Reviews for Life or Something Like It
NikLovesLove chapter 15 . 11/29/2019
This was one heck of a brilliant fic. You are an absolutely amazing author! I was absolutely addicted to this fic. I was subtly reading it during my work hours! I couldn't get away from it!

I love how detailed you are and how perfectly you wrote all the characters.

Even though I was hoping for a happy ending, like I'm sure everyone was, I like how you ended this fic. You really kept it true to the story.

You are a very talented writer and this was truly an awesome fic. Hands down my favourite Pezberry fic.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. Definitely one I will never forget.
Eli Torres chapter 15 . 8/26/2019
Christ on a cracker this was good. Like ridiculously good. I’m so glad I found this story, even though it broke my heart. You have serious talent!

The scenes with the little dead Rachel (like when she was crawling through the cemetery fence, or when she ran past them in the graveyard) actually spooked me, and I usually don’t get scared by written stuff. The descriptions of the various dead people were really creepy too. I love love loved these last two chapters especially. The ending isn’t exactly satisfying — as in, it’s not a happy ending — but damn if it isn’t true to the rest of the story, and it’s written beautifully. I do love a cyclical ending.

I wish we could have seen exactly what happened when Santana let the trickster kill her, but I don’t totally mind that it was left up to interpretation. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the other shoe to drop all through chapter 14.

Seriously, I think this is the best pezberry fic I’ve read. I know it’s been a long time but I’d love to read more from you.
Lauren's Glee Stories chapter 15 . 10/8/2018
Wow. That was one hell of a ride. One I'm sure I will not forget in a hurry. Normally, cliffhanger's kind of annoy me, but this wasn't that type of cliffhanger. It was a story, come full circle. It felt quite peaceful, to me. Like, I could breathe out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. This story dealt with themes that were very abstract, like the strange man, who wasn't anyone in particular, but, or at least what I assumed, a personification of many abstract concepts. It was rather poetic. The way the first chapter mirrored the last but matched the alternate series of events that may or may not have happened. I like that this story is almost... open to interpretation. I have no idea whether what I took from the story is what you intended your readers took from it, but the story made a lot of sense to me, and it really gives a person a lot to think about.

I'd like to thank you for writing such a brilliant story.
Lauren's Glee Stories chapter 8 . 10/8/2018
Dun, dun, dunnnnn!

Loved it! Too eager to read the next chapter so this is a short one!
Lauren's Glee Stories chapter 7 . 10/8/2018

So, in some kind of an alternate reality (which is what I'll call it until I find out otherwise), Rachel and Santana were friends. Best friends, who technically shared their first kiss. Then, all of a sudden, Rachel moves to Lima, and there Santana is; Not her Santana, but a different, alternate Santana, who's mean and bullies her.


I'm actually so confused right now.

So, it appears that someone hurt Santana in the AU, maybe even killed her, and Rachel subsequently forgot it ever happened.

Could be a dream, could be hallucinations, could be repressed memories due to past trauma. She could simply be mad, though I doubt that to be the case.

Looking forward to reading more though!
Lauren's Glee Stories chapter 5 . 10/8/2018
The little girl, Rachel.

You know, from a PURELY logical perspective, Rachel seems to have simply gone mad. Trauma started it, and now she's delusional.

However, from a literary perspective, and one more, well, abstract, it obviously isn't that; what it is, I have no clue. Santana disappearing was odd. That kind of thing was a bit spooky for me (I scare VERY easily) but I still really enjoy this, regardless of the fact I'm rather lost.
Lauren's Glee Stories chapter 4 . 10/8/2018
The girl, that Rachel saw. Was it her? I mean, the description matched eerily accurately. I've been reading the past few chapters, and, regrettably, haven't had the chance to comment as I've been so enraptured by what you've written. Really, you have a way of writing that lures someone in and doesn't let them go. I haven't the slightest clue what is really going on, but I like what I'm reading, and as long as this stays 'supernatural' and doesn't merge too far into 'horror' I can't wait to finish and see what's really going on.
Cramble7 chapter 15 . 2/20/2018
God, the frustration. This dead end cycle so painful and yet so perfectly executed is getting on my nerves. You did the hell of a job, I can give you that. Bravo
Dezired86 chapter 15 . 12/28/2016
Damn. THIS story...pulled at the heart pulled ar every corner of my mind. Bravo.
Ahyah chapter 15 . 2/5/2016
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story but what the fuck?! What kind of an hell ending was that! It's like you left me right at the precipice. Again what the hell?! I wanted to know how she came back. Did they beat the guy or found a way to cheat him?! Damn you! Especially for leaving me like this at the same time kudos to you for having me highly in-like with your story.

Leelan chapter 15 . 10/1/2015
I don't care that I'm more than 3 years late after the ending of this story. I'm speechless, honestly. I really don't know what or whom that man was but I guess it was Death, maybe? And they have this reencarnation thing going on because their love is so damn strong not even Death can keep them apart for long? I really don't care but this story is freaking awesome. How many times they have gone full circle? Because it seems this is the fourth? Damn, so amazing really. Thank you so much for sharing!
pizzamuncher chapter 15 . 9/14/2015
Just finished reading this whole story. I don't think I've ever been on an emotional roller coaster like this one. It was absolutely perfect. I've never felt so captivated. It was torturously heartbreaking and I couldn't get enough. Especially the ending; it really is just a never ending cycle isn't it? Man... That was so god damn amazing.
Charbroiil chapter 15 . 2/7/2015
Holy heck. This is beautiful in a friggn sad way. I was confused at the end with all the flash backs and the last reality. But I just read the comments and all is pretty much clear. They're destined to relive their love only to have one of them die in some horrible way and to be brought back to do it all again. Bravo. Tore my friggn heart out. Would totally read a sequel!
Gracksies chapter 15 . 5/7/2014
I'm not sure how I feel about the ending but then again I guess that's part of the beauty of this story... They love each other so completely that they're destined to relive an insurmountable amount of pain before being able to bask in each other's love again. It's the epitome of bittersweet really. In fact, reading this made me somewhat introspective and I love stories that connect with you so profoundly that your thoughts extend beyond the characters and their fates. This was fantastic.
Doritos79 chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
i'm crying very beautiful chapter :)
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