Royalty Sucks

(Disclaimed: I don't own Teen Titans.)


"Good morning, everybody!" Starfire chimed as usual as the sleepy titans sat at the table..Well, most of them anyway..well, actually, it was only Robin and Raven..Cyborg and Beast Boy were fighting over who was going to make breakfast---again.

"I am NOT eating that tofu stuff again!" Cyborg yelled.

"Then you can do without!" Beast Boy yelled back, "'cause I'm not gonna eat animals!"

"You fix your stuff, and I'll fix mine!" Cyborg yelled.

"MURDERER!" Beast Boy yelled, pointing accusedly at Cyborg.

"The only murder in here is the way that tofu stuff tastes!" He yelled.

"oh, ye-oh, hey Star, mornin'," Beast Boy said.

"Morning Star," Cyborg said.


"IT DOESN'T TASTE BAD!" Beast Boy telled, and the argument ensued again.

Robin sighed. "It'll never end.." He muttered.

"You finally noticed," Raven said as she flipped another page in her dull, withered-looking, brown book that she always seemed to be reading.

"I suppose we will not be eating breakfast today then?" Starfire asked innocently.

"Not for awhile, at least," Robin shrugged.

"Well, then, I shall travel to my bedroom to wait. When it is ready, please be kind as to let me know," Starfire smiled and wandered off happily.


Starfire walked over to where her CD player was. She had it bought for her when she told the others that she didn't know what earth music was. Strangely enough, she loved the older songs like "I Feel the Earth" and "Have a Little Faith in Me". She slid in one of the CDs and began playing "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters".

She layed back on her bed and hummed to the tune, giggling a little bit. She stopped though when her chest jewel on her collar began glowing. She rose up and watched something appear in front of her.

"What? Father?" Starfire's eyes widened at the transmission of the white-beareded man with the green eyes.

"Hello, my dear," He smiled kindly at her, it looking surprisingly strange on him.

"Father, you have not spoken to me in a long time. I am happy to see you, but why are you choosing now to finally speak again?" Starfire asked.

"Starfire." He began.


By the time Beast Boy and Cyborg had decided who was going to cook, it was lunch time, and Robin had ordered pizza.

Starfire had become amazingly quiet and hadn't touched her slice.

" something wrong?" Robin asked, looking concerned.

"Well, um-" She said messing with a strand of her hair, concentrating more on it than her friends. "I uh-talked to my father earlier today."

Beast Boy looked up from his tofu pizza. "Eh? Really? Wha'd he say, Star?"


The doorbell ring, sending the Teen Titans "When there's trouble you know who to call." ring through the tower.

"Who could that be?" Cyborg asked.

"Probably another one of my MANY fans," Beast Boy said, raising and lowering his eyebrows twice.

"Suuuure," Raven said as he ran over to the door. He opened it slowly.

"Hello!" He said then stopped. "Um-who are you?"

A young man with red hair that flowed over the sides of his green eyes stood in the doorway. He was wearing tight green clothes with silver armor and a purple cape. He was a handsome boy, tall and skinny, but with muscle.

"Good day, green one. Tell me, is the young Lady Starfire in?" He asked in his smooth, silky voice.

"Uh-yeah..May I ask who's er-asking?" Beast Boy asked.

"Oh, yes, my apologies.My name is Lyss."

"Lyss? Okay, I'll go with that," Beast Boy said and turned around in the doorway.

"Hey, Star! Some guy name Lyss is here! He wants to talk to you!"

"Oh, no," Starfire said slowly and sunk down in her seat.

"Star?" Robin asked in concern.


Lyss knelt kissing Starfire's hand as the others watched in awe. "My dear Lady Starfire..I have missed you."

"Oh, um-yes, uh-I have missed you too, Lyss," starfire said blushing in embarrasment.

"Hey, Star, who is this guy?" Robin asked.

"Robin." Starfire began.

"Oh, yes, you didn't introduce me to your friends," Lyss said smiling sweetly.

"Oh, this is Raven," She said.

"Hi.." Raven said and looked blankly as usual.

"This is Beast Boy. You've already met him," She said.

"Hey, dude!" He said.

"-and this is Cyborg," She said sweetly.

"Yo," He said giving the peace sign.

"-and this is Robin. He's the leader of our team," Starfire said.

"Uh-h-hello." Robin said, still confused about this guy.

"Before we go on..Please my lady," Lyss held out his finger and twirled it around. Her normal outfit turned into a long dark purple dress that looked almost from the days of kings, queens, serfs, and servants. She sighed and looked at her feet which were now held by uncomfortable-looking, arabian-like shoes in lavender.

"Okay, then.." He smiled sweetly to make her feel better. "I didn't much care for those earthy clothes, my dear."

"I know," She sighed.

"You are-" Robin said looking over at Lyss, then looking at Starfire.

"Well, as I said before, my name is Lyss. I, as also Lady Starfire, am from the Planet Tamaran. I'm a knight for any trouble our planet may have and--well," He smiled in a more proud, haughty way, "I am betrothed to Lady Starfire..the PRINCESS of Planet Tamaran."

"HUNH?!?!?!?!" Everybody, even Raven, looked up in shock.


Yeah, I know, short chapter...But hey, I don't want to write so much so fast. Review plz. Tank you vewy much! ^-^ *huggles*