Hi people this is my first fanfiction :D
Elsword: Great! we all get to see you fail and cry yourself to sleep.
Ara: Elsword,dont be so mean
welp time to begin the chapter!
Elsword-Rune Slayer
Aisha-Dimention Witch
Rena-Wind Sneaker
Raven-Blade Master
Eve-Code Empress
Chung-Iron princess (get it? huh get it?)
Elesis-Crimson Avenger
Add-Master Mind
so once upon a time there lives the peaceful EL gang...
maby not so peaceful
but welll,
everyone was complaining about how their clothes look so old anf=d they wanted new ones but nobody agreed to make new ones for them.
now let the story begin!
"hey guys i found a new spell that makes all of us new clothes! Shall i try it on you guys?" Aisha told the EL gang. "Yeah sure why not." they replied.
Aisha then raised her staff and said some random magic words. Light swirled all around her and POOF. "ow my chest feels so tight"Rena elclaimed. When the mist cleared, they realise that they were wearing each other's clothes! And the magic had prevent them from taking it off!
Elsword wan wearing Eve's clothes
Aisha was wearing Elsword's clothes
Rena was wearing Aisha's clothes
Raven was wearing Ara's clothes
Eve Was wearing Raven's clothes
Chung was wearing Rena's clothes
Ara was wearing Elsword's clothes
Elesis was wearing Chung's clothes
Add was wearing Elesis's clothes
"I WANT PANTS NOT LEGGINGS!" Add sceamed "WELL AT LEAST THE CLOTHES FIT YOU! MINE IS SO TIGHT AT MY BOOBS" Ara screamed. and well elsword and the other boys were way too busy whining about how they got a girls outfit. "AISHA FIX THIS!" someone said. Aisha raised her staff again but a flying cat suddenly snatched her staff right out of her hands.(yes a flying cat) The cat then dropped a note.
Rena went over to pick it up. She silently read it and went quiet. "what did it say?" Ara asked. It read:
took your staff
and if you want it back
meet me at Mount Elios
"uh...Time to go hiking i guess..." Rena said.
thanks for reading people. do please review i would appreciate it very much. When i get 5 review i'll make a new chapter :D