Don't Cry.

Ara- Sakra Devanam

Aisha- Elemental Master

Elsword- Infinity Sword

Eve- Code Nemesis

Ciel- Royal Guard

Add- Mastermind

Everyone else is on a mission.

The Elgang watched at the dining table as Aisha cried.


" Elsword, just say sorry." Ara put her hands on her ears and leaned into Ciel, who was on her right side.

Ciel put a arm around Ara.

" This is driving me insane." A certain Mastermind said from the left side of Ara.

" I agree." Ciel said. " Wait, weren't you already insane, Add?"

Ciel and Add started a staring contest.

" The solution to this is giving back her bacon, Elsword." Eve said.


Add sighed and looked away from Ciel. " Fine. Aisha, I'll give you my bacon so don't cry." He slid his plate over to her.

" R-really? Thanks Add, your the best!"

Ara flicked away a tear. " That's love right there."

And that is the story of how Add developed a crush on Aisha.

XD just something I thought about real quick.

What girl wouldn't cry if their bacon was taken?

Well, me I don't eat pork...

I made this so I could be a beta.

I want to help y'alllllllll~