Gotham City

A rusty door opened with a loud creak, cobwebs that had formed over it broke. The soft padding of sneakers echoed throughout the abandoned music theater.
At had been left untouched for over year, not since the Music Meister had conducted his scheme to rule the world. At least, not by city officials or by the general public.
But now, by an unassuming young woman with short black hair and a leather coat. Her face was pale, and her bottom lip was tucked between her teeth, nervous.
Johanna, had never broken into a building before in her life. Not that it was breaking in, technically, but the doors were unlocked, and no one was using it anyway.
No one wanted a 'dirty' building. And as an architect, she was curious as to the state of one of the more modern music halls in Gotham.

She dug around in her deep pants pockets for her keys, where a small flashlight was. She turned it on, waving it around to at least get the gist of where she was.
She was back stage, among piles of rope ands lighting fixtures, down the way from the costume department. Dusty, mothridden costumes hung on dirty silver racks.
Johanna slowly made her way toward the main lighting system. It was covered with dust and gave a sharp squeak as she flipped a lever.
She flinched and looked around, knowing that know one was there. Johanna shook her head and flipped a few more switches. The stage erupted, although slowly, with light. It nearly took her breath away. The stage was dirty, and a few lights had fallen from the ceiling, breaking the floor and themselves.

"I bet the Music Meister put those up," she thought with a chuckle. She strolled onto the stage, staring in wonderment at it and checking to make sure if there was any other damage to the stage and ceiling. If she could have her way and get a few grants, she would've remodeled and sold the place years ago.
While looking at the cieling, she stepped down and slipped foward a few inches. She slammed her other foot down to catch herself, and looked down. It looked like a silk sheet. She picked it up and studied it, running her fingers over it, and wrinkled her nose in disgust as a moth flew from it. She held it from her and shook it out. It was a cape with green music notes on it,and although dirty, still shone beneath the stagelights. Johanna gasped, recognizing the notes at once. The cape fell from her hands.

"The…the Music Meister's…cape?"

She backed up a few inches. Wouldn't a criminal like the Music Meister take his cape? She really didn't understand criminals. She picked it up again, and walked
to the organ. She placed the cape over the bench and walked back toward the center stage. She found herself humming a random song as she glanced over at the somewhat creepy cardboard cutout people in the seats.
"Someone certainly had time on their hands. And a complex..."

She for some reason found herself start singing, just something that she heard on the radio earlier that day. She never really sang aloud; she always felt a little embarassed by her voice. What she didn't realize how loud she was actually singing, and that someone was listening.

As she faded off, someone began to clap behind her. She jumped ans spun around in fright to view the stranger.

"The Music Meister…"

"The one and only dear."

"You…you're supposed to be in Arkham!"

"Believe it or not, everyone escapes from there eventually."

She turned and started to run away when he started singing. She stopped on a dime, and felt her mind blank out.

"The Music Meister…hears a voice, so free and so calm…

The Music Meister…is here to help the voice bloom

This voice shall be key…to everyone's doom…"

He watched in wicked glee as the young woman started to dance to his song. He sauntered up to her and grabbed one of her hands, spinning her around.
As she came to face him, he placed a light green and white card in her other hand.

"Until we meet again puppet. Now go home and forget about meeting me…what happens next…is for time too see…"

The girl made her way toward the door, still hypnotized. It wasn't until she actually got to the entrance to her building that she snapped out of it.

"That was weird….what's this?"

She looked at the card in her hand.

"The Music Meister requests you to come and chat. 10 pm. The old music hall…"

She almost threw the card in the trash. Her? Conversing with a criminal? It sounded absurd. How would her relatives on the police force react? How would her parents react?

She looked at the card once more and placed it in her pocket. What harm could a little chat do?