Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z, Vampire Diaries, Charmed, Heroes, Avengers, and Superman. The title at first was supposed to be only 'Stalker'. But circumstances played about differently and that got me to the current handle. Fiction Stalker Supreme. The first part of which makes sense with the sight but the last leaving much to be desired. But it's just a handle, and they're allowed to be stupid wiout too much judgement. I admit thought i had the strong need to justify thr name as it is a reflection of the state of mind i was in the moment of creating this account. I had been anxiois and excited, the need to write and leave my mark on the internet something i hoped for. It was akin to being drunk, the feeling, and it was no surprise that after my first post I'd questioned the lunacy of my actions. But some years since then-the exact amount elludes me-and I don't regret that first post. Enough about that and more about me. I should start by noting I'm South African, which means that since the works I'm interested in are from outside my country, many things will be left vague at best in an effort to not be wrong: one of the reasons I like static stories. My age is that of one having just reachex the cusp of adulthood but the responsibility not having yet taken hold, at the time of writing this I'm still a student which may mean a flighty update schedule. It takes quite a lot for me to get started on a work. I have to know the universe well enough that I will be able to do their characters justice. For the time being this consists of three universes; the Potter-verse, the DBZ-verse and the TVD-verse. But as I get comfortable with writing, so too does this range grow. I have a love for crossovers. One universes is too constraining. The author has already outlined many of the rules and only following them is boring. I like the pitting off of two universes, seeing which is strongest and seeing how the weaker might adapt to this much stronger force. Which is invariably the reason only one of my work is not-yet things could change-a crossover. Passion fuels me. I can't plan too well in the micro level and it's often the case that I get a long blank period where I can write nothing, or I completely forget about plot threads I had running. Passion though is a double-edged sword because as easily as it comes, it leaves and I'm left bored by all I've wriiten wanting to scrap it all and begin anew. But i wouldn't ever do that. I frequent the site enough that I've come across countless, metaphorically, good works that have not been finished. Never mind that I'd have that nagging feeling of a few hundred people that hate me for existing. That is all there is to know about me at this point, more can be learned from reading my works. |
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