Author has written 34 stories for Birds Of Prey, Law and Order: SVU, Hollows, Kim Harrison, Stargate: SG-1, Greek, Misc. Movies, Princess Protection Program, Glee, and Once Upon a Time. Hi. My name is Kelly and i live in the Midlands in the UK. I've been reading and writing fanfiction since 2003 (that's where the 2k3 in meremortal2k3 comes from). I started off writing Birds of Prey femslash and i still love BoP to this day. I'll rewatch the DVD's and reread over some of my favourite fics every couple of months or so. I've dabbled in areas where it seems very little femslash lives. For the love of god i do not understand why there isn't more ffslash for Greek - especially the first two seasons. I'm loving Glee - its so good. I do intend to jump on the fanfic bandwagon as soon as i've finished my Princess Protection Program fic. Bandwagon jumped on with When You Wish Upon a Star. Coming soon - The as yet untitled sequel to Sweet Disposition and, hopefully, I'll finish Darkness Dreams, but first When You Wish Upon a Star will be updated with shorter, but more frequent chapters once The Alphabet of Rachel Berry is finished. (note added 7th November 2011). I have not forgotten this fic and it will be finished. |
fembuck (318) fictorium (90) FlyYouFools (4) hunnyfresh (79) | into-themists (2) itwasadream (6) Red Hope (47) | SSJL (50) stix04 (8) |