Author has written 27 stories for Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Batman, Rise of the Guardians, Spectacular Spider-Man, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman the Animated Series, Gotham, Justice League, Saints Row, Batman Beyond, Overwatch, Batman, and Undertale.
No gimmick here, I just write because I love doing it. I'll take any review or flame, no matter how horrible, you could call me a prick and I wouldn't care, I just want to know what people think. My stories will almost always at some point include swearing and I am fully obsessed with my OC 'The Mighty Sorceress'.
I am a Batman/DC Comics geek, and I tend to stay on the villain's side of things, DC or not. I just find that the villains are always more interesting or badass than the heroes.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist (especially when it comes to spelling and grammar) and for every one story I post, there's about twelve hundred more on my computer.
If I don't update a story for a long period of time it's either because I've run out of ideas or I have an idea that I don't know how to build a bridge between where I last updated and the part I want to write.
For those of you wondering about my strange story submission schedule (or lack there of), I only have the school internet to use and almost never have access to wifi at home. Therefore, it is very unlikely that I will be able to submit, respond to PMs or reviews or anything else during school holidays (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
NOTE: If you're looking for the 'Originals' AU, it has been deleted. No one liked them and no one was reading them, so there was no point in keeping them.
Thoughts I've Had While Watching Mayhem Of The Music Meister!
1. How do Clock King, Gorilla Grodd and Black Manta decide to team up in the first place? They all had different goals in life, so their plan was pretty much only something Gorilla Grodd would do.
2. Why are Green Arrow, Aquaman and Black Canary the first ones to try to stop Clock King, Grodd and Manta's plan? Isn't Batman the one that jumps in first to stop worldwide threats?
3. Even though they're sort of looking surprised, they all seem pretty chill about how they're all suddenly singing.
4. Once again, NPH is the first cast for the guy with the perfect singing voice (Prince Gumball reference).
5. When Music Meister is first singing about how everyone fawns, the heroes and villains under his control are doing some weird cheerleader shit. How? They aren't all trained acrobats!
6. Why is Batman not doing anything? Clearly his crimefighter mates are in trouble, so why is he just sitting there like a lazy douchebag?
7. When they're all loading the strange ball thing into the rocket, am I the only one that flinched at Black Canary's butchered note? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the episode again and listen really closely.
8. Seriously, how come Black Canary sang (relatively) well in Birds Of Prey (song from The Mask of Matches Malone), yet she makes me want to rip my ears off now?
10. Okay, why is Music Meister doing that weird high notes contest with Black Canary? Does he want to see how high she can sing?
11. How could a villain that's only just appeared not have heard about Black Canary's canary cry? Seriously.
12. If you need earplugs to not fall under M.M.'s control, why was Batman not affected earlier? He should have been singing and dancing too!
13. Dance fighting. Okay, how the fuck are they all doing this? I get that they're hypnotised, but come on, THEY ARE NOT TRAINED DANCERS!!
14. One button to launch the rocket. Hmm... (I can imagine the janitor cleaning up and he suddenly falls and presses the button by accident and launches the rocket. That's how easy it is.)
16. Phantom Of The Opera reference.
17. Whoever spends that much time cutting out generic cardboard people just to put them in theater seats and play in front of them has some real problems. Just saying.
18. Isn't the plan explaining monologue supposed to be during a death trap scene or something? Like, when the villain is sure that the hero's about to die?
19. Does The Music Meister ever accidently set off his organ smokescreen by mistake?
20. When the smoke was coming out of the building, it was strange no one seemed to notice it and think 'That's strange' or maybe 'Holy crap that building's on fire call 000!'.
21. Okay, how did M.M. get that motorcycle and where do I get one?
22. Holy crap it's a helicopter now?! This is nuts and I want it so much more now.
23. (During 'If Only') Yes because it's possible to have everyone except one person stuck in a slow motion scene.
24. Pretty (and I use the term loosely) girl falls for the protagonist cliche.
25. Swinging your hand slowly at people does not knock them out. I've tried, it just doesn't.
26. Oh my god that outfit (drool)!
27. Love triangle cliche.
28. Black Canary is suddenly right in front of Music Meister despite the fact that not five minutes ago she was standing on an extremely distant roof.
29. Only now does Black Canary notice that M.M. is singing too.
30. It is at this point that I have made a mental to always mute Black Canary during this episode because of her god awful singing. (Do not listen to 'You sir don't make me swoon!' with earbuds in. It will hurt.)
31. Well, Meister certainly got over that heartbreak easily.
32. Unnecessary close-up on Batman's chest.
33. How does M.M. get all of these amazing outfits? Can he sew?
34. Pretty sure that if you have a mohawk it doesn't turn into a quiff or whatever that is just because you've ran your hand over it. HAIR DOES NOT GROW BACK THAT QUICKLY.
35. (Seeing M.M.'s death trap unfold) Holy crap. Just, wow. This dude really wants them dead.
36. Seriously?! You have acid and lasers and a frickin' bomb, but you don't remember to take Batman's belt away? That's, like, rule one of trying to kill Batman. YOU ALWAYS TAKE AWAY THE BELT.
37. "Was the singing really necessary?" Fuck you Batman, this is a musical.
38. "And bad reviews." BURN.
39. So, wait, Green Arrow woke up so he wouldn't hit Black Canary? Let me guess, 'love is the most powerful force of all'. This is Batman, not fucking Disney.
40. I now give Music Meister the most brilliant plan award. Not even The Joker has gotten this close to ruling the world.
41. "Now it's time for you to shine." FUCK. YOU. We've already established she doesn't like you, so MOVE ON (I'm still available by the way).
42. Did anyone else see the really creepy guy in the background?
43. "She'll have to sing as high as me." I love how M.M.'s like 'Da fuck is this shit?'
44. What the fuck.
47. (Batman uses grappling hook to grab M.M.'s staff) Why did he just let it go? Is he so shocked that Batman's singing that he just watches his staff as it's pulled from his hand?
48. M.M. should have seen this coming. He saw what happened last time he tried to sing higher than Black Canary.
49. "I was only able to match your voice using this bat auto-tuning amplifier." HE CHEATED! THAT DOUCHEBAG CHEATED!!
50. (If Only Reprise) We get it, you have a thing for Batman. Shut up already.
51. (Green Arrow suddenly starts singing) Character no one cares about takes center stage.
52. (If Only Reprise) Is this supposed to be sweet and romantic or something? Because I just found it boring and annoying.
53. Stuff is crashing down around their heads and they don't give a flying fuck.
As the end credits play, I stand and applaud, singing along to the final chorus of 'Drives Us Bats'.