![]() Author has written 8 stories for Pac-Man, Ninja Turtles, Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, and Mario. Welcome old and new followers of my (14-year-old's) fanfiction account. Looking back at all my old work makes me really nostalgic and inspired to craft something incredible for those who are still around after three years of inactivity. I apologize deeply if you relied on me to keep you entertained, but the past few years...have been deeply troubling. I thank you for your patience and understanding and hope I can fulfill some old tasks beginning in the summer of 2017. What can you expect within the next few months? I expect to have some rebooted tasks such as Home, The Ghosts are Back, and The Most Unlikely of Couples. These three are extremely dear to me (not to mention I decided to use the old notes I have on them and continue from there) and I wish to continue them as soon as I can. Writing requests that have been asked of me that are not yet complete will also be done due to the post-commitment I have already arranged. I might (with bold emphasis) take other writing request, depending on what is being asked of me. Now for stories I have not mentioned aforehand, such as Seven Deadly Sins, Super Mario High School Story, Saved By the Turtles, and the Winky and Blinky series will be sadly discontinued for miscellaneous reasons (i.e. I find them boring, too graphic, I don't have the inspiration, they don't have enough past notes to go off of in order to further it's future for a sequel). Now, the reasoning behind changing my old profile is due to me outgrowing the age bracket I once held on this page. Not only that but if you are a follower of Home, you probably realized I am no longer 18 (I'm only 19, pals don't freak out on me), so obviously it was time for some renovations. On that note, I will make a newer updated bio to inform my new and inks audience what I've been up to for the past three years. Thank you once more for sticking with me, and as always, keep on adventuring. Accounts: Fanfiction: Raphadelia the Adventuress, Raphadile the Adventurer (only for anime-related workings), Tumblr: raphadelialovesyou, raphie's-art-blog, DeviantArt: Raphadile the Adventurer (semi-active) Name: Raphadelia Age: 19 Interests: Anime, books, music, art, God Notes: I'm going to write semi-informally here, it's been bothering me not to be a troll the whole time. Lolol, okay so I'm back and I'm prooooooobbbbably going to stick around this time, who knows what the future has for me. I was really interested in rebooting those stories again, for the past two years actually. Just yesterday my failed semi-serious story Home has actually been on my mind more frequently than when I lost interest in it years ago. It really helped that people showed their interest and if they left critiques they were usually positive and not straightforward. I would give shoutouts to everyone but they most likely outgrew this website (except for a couple of my favorite writers out there! The artist LuigiWife1551 behind Threshold is still here! I love them dearly and Threshold is still one of my favorites from my high school years.) I know that a few measly years might not seem like much improvement, but check over what you just read in my bio and compare it to anything I've written in 9th-10th grade...yeah huge jump. My maturity and seriousness in what I write is now very crucial and I promise not to be so disappointing this time. Lol, I'm re-writing Home as we speak, and Betrayus' Song is underway. All OCs that were submitted to me will be used and if I get a complaint against it I will remove them, but otherwise I was given prior permission. Lastly, if you want to use any character I own (because I still own my characters) I give you permission to do any for of art with them, whether it's music, writing a fanfic, or fanart. I only have one condition: for the love of God and all things holy!!! PM me with the result because I love and support every one of you. I will always have your backs whether you follow me or not, whether we share interests or not. Just being on this site means you like the sense of community of showing your artwork, and sometimes we need a cheerleader that keeps us going. I didn't really have that much in high school which is why I stopped. But when I returned to this site, I realized you guys were my cheering squad and I thank you for that. Stay blessed my dears and I look forward to seeing you all in the author's notes. :3 Also I am terrible sorry about the formattting, it's eyestraining and I'll try to prevent this in the future. |