Author has written 18 stories for Hunger Games, Virals, Frozen, Harry Potter, and Skulduggery Pleasant series. The Moon is distant from the sea, And yet, with amber hands He never misses a degree — Oh, Signor, thine the amber hand —Emily Dickinson, The Moon is distant from the Sea July 15, 2011. We've all been waiting for it. The end of it all - or so the advertisements say. See, we know better. We know that it will never end. Of course, I can only be talking about one thing: Deathly Hallows part 2. The dedication of the seventh book was split seven ways. The first six were people. The seventh? 'To all of you, who have stuck with Harry until the very end.' We all know that it will never end. We've been there with Harry through it all: We've watched the spiders crawling in the cupboard under the stairs, we've sat through Potions class, we've hexed Malfoy, we've caught the Snitch in that one moment of glory. On that day, at Midnight, it was all over. But the Magic will never fade. This is for all of us - all of us who have stuck with Harry until the very end. All of us who will always carry the Magic with us in our hearts. THANK YOU, J. K. ROWLING FOR GIVING US THE MAGIC! If you cried when Fred Weasley died and are not afraid to admit it, copy, paste this on your profile, and add your name to the list: Littlewhisker, Patronus Charm, The Dawn Is Breaking, LazyShadowNin, bluebookbutterfly, Azurai Wolf, SnOw-CoVeReD-AnGeL, Somerlia, RangerManaInSnuggieWar, RebelWithACauseToBeFree, Heslen. |
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