Leo, as was his norm, woke first. But it was till very early, even for him. After looking at the clock, which showed half past two, he turned back to Vicky who was still curled in his arms.
He watched her for a while. Just drinking in the sight and feel of her. Even if her face and body was covered in her battle wounds, the sight of her still did his heart good. He kissed her hair softly before very, very carefully slipping out of the bed. All she did was sigh softly, made a few mumbling noises, and settled right back down.
He gave her a soft smile, then walked over to the fire and laid more wood. What was left was just a red hot coal bed. After poking around a bit the fire flared back to life, and Vicky's body was now illuminated in the soft, golden glow.
The candles had burned out a while ago so this was the only light in the room. He felt a pang as he watched her again, she looked so beautiful in the light of the fire, even with all of her wounds. The comforter caught between her legs as she rested on her side, her face at peace as she once more shifted. This time rolling her shoulders back onto the mattress, with her arm sliding over her head on the pillow. She sighed softly, and went still. The comforter now seeming to tease as it barely covered her body, following the line of her curved hips and nothing else. He wished he was able to capture this image permanently somehow.
He leaned against the mantle, arm over the top frame as he returned his gaze to the flame, now absently poking the fire again with the poker. Not really accomplishing anything, nor wanting too. It was a means to occupy a restless hand while his mind wandered. To a lot of things. What to do with Karai, how were they going to handle this new situation. Bebop and Rocksteady also needed to be dealt with. Not to mention Stockman was still hiding out somewhere. That one still had a bounty on his head as far as Leo was concerned.
Nothing was really solved, but thinking kept him from watching her, and getting slowly angry as he had been the last few days at the condition she was in. Remembering the bustle in this very room as she was carried in, covered in blood, bruises and filth. It took everything he had to keep from confronting Karai.
As far as he should be concerned, Karai wasn't worth it anymore. It was just that his protective instincts had been seriously tried over a long period of time with that woman.
There was a very soft knock on the door and it opened just a crack. "You decent?" Came a soft, but very familiar voice.
"Give me a moment, Raph."
Leo walked over to the chair that held his own bag and pulled out a pair of sleeping pants that he quickly pulled on, then walked over to the bed, untangled Vicky from the comforter with a smile, and covered her. Careful to make sure she wasn't going to get to warm. The fire was kept lit so she didn't chill, but that was a very thick comforter. She was in a very delicate state, because of her boosted healing and without Donnie in here to control her temperature, Leo had to play it carefully. He settled with covering her from breasts to just under her torso. He just hoped she wouldn't shift again.
"Come on in, Raph."
The door opened and he came in, followed by Mikey.
"How did it go?" Leo walked over towards them, then motioned them to have a seat in the sitting area by the bed.
"A bit both ways." Ralph flopped into a chair with an annoyed expression. "Everyone was thrilled that we found ya, but I had to deal with whiney kids that really wanted their parents."
"Raaaph..." Leo chided his brother. "They were worried and more than likely miss us. It was expected."
"Yeah, yeah." Ralph waved it off as Mikey sat down. "I get it. I told them you'd come home as soon as Mommy over there got this all figured out. At least they know you two are ok. Might not hurt to give them a call when you can."
"I will." Leo promised. "Now that she is awake, we shouldn't need all these Foot members in here. It will be easier to make that call. As much as they are missed, I don't want their presence known to the Foot."
"I figured as much." he growled, dropping an elbow on the armrest and plopping his chin in his hand.
Leo looked at him curiously as he poured them some drinks. A beer for Raph, soda for Mikey and Leo hung a teapot on a hook next to the fire. Nifty set up actually he thought as he pushed the hook around to where the teapot was almost directly in the fire. Almost immediately he heard the sound of the water heating up. "What is wrong with you? I'm sure upset kids didn't put you in this foul of a mood."
It was then Mikey, who had been quiet sofar, probably so as to not wake the sleeping woman, laughed. His grin lighting up his face. But he was very careful to keep the volume down. "He got a bit of a nasty surprise when we got back home."
Mikey opened his drink. "Yeah. I guess Cris had a visitor."
Leo raised a brow as Raph scowled. "Go on."
"And I'm guessing he wasn't a welcome one. An old ex. He showed up and gave Cris some serious problems. He learned the hard way that might have been a major blunder." Mikey leaned back in his seat, placing a foot on the cushioned ottoman, and Raph immediately slapped it back off.
"Keep your grummy shoes off of the fancy furniture."
Mikey rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Raph had to go dig around in her trunk for something, and was in for a nasty shock when he popped it open to find this dude stuffed in there. Tied up, gagged, blindfolded and looking like he had the shit stomped out of him so bad Kit Kat had to fix him up before Cris could stuff him in there. Turned out to be not far from the truth, because apparently Cris had Beast stomp all over the guy."
Leo just stared at them. Mikey was grinning while Raph kept scowling. After taking a few moments to let the shock wear off, he asked "Where is he now?"
"Raph tossed him into a passing cargo train just outside of town. After he got his own punches in along with a warning that if he ever comes back he'll finish the job and the dude won't walk away from it next time."
Leo stared and Raph actually managed to look a bit sheepish, then dreamily proud. "Cris fucked him up good... I love that woman, you know that?"
Leo facepalmed. He was about to go into a long lecture about why this was all asking for trouble, but a groan came from the bed and he straightened and turned in Vicky's direction. His eyes watching her intently.
She didn't wake up, but she had shifted in her sleep again, and it seemed that one of her bruises had sprung to life to cause her some pain. He immediately moved over towards where Donnie left all his medical supplies.
"She ok?" Mikey asked, both brothers had a look of worry on their faces.
Leo nodded. "She's mending very well. But some of those bruises on her are nasty." Leo picked up a tube and squeezed some thick, pasty cream into his hand. He rubbed his palms together for a moment to warm it, then went to her and began to apply it onto her battered body. Being very careful to keep her modesty as he shifted the comforter around to get all of the large, deep purple spots. "Donnie fixed this up for her. It seems to ease the pain well enough but it has to be applied at regular intervals."
"Heard she woke up earlier." Ralph settled back down, Leo obviously had this under control and Vicky soon settled back down again. "She seem ok with the shock now?"
"For the most part. The only thing really bothering her with the whole idea is, she really doesn't know what to do with an entire clan."
Raph flashed a grin as Mikey chuckled. "Can't really blame her. I wouldn't know what to do either."
"I don't think anyone really knows." Leo lifted the comforter and reached a hand underneath to coat a bruise on her stomach. "This is going to take some adjusting all around."
"Things will work out." Ralph took a swig of his beer. "At least they aren't out wronging rights and stealing candy from babies."
"Or jaywalking." Mikey added.
Leo chuckled lightly, then stopped when Vicky groaned again. When he noticed her eyes flutter open tiredly, he made sure to keep the covers in place as she shifted. "Hurts..." She mumbled out.
"I'm working on it already." Leo reassured her. "Turn onto your side so I can get the bruises on your back."
She nodded and rolled, Leo once more guarding her modesty as she did. She then froze, blinking at the two brothers sitting there.
"And we have visitors." Leo slid his hand underneath the covers again.
"I see that." Came the exhausted sounding mumble. Then it dawned on her that she was still naked under the thick cover and she squealed and clutched them tighter to her.
"Stop that." Leo chided her gently as the brothers chuckled at her expense. "Just stay under the blanket. I didn't dress you because of this very reason. The cream has to get put on, Dear one."
She sighed quietly, but nodded. Her eyes already drooping again. Sure enough, she was asleep moments later.
"She's really tired." Mikey noted. "You helped her along with that, didn't you." He grinned.
Leo paused, his head turning slowly towards Mikey.
"Ah, forget I said anything."
"I'll do that."
"Idiot." Ralph rolled his eyes.
Leo shook his head with a smile. It felt good to be going back to normal. Well, as normal as this family got anyway.
"Ninjara wants to talk to you." Raph suddenly spoke, his amber eyes watching knowingly as Leo flinched a little at that. Those two didn't have a very good history, mainly tolerating each other because of their connections to Raph. "She's even willing to play by the rules and wait for an appointment, knowing you probably won't move from Mistress' side. Lord, I feel corny calling her that."
"I know, right?" Mikey was now spinning the empty glass on his finger as he got to his feet to raid Vicky's supply for more soda. "If it feels strange to us, it's gonna get to her real bad soon."
"The rooms already are." Leo chuckled, finishing up and covering the subject of their conversation. "If it were up to her, you'd probably find her setting up office in a broom closet."
That made both brothers snort in amusement, but they all looked fondly at the sleeping woman. After that the conversation turned to more mundane things. Leo just taking the time to reestablish the brotherly bond they had all missed. He had done the same with Donnie over the long hours of Vicky's care. All in all, besides Vicky leading a clan of ninja, things were slowly feeling normal again.