Hey there! I'm Wolfie. Long time reader and writer, new to Virals. I read all three books in less than a week. I've been wanting to get back into Fanfiction after a very long hiatus, so here I am. I hope you enjoy. Peace out.
I do not own any characters found in this story.
I've got to get back to the boat. I repeated my mantra over in my head. My bare feet pounded against the hard ground, underbrush scraping at my legs. Almost there.
Breaking out of the forest I take a moment to catch my breath in the sand. Precious seconds are wasted as I glance behind me. Emerging from the trees are three figures, each with a set of glowing golden eyes. It was too late. My eyes, which I knew were the same color, locked with theirs. This was it. It was going to end like this.
I braced myself for the impact.