Chapter ten

"How did you get into my family's archive?"

There was a deafening silence in the room, where the two current people in question dare not move. Then Lento, the older one of the two stood up, adjusting his collar.

"I got access from Adel," the older boy stated. "Anyway, we will be on our way now."

Grabbing Lucy's hand, Lento stormed over to Aisha, about to walk past her, but her hand grabbed his collar.

"Only Glenstids have access to this archive, even with Adel's permission," Aisha stated. "So let me ask again. How did you get into my family's archive?"

Lucy was about to say something, but her brother placed his hand over her mouth gently.

"That's quite simple really," he said darkly. "Glenstid is my mother's maiden name. Now if you excuse me, I rather not stick my nose into pointless situations."

Again, he tried to push past, but this time, Ara grabbed him by the neck, growling in the process. A row of canine teeth appeared in her teeth, like an uncaged beast.

"You are disrespecting the head of the Glenstid family," she growled, tightening her grip over Lento's neck. "Choose your next words carefully."

Lento raised an eyebrow, unsheathing the blade from his back. Seeing this, Ara jumped back instinctively, raising her hands in a combat stance.

"Aisha I warned you once that you are out of your league," Lento warned. "Let us pass if you don't want a repeat of the incident in Lanox. Without any magic, you or your servant won't stand a chance against me."

Aisha glared, standing her ground.

"I refuse," she said.

Saying that, Aisha rushed at Lento, lashing out with a kick towards his head. To which he blocked with his sword, the sound of metal clashing.

"Steel capped boots," Lento muttered. "I guess you actually want to do some serious damage. It's a pity that you still do not know your own boundaries."

He rushed at Aisha, but Ara jumped in between, reaching down towards her thigh for a thin baton. She pulled it out, and the parts began to expand into a weapon. With a final click, the metal spear deflected the blade with ease, forcing Lento to take a step back.

Lucy watched as the three fighters rushed at each other, Lento swinging his sword while Aisha reered another kick at his head, and Ara attempting a sweep at his legs.

Lento blocked Aisha's kick with his own leg, while using his sword to block Ara's spear. Ara and Aisha tried to push their attacks further while Lento seemed to be using no effort at all.

Doing a small hop, Lento swung his other leg into Aisha, sending her flying into the archive shelves. Reacting to this, Ara spun her spear, taking a step back, before aiming for his head. Lento ducked just in time, the blade barely passing by his head.

The two clashed with their weapons a bit, their display of skill with their weapons would have made anyone stare in awe.

But it was clear that Lento had the advantage, as Ara was forced to just block, leaving no openings for any form of counter attack.

With the last strike, Lento flicked his wrists, breaking Ara's grip over the spear, before kicking it out of her hands. Pinning her to one of the archive shelves with his blade against her throat.

"You can't win," Lento said once more, dropping his guard. "Why bother fighting?"

"Because, it is our mistress's bidding."

Surprised, Lento turned around, and into Eve's incoming punch, causing him to stumble slightly. Beside him, Add and Lu leapt at Lento. Add grabbed the sword, while Lu bit into his hand, forcing him to let go. Once stealing the sword, Add threw it behind him, to where Ciel caught it expertly.

Lento glared, ignoring the pain from the bite before taking a step away from the group.

"Alright then," Lento said. "Lucy I need another sword."

"Brother, please stop fighting," Lucy called out.

"They started this fight, so I'm going to end it. Now give me a sword!"

Lucy shook her head, instead grabbing the circular amulet around her neck. She chanted an inaudible phrase. The centre opened, and it released a blue glow. Everything but Lucy was lifted into the air.

"What the hell is this?!" Add shouted.

There were similar cries of confusion from the others, but Lento just glared at Lucy.

"Lucy," Lento said. "Turn it off."

"No brother," she replied. "I won't. What your doing is not right."

"Lucy you let me go this instant! You know why I am doing this!"

"I know you are angry brother…you have every right to be, but they aren't your enemies. So please just…ask for their help."

Lento's eyes widened at the proposition. He bit his lip.


"For mother."


There was a brief silence in the room, before Lento's expression softened, closing his eyes. At first nothing happened as Lucy just watched Lento. Then reluctantly, the centre of Lucy's amulet closed, and everything dropped to the floor.

Slowly everyone rose to their feet, their eyes still taking in the events that just occurred. The archives were a mess, with books and shelves everywhere.

Aisha glared at the younger boy, her fist clenched.

"This isn't over Lento," she muttered, rising to her feet.

"Yes it is," a voice interrupted, halting Aisha in her tracks.

Everyone turned to face the ponggo standing in the doorway. Seeing him, Aisha, Lento and Lucy bowed respectably. Seeing this, the rest followed suit.

The ponggo was wearing a green shirt and hood, a brown belt tightly wrapped around his waist, spouting multiple pockets. In his hand was a smoking pipe, to which he popped into his mouth.

"Not only did you make a mess in the archives, but you attacked a fellow member of the Glenstid family," Adel stated before withdrawing the pipe and letting out a small puff of smoke. "Imagine if your father saw you now Aisha."

The young head of the family clenched her fist tightly, looking down at the floor. She shuffled her feet around uncomfortably, having not felt shame ever since her father died.

"You too Lento," Adel continued. "I have never met you before, but I can tell you weren't lying when you said you were a Glenstid. Nonetheless, just because you wield strength, doesn't mean you should flaunt it whenever you can."

Lento bowed his head even lower, unable to look at Adel's eyes.

"Yes sir."

Satisfied, Adel cleared his throat.

"You can all stop bowing, we Ponngos believe in equality. We should leave the archives, I'll send people to clean it up in the meantime."

Everyone nodded, standing up.

"Come with me Aisha, Lento," he stated. "As for the rest of you, I ask that you have a nice stay in Altera."

Everyone shared confused expressions, but none of them questioned his decision.

Today was not a good day for Aisha. First she finds the only person she ever considered her enemy in her family's archives. Second, she is prohibited from fighting (killing) him, for whatever goddamn reason. The most she could make do with, is glare at Lento, who was doing his best to ignore her glares.

Adel, who was leading the two of them towards one of the upper towers staircase seemed to notice the hostility that remained.

"Aisha, I advise that you try and get along with Lento," he said. "Your focus should be more on the Nasods than petty fights."


"Aisha, you could learn a lot from him."

The Adel turned around to face the young girl, as if waiting for her response to his suggestion. She stopped, shocked at such a suggestion.

"You expect me, to learn from someone who nearly killed me?!" she screeched.

"If I truly wanted you dead, you would be. I was merely showing you that you were too weak," Lento grunted.

The purple haired girl glared at him, a dangerous glint in her eyes. She poked him with her finger and took a step closer to the taller boy.

"I'm Aisha Glenstid, head of the Glenstid family. I'm known as the Elemental Master of Hamel. One of the strongest magicians alive."

Lento scoffed, not showing signs of being intimidated. He crossed his arms, a look of amusement all over his face.

"You are so naïve," the taller boy stated.

"Now that's enough," Adel interrupted before the conversation could get worse. "Aisha. Lento. This is important. Right now as we speak, the Nasods are gathering their strength. Soon they will organise into an army and no doubt they will come to retake their home."

There was a harsh silence as the two magicians took time to let the information sink in. Their attention was fully focussed on the old ponggo.

"Which is why Aisha, I think it's time that you visit your fathers vault."

The forest mountain region in Feita seemed to quiver as Rena marched through. A look of annoyance was clearly on the blonde woman's face, as she had been marching through the forests for nearly a day now.

Her ears perked up towards a sound of a twig breaking, to which she stopped walking. Suddenly she whipped around and fired a large blast of light from her hand.

"Woah there!"

A black portal appeared out of mid air, absorbing the light easily, before disappearing almost immediately. Glave lowered his hands to his side, a large sigh escaping through his mask.

"Do you have to be aggressive all the time?" he asked, shaking his head mockingly.

Rena raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"You do realise that you snuck up on me in the middle of a forest famous for it's magical beasts," Rena answered. "Not to mention that you could have been a Nasod."

Glave shrugged his shoulders.

"It was just a statement," he defended.

There was a brief silence, before Rena sighed and turned back around, before continuing to walk up the mountain. Glave followed suit, soon walking beside the blonde woman.

"Why did you ask for me to come?" Rena asked.

"Wait and see," Glave answered. "It's just up ahead."

Rena peered ahead, finally seeing a stonewall come into view. The closer the two got, she could see it was a fortress of some kind. A small one, but it was in a terrible condition. Some of the walls had crumbled, and moss covered the majority of the walls that remained.

"What is this place?" Rena wondered. "Glave where are we?"

"Rena I will explain. Just follow me for now."

The two continued past the walls and entered what appeared to be a courtyard, littered with countless blow out torches. In the centre of the courtyard was a staircase leading underground, to which Rena and Glave walked down.

"Rena, could you please-"

The blonde woman interrupted with a click of her fingers, creating a ball of light out of midair, lighting up the darkness.

"Thank you," Glave stated, continuing down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs was an underground room, with a giant doorway. On the doorway is a circle of multiple jewels, with one evidently missing.

"Jewel's representing all the elements of the world…" Rena murmured. "Is this-"

"The lost tomb of Vanessa, the first Elemental Master," a female voice called out.

A sudden chill entered the room and Rena's ball of light flickered slightly. The sound of faint footsteps over the clink of metal could be heard. Rena and Glave turned around, as a purple haired woman emerged from the staircase.

Her hair was tied into two rings, and she wore a blue and white dress, with hints of gold. She wore a pair of thin metal boots.

Rena's normally calm face distorted into one of anger. She drew her blade before rushing at the purple haired woman.


A/N: I know I feel really evil leaving another chapter on a cliff hanger, but I promise to clear a lot of questions in future chapters.