![]() Author has written 6 stories for Mario. Luigi and Daisy are sitting in the park. The latter looks to the skies and then the sun, wondering of the future of herself and her companion. After shuffling and trying to spit out some words, Daisy finally speaks her mind. "Luigi, do I ever cross your mind?" "No." "Do you like me?" "No." "Do you want me?" "No." "Would you cry if I left?" "No." "Would you live for me?" "No." "Would you do anything for me?" "No." "Choose -- Me or your life." "My life." Daisy, utterly surprised, scoffs and starts to run off. Luigi starts to smile a bit and drops the shenanigan. "The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind." Daisy looks over her shoulder and sees Luigi, who walks closer and puts and arm around her. "The reason why I don't like you is because I love you." "The reason why I don't want you is because I need you." "The reason why I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left." "The reason why I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you." "The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you." "The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life." Daisy starts to grin. Luigi played a risky little game, though a playful punch to the arm did little to hamper the smile on the plumber's face. Just in case you didn't know... my fav. characters are daisy and luigi!!!!!!!! Things about me: Favorite youtube stars: Nigahiga Jenna Marbles Shane Dawson KevJumba Smosh Favorite TV shows: Spongebob Amazing World of Gumball Adventure Time Big Bang Theory Modern Family Psych My Wife and Kids Everybody Hates Chris Hey Arnold Gravity Falls Fish Hooks Favorite Movies Lion King Lion King 2 Avatar Toy Story Toy Story 2 Toy Story 3 Wreck It Ralph Charlie Saint Cloud Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Avengers Spiderman Thor The Simpons Movie All of the Indiana Jones The Princess and the Frog Meet the Robinsons 2012 Pitch Perfect all of the scary movies Favorite Songs: What Makes You Beautiful As Long As You Love Me She wolf Try Baby got back Soulja boy bring me back to life super bass titanium ninja glare nice guys Super Bass Girl on Fire etc. Mario Couples: DaisyxLuigi= Pure Genius! Luaisy ROX MarioxPeach= Cool Couple. Just a little to obvious. RosalinaxWaluigi= I dont really like them, i mean they're too different. RosalinaxLuigi=IF THIS EVER HAPPENED, I WOULD GO INTO SPACE AND PUNCH ROSIE, THEN SMACK SOME SENSE INTO LUIGI! PeachxLuigi= No more Peach ...EVER! MarioxDaisy=I dont know. I'm kinda into this a little, but Luaisy #1 always! YoshixBirdo= she's just really fat and really ugly, but Yoshi likes that i guess DaisyxWaluigi= WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? Hey guys! I'm Daisy's daisy!this is going to be pretty short but here it goes! So I'm am really uncreative and i need some help thinking up some story ideas , so you guys can PM me or just review on any of my stories about something that you guys would want to see written. I must warn you, am mostly Luaisy, but i can handle other ones just dont get to cray cray! CIAO! |