Author has written 13 stories for Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Avengers, and Avengers. So, my Pen Name is Turtlegirl13, now. Why? Not really sure why I changed it exactly, but everyone knows me as the "turtlegirl", the girl who is obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. When I say obsessed, I mean I'm insane. You could ask anyone who knows me. They'll agree with my statement of my sanity. The thirteenth is actually my favorite number so that explains that.'s some stuff about me. Hobbies: Singing, listening to music, and of course, reading and writing fanfictions Favorite Color: Blue (duh) Favorite Book: Vampire Academy Favorite Anime: Sword Art Online Favorite Manga: Tokyo Ghoul Favorite YouTuber: PEWDIEPIE (how doesn't love that guy?) *BROFIST, Cryaotic *Sup* Favorite Game: The Last of Us (Never played it, but I watched Pewds), Beyond: Two Souls (Loved Cry's playthrough) Favorite Turtle: Leonardo Favorite Hero: Bucky Barnes So my first fanfiction, I'd like to build on that as it's own universe. That means sequels (because everbody loves sequels) and one shots. I'm opened to ideas so shoot me a PM about something you want to see, or, uh, read. X) Unfortunately, it takes me a little while to get a story up, but it's only because I like to have the fic just about done so I don't start one and leave y'all on the edge of your seats. I'm doing you a favor, trust me. Thanks for reading or checking out my stuff! :D |
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