Okay, I know the summary was bad, but read chapter one and tell me how I did.

Chapter 1

Some of you may know my dad, Tony Stark, the CEO of Stark Industries. He builds and creates new ways to improve technology and weapons to help 'all of mankind'. He's also every known for his very interesting love life, with his one night stands and whatnot. That's the Tony you know, but I know a different one. Yeah, the one night stand stuff is true, but it's not as frequent as you think. My dad is dedicated to his work, but never forgets about me. I was the mistake that happened sixteen years ago. When my dad was at an award ceremony and he met my mom. He told me once that he really thought she was the one, then she became pregnant and had me. She moved in with my dad and fit perfectly into the famous lifestyle, which included a lot of drugs. Dad broke up with her and she was taken to a rehabilitation center. Dad took custody of me when he got word that she got out in the same condition. She walked out on me and my dad was the one who raised me.

"Bailey, I'm heading out!" Dad yelled from the kitchen.

I hopped off my bed and quickly went down the stairs my brown short hair flowing behind me. I had my dad's hair color, but I had my mom's crystal blue eyes. I found him at the door in a suit and dark glasses. I quickly hugged him.

"Be careful, daddy." I smiled into his chest. Since he is around 5'8" and I am 5'3" I'd have to go on my tippy toes to have my head go over his shoulder.

"Bail, I'm going to be fine. There's going to be a military escort and I'll be with Rodey." He rustled my hair.

"Alright, but it's only because I trust Rodey." I smoothed my hair down.

"I'll call you when I get there." He kissed the top of my head before turning to leave. "I love you, Bail."

"Love you too, dad." I watched his Audi drive out of our long driveway then shut the door.

"Did your father leave?" Ms. Potts, dad's assistant, ask me. Her red hair was in a perfect ponytail and she wore a knee-length black skirt with a fancy white top.

"Just did."

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "I just always worry about him, Ms. Potts. He's all I have left."

"I understand, honey." She smiled sadly at me. "Don't worry it's only a few days. He'll be back before you know it."

"Ya, I guess you're right."

"How about, after I'm done with a few errands, we go out for lunch?" Ms. Potts started for dad's shop for a big pile of papers. My eyes widened at the size. "Don't worry I don't have to do all of this." She laughed. "I just have to give this to your uncle."

My uncle is Obadiah Stane. He's a family friend who helps dad run the business. I despise him. Many occasions I have found him signing off weapon orders to our enemies, but I'm always caught. He'll threaten me and if I bring it up he's always got an excuse to make me look like an immature child. I mentally shook him from my mind.

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked.

"Uh...Jarvis, are there any good restaurants nearby?" Ms. Potts asked our home security system, which is also like our indirect housekeeper.

"Since the traffic is light today, I highly suggest the Rodeo diner. They have Ms. Stark's favorite, macaroni and cheese." He answered in his computerized English accent.

"Jarvis, please just call me Bailey. Ms. Stark sounds too formal." I've told him this almost every day.

"My apologies, Bailey."

"Thanks, Jarvis." I smiled and Ms. Potts and I left in dad's other Audi he gave to her. It was black with black leather seats, and in the summer in California, they were on fire. I flinched as I got in and we drive off to Stane's house. When Ms. Potts pulled-up to his mansion, I stayed in the car. The first time I heard about this business trip to Afghanistan, I was hoping he'd take Stane, and leave him there.

A few minutes later, Ms. Potts came out of the oversized white house and into the car. She sighed before smiling.


"Ready." I smiled back and nodded.

The Rodeo Diner isn't far from Stane's house, only about ten minutes. We had the windows rolled down and the music playing as we raced down the road. When we arrived the hostess spotted us and ushered us to our seats. Jarvis must've made a reservation. Our waiter came over with a flip pad. He has short blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Good afternoon ladies, I'm Michael and I will be taking care of you today. May I start you off with something to drink?" He looked around 20 years old.

"I'll have a cherry Coke." I told him and started looking through the menu.

"And you?" He asked Ms. Potts.

"I'll have the same." She answered.

"I will be right back with your drinks." Then Michael left.

"Ms. Potts-"


"Pepper, happy birthday." I smiled innocently at her.

"You are just like your father." She shook her head laughing.

"No, he forgot. I just never told you until now."

Our drinks were brought to us and we ordered some chips and dip for an appetizer.

"So, what are you doing for your birthday?" I asked her while taking a chip.

"I was going to hang out with you, if that okay." She sipped her drink, the fizz made her eyes water.

"Yeah, what did you have in mind?" I asked her.

"How about a movie and some popcorn?" Pepper suggested.

"Comedy or horror?" I asked.

"Are you two ready to order?" Michael came back, pen in hand ready to take our order.

I looked at Pepper and she nodded. "Think so, I'll have the mac and cheese."

"Excellent decision." He wrote down my order and looked at Pepper. "And for you, miss?"

"Hmm, the Rodeo Specialty burger looks good." She smiled at him.

After he finished taking our order he left.

"Anyway, how about horror?" Pepper answered.

"Great, you have any in mind?" I asked.

"I heard 'Ouji' was good. Wanna see that?"

"Sounds cool."

I looked around the room which was filled with pictures of famous people, those included my granddad and dad. There was a crowd of paparazzi out front but they were being controlled by some security guards that were hired due to the many times stars have eaten here. That's why Jarvis called in, since it's always booked, even for stars and their families. When our food arrived we ate and talked from time to time. The food, as always, was amazing! The only thing I hated was the serving size was too big for me to eat everything, so both Pepper and I got take out boxes and left for home.

"Thanks for lunch." I dramatically flopped into the car seat making Pepper laugh at me.

"You're welcome." She started the car and pulled out of the small parking lot and onto Rodeo Drive.

Pepper turned on the radio and drove down the highway. I looked out the window as the California scenery rushed by. It was sunny and hot, usual for the month of June. Thankfully, we pulled into the driveway and went inside.

"It is so hot out!" I shouted and laid on the wooden floor. "Jarvis get the air condition going."

"As you wish." Jarvis turned on the air.

"Ahh, thank you." I picked myself off the floor and plopped down on the couch.

"Oh Bailey, Obadiah told me you're going to an award show later, and your outfit is upstairs hanging in your room. Be outside and ready by six."

I groaned. "Do I have to go?"

"Yes, you do." Pepper sat next to me. "We can get the movie in before you have to go. You're probably just going to have to do your hair and makeup down here if you want to watch the whole thing."

"Okay." I pouted. I hated award shows.

I went to go make some popcorn while Pepper put the movie on. She was not in sweatpants and a t-shirt. She must've went to go change when we got back. I watched in front of the microwave for it to finish, listening to the kernels pop. When it finished I poured it in a bowl and joined Pepper on the couch.

Don't forget to REVIEW! I need your input! Tell me what to change, add, fix, stop, etc. Thanks!