Author has written 8 stories for Saiyuki, One Piece, Hikaru no Go, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. "If music be the food of love, play on." - Twelfth Night, Shakespeare Hello. I've been around for a long time, but prefer being quiet. It's loud enough in my head as it is. Some stories were written a long time ago and are not up to par, and maybe I'll get round to revamping them, but for now, I've decided to leave the bad along with the good. Kind of like those 'self-improvement' pictures some artists have, where they take a certain piece of artwork they've done each year and collect them until they have a series that documents their progress. Often cringe-worthy, but the end result is a good confidence-booster. About me: I love to read and write, although I mostly write originals. My attention span is such that I prefer writing short stories or poetry, although I do love reading novel-length stories. Funny how the world works like that. Make sure to check out the stories and authors I've added to my "favourites" list; they're really worth reading! Favourite Manga/Anime: I would list my favourite books too if the list weren't so long! To be honest, sometimes the fanfics I read are better than the original. Which is amazing in itself. I would also have more fanfiction here if they weren't trapped in my brain, but that's due to my self-consciousness and the harshness of reality rearing their ugly heads. |
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