The Black Moon Chapter 35

Stats List~

Shiro-Umbreon-Level 49 Calm Nature, Equipped Item: Black Goggles

Kuro-Umbreon Level?, ?Nature, Equipped Item-Flames of the Ghost

Evo-Espeon-Level 47, Quirky Nature, Equipped Item:

Yukari-Sylveon-Level 42, Sassy Nature, Equipped Item:

Axel-Absol, Level 52 Mild Nature, Equipped Item: Absolite

Kyuna-Ninetails, Level 48 Serious Nature, Equipped Item: Prominence Bracelets Aria-Absol-Level 49 Naughty Nature, Equipped Item

Guest Party

Axe-Haxorus-Level 68 Brave Nature, Equipped Item: Dragon Fang

Riptide-Kingdra-Level 65 Timid Nature, Equipped Item:

"Watch it!" Axe hollered.

Above me was an Ursaring's gigantic brown paw coming down to crush my entire body but thanks to Axe's warning I managed to leap out of the way quick enough to avoid it. As I dodged, Axe leaped forward right in front of the beast's face.

"How do ya like a Dragon Claw!?" Axe howled, a blue flame blazed from his claws as he slashed downwards upon the Ursaring. The Ursaring howled in enraged pain as it recoiled backwards while covering its cut and singed eye with its paw. However, the Ursaring roared through its pain and charged directly at us, swinging its claws around wildly.

"Move, move, move!" I shouted at Axe and the both of us scampered around the fields attempting to avoid the Ursaring's giant paws. However the Ursaring's blows were forcing us backwards and it was only a matter of time before the both of us were cornered. I looked over to Axe and saw that he was attempting to summon another Dragon Claw but the Ursaring's paws kept distracting him from doing so. Before we even realized it, the two of us were cornered against a wall of trees. Once the Ursaring realized we were trapped it let out a triumphant ear-shattering roar and began charging straight at us with full force as it swung its paws around like fists rapidly.

"It's going in for a Close Combat!" I warned Axe. "I'll try for a Quick Attack into a Bite to make it flinch!" I shouted and dashed forward swiftly at sonic speed, dodging around the arms and slamming my body into its face. Afterwards I leaped onto its head using the Ursaring's snout as a launch pad and bit down roughly on its ear. "Do something now!" I roared in muffled shouts at Axe as the Ursaring attempted to slash at me on its head.

"Three steps ahead of ya!" Axe exclaimed, already in front of the Ursaring's snout. "If one Dragon Claw isn't enough for you then I'll just use…" Axe charged up another blue energy around his claws once more. "…a Double Dragon Claw!" the Haxorus let out a draconic roar while he slashed in an X shaped formation twice onto the Ursaring's face and in response it howled loudly in pain and fell completely on its back in recoil.

I jumped off just before impact and landed next to Axe. "Did we do it?" I breathed tiredly.

"No…I think it still has a last resort…" Axe clicked his tongue when we saw the Ursaring push itself back to its feet painfully as blood dripped from an X-shaped scar on its face and blue flames licked its burns. The Ursaring's eyes suddenly went wildly and it roared out angrily this time and then, in response, the two Ursarings fighting our other teammates roared loudly in response. Immediately the two Ursarings behind our target ignored our teammates and lumbered up to their leader. As soon as the three got together they slump their shoulders and glaring at us as the breath from their lungs began to become much more ragged and rough.

"All of you! Get to the entrance!" Axe hollered at our teammates behind the three Ursarings. "Shiro, stay with me." Axe whispered.

"What?! Can't we just pincer attack them here!?" Yukari shouted back, fatigue evident in her voice.

"Just go! Also, Riptide…!" Axe shouted quickly at the Kingdra. "I need you to do a small assist against one of the Ursarings then get the others to safety!"

The Kingdra nodded.

"Shiro!" Evo called for me desperately.

"Just go! Axe and I have got this covered! I'll be over soon!" I shouted over to her.

For a second she gave me a look of doubt and extreme worry but spurned herself towards the exit while grabbing Yukari in her jaws.

One of the Ursarings, noticing the others beginning to escape, broke out of its jarred state and lumbered towards them. However, the Ursaring was stopped as Riptide let out a beam of freezing energy at the Ursaring's feet, stopping it in its tracks.

"One detained…" Riptide muttered and then led the others to the exit.

"Alright Shiro, throw this into one of the other Ursaring's mouth before it notices its ally in distress while I take the one in the middle." Axe threw a small seed my way. I caught it and saw it to be a Blinker Seed. "This is an escape plan." He told me.

"Wait…" I was about to say something but I was unable to be given a chance to speak as the two remaining Ursarings roared, this time a booming crazed roar that sent shivers down my spine.

"Here we go, the two remaining ones are gonna use Thrash all against us. I'll be able to parry with the middle one for about a minute, you do what you I told you!" Axe shouted at me and charged straight forward at the biggest Ursaring who, in turn, charged at Axe roaring while raising its paws.

"Let's see which is better, your Thrash or my OUTRAAAAAAGE!" Axe's eyes suddenly turned wild and red as a blazing red aura exploded from him. The Ursaring roared and swung his paws downwards in an attempt to smash Axe but took straight on with his head and threw it aside then lunged at the Ursaring's chest and biting down upon the Ursaring's shoulder. The Ursaring roared loudly and grabbed Axe's chest then slammed him onto the ground while he was still attached to its shoulder. He then began to pummel into the Haxorus' chest with his clenched paws. Axe screeched in pain then slashed the Ursaring straight across the face with his claws then smashed both his claws into the back of the Ursaring's head forcing it downwards into the ground.

As all of this took place I realized the other free Ursaring was about to come its leader's aid (while the one whose feet have been encased in ice simply roared helplessly) and I suddenly remembered my initial job. I sprinted towards the other Ursaring, the Blinker Seed carefully held in my mouth as to not accidentally swallow it. This Blinker Seed should force the consumer to become blinded for a few minutes in which it cannot tell friend from foe. If I'm able to make my target successfully swallow it we can turn them against their leader.

I managed to outspeed the other Ursaring and get close to it, but the hard part was getting through its Thrash. I was confident in my resilience in taking a few hits but there were only so many I could actually take before knocking out and if I did then it would be game over for us. Once the Ursaring noticed the annoyance in its way it swung its arm down upon me and in response I side stepped the blow and jumped atop its arm. The Ursaring became absolutely enraged about this and began swinging its arms around wildly as I held onto its fur for dear life. My plan was simple; stab my claw into this Ursaring's skin to make it roar in pain then spit the Blinker Seed into the pits of its mouth. I breathed through my nose deeply, preparing myself for the action I was going to attempt. I nodded to myself and then extended my claws. The Ursaring suddenly roared again and swung its arm downwards, slamming my back into the ground. I hacked from the blow and as I opened my mouth, the seed flew straight upwards and onto the grasses next to me.

"Well there goes that plan…" I thought to myself seeing where the seed landed and then looked straight forward to see the Ursaring raise both of its arms together to crush me where I lay. My eyes widened in terror and I instinctively rolled clear out of the way of the blow before it crushed the grasses where I lay. The Ursaring, realizing it didn't hit anything of importance, roared angrily and began smashing everything around it from the grasses on the ground to the bushes around it. Great, this just got so much harder. I quickly picked up the seed once more and dashed towards the Ursaring. I wanted to avoid having the monster's attention focused on me whenever I could so while the Ursaring was swinging around in rage I put up one last plan.

"Darf Pulsh!" I let out a muffled call of the attack when I got close to the Ursaring and a slim dark wave dispersed from my body all around me including the spot where the Ursaring was in. Upon contact with the bear Pokemon, the Dark Pulse made the beast pause momentarily. I took that one split second to grab onto the Ursaring's stomach and then launch myself right in front of the Ursaring's face. We looked eye to eye for a moment before I spat the Blinker Seed straight into the Ursaring's mouth right before it was able to recover from the Dark Pulse and swat me away. The pain from the blow was burning throughout my body but I couldn't help but let out a grin because I still managed to get the Blinker Seed inside the thing's digestion. I forced myself to my feet to look at the after effect and saw that the Ursaring was still swinging wildly, but this time it was more of a confused motion than an angry one.

"Axe!" I looked over to see his situation and saw that the Haxorus was still exchanging blows with the Ursaring leader almost at equal strength. "I got it!" I shouted.

However Axe simply ignored me and roared at his opponent. Was this a side-effect due to his Outrage?

Suddenly, Axe bashed its head onto the Ursaring's and while the Ursaring was in a daze he grabbed the Ursaring's body and threw it at the blinded one. The blinded Ursaring, unable to see what was coming at it, was crashed into by the flung body of the largest Ursaring. The blinded Ursaring roared angrily once more and threw the largest Ursaring off of it and proceeded to pummel its leader senseless. After seeing this site I dashed over to Axe in worry, but also a bit warily as the Haxorus still had a disturbed look in his eye and blazing red aura emitting from him. Suddenly I heard the squishing of a berry and saw that juice from a Persim Berry was dribbling from Axe's jaw and horn. It seemed that he stuck a Persim Berry to his horn to be ready for the side-effects of confusion after the Outrage subsided.

"Gah! Ha…Ha…" Axe breathed raggedly after coming back to his senses and looked up at me. "I managed to make out that you got him in my Outrage, 'zat true?" he inquired through deep breaths.

I nodded. "They're beating each other senseless over there." I pointed at the two fighting Ursarings.

"Great, let's go join up with the others." Axe choked out and shakily began stepping towards the exit of the dungeon.

"Here," I muttered, letting the bent over dragon use my back as support.

"Thanks." Axe grinned as the both of us limped towards the dungeon. "Quite the back injury you have there though."

"He got me on my stomach too." I chuckled and then coughed upon having my body remember the injury. I then looked at the disabled Ursaring and saw that it was tapping the ice wrapped its feet cautiously with its claw. "In the name of Giratina's Wrath…" I muttered.

"What?" Axe looked at the same Ursaring. "Damn, is it going to…?"

Before Axe could finish his words the Ursaring clasped both its paws together and slammed them into his leg, shattering the ice. However, it seemed the Ursaring put too much force into the blow and ended up putting the brunt of the blow into its own leg as well. The disabled Ursaring disabled itself further but still managed to break itself free the ice.

"Come on!" I exclaimed and forced my body to move faster, but it was difficult to do so while supporting Axe and clenching my teeth through my injuries.

"Watch out! It's noticed us!" Axe shouted as the Ursaring realized we were about to escape. It roared angrily at us and began charging up an energy beam within its mouth.

"HYPER BEEEEAAAAM!" We shouted in panic upon realization what that energy beam was.

We began to force ourselves to run faster but our bodies were too sluggish and slow. "Damn, I've got no choice!" Axe suddenly picked out a seed from a crevice in between two of his armored plates and threw it in his mouth.

"Just how many damn items do you have on you?!" I exclaimed, a bit shocked about just how prepared he was.

"Quick Seed." He winked at me and then lifted me up with both claws and suddenly dashed at super sonic speeds towards the entrance. I dare look behind us and saw in absolute terror the terrible beam incinerating all the grasses behind us and reached all the way to the trees beyond, completely incinerating them. In addition to this, the Ursaring was having the beam follow us as Axe ran.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" I patted Axe's arm to indicate him to go faster.

"I'm running as fast as I can mon!" Axe yelled at me. "Almost….THERE!" Axe threw himself (along with me in his arms) out the exit of the dungeon and the both of us crashed onto the tough road outside of the forest. The ground blew up where we landed; dust and dirt flew around when we landed. I coughed and rolled over. Both Axe and I were out of breath but our lives were completely safe.

"Heh…" Axe grinned.

"Haha…" I grinned alongside him.

We both simply laughed there on the ground. Yeah, we just came out of a dangerous life threatening situation but…we were still alive and that was definitely something to laugh about.

"You…think those things are gonna come back out?" I asked through fits of mirth.

"Nah, what lives in the forest, stays in the forest." Axe shook his head. "Thank Arceus for that."

"Shiro!" I heard a voice call my name. I flipped my head behind us while on the ground and saw Evo and the others running frantically towards us.

"Shiro! Shiro!" Evo jumped atop me and rubbed her cheek to mine wildly. "You're alive you, you…"

"…you big stupid piece of Growlithe turd!" Yukari suddenly interjected. "Why the hell did you take the thing on alone?! We could've easily overtaken them!"

"But..." I was about to say something when Axe interrupted.

"I was trying to save time." Axe said, being helped to his feet by Riptide. "We may have been able to beat them but it would've completely wasted our energy. Do remember that our main mission is to help the village ahead of us from the Plate's Army, not take down the 'Three Bears of the Forest'" Axe breathed. "Since it was the only two of us we were able to expend less energy from the entire team and look…" Axe waved his hands to Riptide and the others. "…we still have a whole bunch of Explorers still full of energy and nearly unscathed."

"Well…" Yukari muttered.

"He's right," Kyuna put a paw on Yukari's back. "We're all still okay and that's all that matters." She told her.

"But what if you guys couldn't survive it though?" Evo asked worriedly, still on top of me.

"We did though." I said to her.

"But…" Evo looked downcast, which was rather cute if she just wasn't lying on my injured stomach.

"Hey, we're the current team leaders here; you should put a little more faith in us." I reassured her.

"Mm…alright then…but no more fighting alone!" Evo jumped off and of me and went back next to Yukari as I secretly let out a sigh of relief when my stomach was freed up.

Yukari puffed her cheeks, glared at me and then strutted away past Axel and Aria as Evo came closer.

"Well, now we're just wasting time here. Let's get going." I said to everybody, getting up a bit whilst wobbling.

"Here." Axel came up and helped support my body.


"Nice job surviving over there." He said.

"Heh, it was no problem." I grinned and looked down the road. A giant cerulean mountain coated completely in ice and snow was lying upon the horizon. "So that's the Ice Wall Mountain huh…" I thought. "It already looks intimidating from here…" I shook my head, I just went up against three Ursarings so I shouldn't be too afraid of a single mountain.

"Come on guys! Onward!"


Merry Early Christmas guys! Your late update is here! How are you all holding up? I tried to do one of those special double chapter update thingies so that you guys can read a chunk in one go!

So Shiro and his roundabout team of misfits finally escape the forest and are on their way to the Ice Wall Mountains! What will they meet there and what mysteries will behold from those icy caverns?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope you are all able to wait for the next one patiently! Goodbye!