![]() Author has written 7 stories for Ninja Turtles, and Harry Potter. Hello Everyone! I'm your basic fanfiction author -- Just looking for something more in what I read/watch. I'm a certain age above 15 and below 30 years old. I live in what some call "The Promised Land" and what others call "That Stupid Country Full Of Lazy People." Both descriptions are true, and if you've already taken a guess as to where I live, I'm very proud of you. You probably got it wrong. I'm one of those authors who have no real dream of writing professionally, I just like to put thoughts into words and stories. Hopefully they will not disappoint any of you. Here are just some random little tidbits about me... My favorite Quotes: If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Milton Berle Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. Unknown Smile like you have a severed head in the freezer. Unknown Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there. Listen to the Musn'ts, child. Listen to the Don'ts. Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts. Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to Me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. Shel Silverstein Learn to say "No" to the good so that you can say "Yes" to the best. John C. Maxwell In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; and the worst thing you can do is nothing. Theodore Roosevelt The best things in life are unexpected -- because there were no expectations. Eli Khamarov I'm Strong on the surface; not all the way through. I've never been perfect, but neither have you. Linkin Park Do you think that God ever looks at us and gets really sad? Like: "What do you mean, you don't like yourself? I worked so hard on you..." Unknown If your parents never had children, chances are you won’t either. Dick Cavett I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long someone stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three. Elayne Boosler If you can fill the unforgiving minute / With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - / Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, / And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son! Rudyard Kipling
Disney's The Lion King Dreamworks' Toy Story I, Toy Story II, and Toy Story III Dreamworks' Kung Fu Panda I and Kung Fu Panda II Disney's Mulan Dreamwork's How to Train Your Dragon And many, many more! I think that's all you really should know about me. |