands in the air with annoyance. "You're all heading down to the village to ready up for the upcoming trip to the Feita front, Ara is sleeping and Elesis is out somewhere training. Does that about cover it?"I said. Jesus ever since this guy hit 16 he's been getting rather cocky, maybe I should pull a prank on him for old time sake.
Staring me down from head to toe Elsword nodded his head in satisfaction, it's like he wanted to confirm that I could be left alone with 2 girls doing there own thing. Is this guy seriously second guessing about leaving me here? Gross, Well considering my current appearance I can tell why. Being that is was pretty early in the morning I looked rather sluggish than energetic, but hey when it comes to a good fight nobody's as energetic as me.
When Elsword finally decided to head out to the door I walked over to the couch, free falling I turned my head over to Elsword as everyone came together around him. By everyone I meant Raven, Chung, Rena, Eve, and Aisha. Does everyone really need to tag along for a quick run to the market?
Not wanting to use more brain power than necessary I slowly began to dose off, making my way to dream land I awoke around an hour later to the sound of Ara's charming voice.
"Morning Add." she said.
I quickly turned my head towards the direction of her voice. She was in the kitchen with her apron already on, looking for pots and pans as well as ingredients.
"We're did everyone go?" she asked while pulling out a small note pad from her aprons pocket.
I let out a loud sigh.
"They went to pick up supplies for the journey back to feita...what about you what's on the menu this time?" I asked, my mouth then began to slowly water at just the very thought of eating one of Ara's homemade dishes.
With a smile on her face she responded, "Steamed rice and miso soup with grilled salmon. Some sides of pickled vegetables and seaweed, I felt like having a home styled meal." Ho ho ho~ This kind of meal is Ara's specialty. The thought of drinking some of that steamy miso soup sent shivers of pleasure down my back, man does it feel good to be apart of this team!
[AN: The breakfast is a basic set up of a Japanese Styled breakfast.]
While cutting the vegetable Ara seemed to be a little spaced out, I sat up and asked, "What's wrong Ara?"
Placing her knife to the side she let out a faint sigh, "Just thinking back to what happened in feita. Do you believe that we stand a chance this time around?"
Thinking back to our fight in feita, it had been a month since we came back to Elder village to recover and retrain. What happened in feita couldn't be explained by anyone. The only information we ever got was that some unknown pair pulled us out of a rather tough spot that we got ourselves into. The events that transpired in feita couldn't be explained but with our return to the front lines we hope that those questions now have some answers to them.
In my own little daze I heard Ara's cute giggle, "Don't over think it so much Add, if you keep doing that you'll never find a woman you know?"
"I'm not over thinking it. Also I already have you on my mind so i'm not thinking about other woman."
Again Ara put her knife down. "Add...think about what you just said." Looking back at Ara I noticed that she was a bit red around the cheeks. Then it hit me. Ah, I spoke before thinking... Instantly I felt steam escaping from the top of my head. The beating in my chest sky rocketed.
"A-ah don't o-over think it! I-i-it was just a in a moment kinda thing! Y-y-ya know!" scratching my cheek I tried my best to hide the very fact that I just confessed my deep feelings for Ara unconsciously.
Making her way towards me Ara had removed her apron setting it down on the kitchen counter. Now her figure was towering over me as I sat straight up on the couch. "Care to c-clarify what you said just now?" Ara said with a bit of stutter in her sentence.
I felt bullets of sweat falling down the back of my neck, I know I can't run from this. What kind of man will just brush it off and say, Oh! It was just a joke! or That was meant for someone else. When nobody is here.
Seeing no escape I looked up at Ara directly in the eyes, she was trying her hardest to look back into mine.
"I...um" Feeling like the temperature in the room rose up, I tried my best to clarify my confession. "I l-like...you..." The very moment those words slipped out of my mouth a sudden energy ran through my body and I stood up, now towering over Ara I gripped her shoulders. A little surprised at my sudden action she lifted her head, her face redder than it was when I was under it's gaze.
"I-I don't just like you...B-but! I l-l-l-love you! A-all these years we've f-fought together I a-admired your strength and c-courage, before I knew it I had fallen for you." When all the energy ran out I had come to my senses. What kind of girly confession was that!? I had come to realize how feminine my confession sounded. Looking back at Ara I swear I saw steam above her head.
"T-this is v-very sudden!" she shouted while pushing me back. ACK! Falling back onto the couch then flipping with it I held the back of my head in pain. I deserve that to be honest.
Regaining her composure and I getting off my butt and facing her head on tried to hold a smile.
"A-add…..meet me at under the tree in Elder….l-later tonight…." Ara said sounding a little bit cold. She then made her way back to her room.
"That's….never good." I looked at the kitchen seeing a pot on the stove.
"And there goes breakfast as well." I cried out tears for the breakfast that never saw the light of day.
-Sometime in the Afternoon-
"So let me get this straight you confessed to Ara and now she won't come out of her room and she asked you to meet her tonight under that tree that's said to be a bad omen?" Aisha said while fidgeting with her hoodie.
I scratched the back of my head not being able to take on the stares coming from everyone.
When everyone had returned from shopping they came home to no breakfast and me standing in the living room in my own little depressed world, depressed for the food and depressed for my love life.
"Well I think it's wonderful that Add confessed to Ara but…it really was sudden from you...not to mention the spot she chose to meet up is a little…"
Wow Rena. thanks for the support but that massive blow at the end felt like a T.K.O.
"I know, I know I heard the stories of what happens to couples/ soon to be couples up their." I mumbled after being told the hard truth. To be honest that place is literally known for being a spot were couples break up! Heck! Starting today it'll probably be known also for denying future couples! Elsword then pats me on the back.
"Add those stories are just stories. I believe Amy from next door confessed under than tree and is still with the same man after all these years."
Raven agrees with this.
"Aye. I been there countless times with Rena and nothing bad has ever happened."
Rena blushed a little to Ravens sudden comment.
"Raven. You already know i still haven't accepted your confession." Ouch.
Raven held his chin wild nodding in agreement "Indeed. But i still have hopes. Also I promised." Oi. What was that last part that you said under your breath."
-That Evening-
Getting up after more lecturing by Aisha and Rena on what to do and not do I grabbed my dark violet coat and put my dynamos under it, checked my hair in the mirror and made my way outside. Seems like it's gonna snow today. I thought to myself while looking at the gray cloud in the distance.
After half an hour I had arrived at the top of the hill trying to make myself comfortable on the bench.
"..." I stared up at the tree.
"Man this tree looks scary during the winter."
After sometime I felt a nasty aura filled with blood lust around the area surrounding the tree. Getting up I reach out my left hand my dynamos forming a circle around it charging up particles for a Particle Shot.
I stared at the dark figure standing under the trees shade. A gust of wind blew by carrying with it a fragrance I knew too well. Stepping out of the shadows the figure that stood before me was the someone I had expected it to be.
"Elesis why are you here?." I Put my hand down my dynamos returned to their rightful place behind me. Before walking towards her I came to a halt after taking a look at her attire. It was different from the black leather attire she wore for the past year.
"Elesis? What happened? Red suites you but...this just isn't right. It should be something new and not torn all over." I said, I could feel a shiver down my spine.
"Oh this is nothing...But who knew I would see you hear" Elesis chuckled as her that aura I felt returned again. So it was you. I thought to myself.
Raising her claymore, she set it down on her shoulder while placing a hand over her mouth.
"Ah, no that just now was a lie. I knew that you would be here." Elesis muttered. She slowly began to walk towards me.
This isn't right. I began to charge up my particle shot. Looking down at my hand I saw Elesis hand resting on it. Her fingers wrapped tightly around my wrist.
I turned my head forward again and there she was, her face right before me filled with anger. Her eyes glowing with a faint yellow.
"What the fuck were you trying to do? Huh! Wanted to get the upper hand on me huh!? Think your strong and smart huh?" Elesis said while chuckling.
"N-nah, I don't know what your talking about." I tried to act like I didn't know what she was talking about but before I knew it Elesis pulled on my wrist and whispered into my ear. "I'm strong now too~" My eyes widened as a loud cracking sound could be heard.
I shouted in pain as all feeling in my left hand exploded with intense pain. "Aghhh!" I released my blood lust at Elesis in anger.
"Oh~ Did I put to much strength into that?~ Im so sorry-" As she was mocking me with my free hand I tried to punch her directly in the face.
But before contact I saw her smile as my arm flew past behind her. Staring eye wide, I turned my head to the right to see my arm gone and blood gushing out.
"Ahhhhh! Fuck!-" shouting at the top of my lungs the pain was unbareable, Elesis filled with anger gripped by head and slammed me against the tree repeatedly.
"Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut UP!" filled with rage Elesis continued. When it finally stopped I could barely stay awake. But I felt like she wanted me to stay conscious.
Throwing me on the ground I looked up at her, I could feel blood running down the back of my head. Towering over me Elesis rested her blade on my cheek.
"Try someone one more fucking time and you'll lose another limb." She said.
"Elesis...W-why..." I asked as my sight started to get covered by blood.
Brushing back the hair that got in her way Elesis laughed. "Why?! You ask such an obvious question." Pushing her blade deeper into my cheek drawing blood she continued, "I took my eyes off you for one bit! One bit! In that short moment you tried to take Ara from me!" Ramming her foot into my stomach Elesis sent me flying back into the tree. I couldn't even feel the pain...Just the lack of air.
"But what really irritates me is that you didn't confess just once, oh no no no, you grew some balls and confessed twice! Twice! Why don't I just remove those very balls from existance!" Again she rammed her foot with force but this time for my crotch, but I used my broken left hand to cover breaking it more.
"Agh..." I didn't have the strength to shout. "Seems you don't care about that left hand much huh?~" Elesis laughed digging her blade into my left shoulder.
"You are a pain!~ But before I kill ya I'll give you a little update on something~" kneeling down in front of me I stared up at Elesis with anger. But there was nothing I could do but just stare.
"I left sweet Ara laying in a pool of her own blood, to make sure nobody interrupted our little moment I also took care of those bastards!~" Elesis laughed.
"B-but don't worry I kept one alive because I need him for the future~ sure I would have killed him but ya know~ this life is a lonely one now that Ara is gone." standing up and drawing out her blade from my shoulder Elesis laughed towards the sky her expression so psychotic, but she wept tears of blood and i swear i could faintly hear sorrow in her laughter.
How could someone weep for those they killed.
Well. So funny thing is I rewrote this chapter differently a 3rd time but accidently close the tab so all the progress was lost. I tried writing a 4th time (which was now) but I left my good writing out because it's 1am and I was writing for 3hrs before hand. Anyways I rewrote it because I changed the story a little later on and I realized these early chapters don't follow the current story correctly. I'm trying to get corrections right while i'm writing but don't worry for errors~ i'll go back and forth with new and old material. Now I hope those who read this long ago enjoy the new content.
Shout out to those people. Chaos Champion Prime, Fiar no Fen, and Heimei I hope to receive feedback from you guys and I hope you enjoy the newish turn the story is taking.
P.S. Yes checking every chapter. Again QwQ