Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hello! I'm a twenty year old Harry Potter fan (or is it fanatic?) among other, more generic stuff like eating and so on. Being an undergrad in an accelerated college program, I've come to enjoy writing as a stress reliever of sorts and write whenever I have the time. Other things I do when I have a bit of free time include some charcoal sketching, painting (mainly watercolours) and a lot of football. Trust me, I've actually shaken myself up at four am a few times just so I can have a kick about with some of my friends. Two Sides is my first attempt at a fanfic and I don't think I'll be abandoning it. I would swear unequivocally but I'm pretty sure I won't need to. I hope you enjoy Two Sides and review as much as you can because honestly, I'm hoping to get ideas for a few sub-plots from them! And then there was LLL. Incidentally, I'm looking for a Beta, someone with a lot of ideas and in love with the world of Harry Potter (for now, I stick with Harry). There won't be a lot of proof reading/editing since I'm generally pretty particular about my writing. Anyway, if some one happens to be interested, please PM me! Cheers! |
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