Well it's TMNT ©. And ya know what everyone says: I don't own them… Pity. But I wanna own them so much!!

About story: That one was done by me and Greenstarr. We wrote it in pieces and it was fun to do it. :) Really, I mean it was so cool to wait for the next part from another one, anticipating the development and twists in the plot! Well, not that there's some big plot here, but still... Heh. So... here it is! Rating: NC-17, because it's actually nothing, but sweet porn! And yaoi, bad words and sex!

It's Greenstarr's page! /u/1234377/Greenstarr

Here Donnie teases Raphael... Who knew that humble and quiet computer geek can be like that? Heh...

For You: I hope You'll enjoy this. Any tips and comments are welcome! It's important for us to know your opinion. Thank You for reading!!


Day 1

Raphael, no matter how hard he tried, found his amber eyes staying back to red popsicle in his smartest brother's mouth. His sweet little brother had no idea that Raphael was watching his tongue ran up, down and across the frozen snack and thinking about how nice it would be if it was Raphael's cock instead. Donnie's head bobbing, sucking and maybe even kiss the tip. Oh yeah, that would be more than just nice… His dark eyes would open, looking at Raph, his face flushed and so fucking sweet looking…

Snarling, Raphael suddenly turned around, and slammed his sai into his beloved bunching bag. He snarled again lowly and felt Leo moving closer to him. Good, he need to keep his mind off Don and his damn popsicle! Raph turned his head, and opened his mouth to insult his leader. Had he looked past Leo, he would see the tiny smirk on Donatello's lips.

Day 2

Before Raphael managed to get up, Don placed his hand on dark green shoulder and granted his brother one of his lovely smiles.

"Sit." He muttered softly. "I'll get it for you".

Having stood up, genius came to the fridge and opened it slowly, bending down to search for requested pack of juice. Clenching his fingers into a fists and trying not to breathe out loudly, hothead did several feeble and idle attempts to tear his eyes away from adorable small tail, which wriggled slightly as its' master examined fridge's contents. Raphael's mind immediately put a whirlwind of naughty images into his head, like him playing with that tail, stroking it, pinching, teasing and Donnie moaning and shivering in a respond…

Having sighed deeply, red-clad terrapin shifted on his chair, feeling himself rather uncomfortable as Donatello mumbled something indistinct, bending even more to get something from the lower shelf and wriggling his tail again. Raphael was too consumed by the sight to think about why his younger brother wasted so much time to get juice, which stood right in front of him, or why he bent down instead of squat, and he couldn't see smug grin on Don's face, but no one could say that Raph wasn't hungry, although food was not what he wanted to taste.

Day 3

"Fuckin' Christ!" Raphael muttered as he tried to clean his bleeding thigh.

He sat on the floor alone in the bathroom, with the first aid kit open and the aids spread out around his right side. Hothead muttered words that best left unheard as he moved to get the white bandages. He wiggled over to pick them up, only to see an olive green hand grasped them first. His yellowish eyes blinked as he tiled his head up. Shell, Raph must have been paying too much attention to his bleeding thigh to hear Donnie come in. A sleepy Donatello looked down, with a sleepy half smile and a small blush, he always got after is awakening. It made Raphael wonder just what kind of dreams Donnie had to cause a blush.

"You need help, oh dear brother of mine?" Donnie asked him, almost purring.

Raphael narrowed his amber eyes, but before he could tell Don to fuck off, genius already was in between his legs, checking the thigh. Don made a small humm and started cleaning his wound. The smaller hand of his brother worked on the wound, but Raph could feel the hand touching the skin gingerly. Almost like a lover and Raph closed his eyes at the thought of Donnie's soft hand moving up higher, up to the slit that hid Raph's cock. It took only about ten minutes for Don to wrap his wound, but those ten minutes were the longest in Raph's life.

"There you go, Raphie." Don muttered.

"Um… Thanks, Don." Raphael told him, watching as his brother putting away the first aid kit.

Don caught him staring and raised an eyebrow. Hothead stared back for another minute before turning away. He moved quickly, even with the pain.

"Raph... Is there anything else I could do for you?" Donnie asked, his hand barely touching dark green arm.

Raph frowned, he knew there was a both meaning behind the words, but could not find it.


Both turtles ran out to see Mikey at the TV, looking like his world just ended. Donnie sighed, and Raphael rolled his eyes. Genius went to Mikey to make sure the blue eyes male won't hurt himself and Raph watched him go. Raphael knew he had some thinking to do about his pretty purple masked brother.

Day 4

'Life sucks' Raphael thought, getting up onto his feet after he had missed Leo's blow for the third time in succession. He nodded to his father as that one told something about the lack of concentration and necessity to be ready for everything every minute, but didn't pay much attention to rat's words. Even less he cared about what Leo was telling him at the moment. Well, in fact, he didn't care about anything right now, because Raph's mind completely got stuck on Donnie.

Damn little geek had been screwing his brain lately and hothead simply couldn't get rid of those nasty and spoiled images, which had been settled in his head by Don's odd behavior. Still, Raphael wasn't sure that genius had been doing it on purpose, but that didn't change the fact that no matter in what direction Raph looked, all he could see was Donatello.

With a quick gesture Splinter indicated Leonardo change positions with violet-clad terrapin. Raphael gritted his teeth as Don stood in front of him, smiling slightly despite his concentration and gazing at him with his dark glimmering eyes.

"Is something wrong, Raphie?" Donatello asked in quiet and soft voice.

Raph blinked at him as he abruptly realized that his smart brother had been calling him 'Raphie' too often lately and that he hadn't done anything about it. He even hadn't been angry with it.

Cursing everything around mentally, Raphael jerked forward, knocking bo out of Don's hands and pinning him to the floor a second later. Now Splinter started to tell something to Donatello, but Raph saw clearly that his younger brother didn't actually listen, he just stared at him, then opened his mouth slightly and licked his lips with one quick motion. Tempting motion…

"You can let go of me now." Genius muttered. "But we can repeat that if you want."

Something clicked in Raph's head as dark green mutant got up and pulled Donatello's hand to help him stand up too. After all, Don knew better than to mess with his elder brother's temper and patience. So, if little Donnie wanted to play – Raph was ready to play along, but the rules of that game were going to be his own.

Day 5

Donatello frowned, when he looked at his laptop screen, and let a small huff out. He quickly typed the code again and grinned happily, when the computer, after ten times or so, let the code become part of the system. Genius eyed the coffee maker, and stood up from the kitchen table to get a cup.

Raphael watched him intently. His yellow eyes went to the wiggling tail of his so called innocent brother, who was happy about something that Raphael would never understand.

"Dang it, Mikey, why do you always put my cup there?" Donatello muttered to himself, frowning.

He stood on his toes, trying his damnedest to reach the big coffee cup. Olive green mutant hated being the smallest, even Mikey was taller than him and Mikey was the baby!

Raphael glanced at him again from his stop at the table. He seemed to be watching Donnie a lot lately, Raph mused. He now understood just what his brother was doing to him and was more than happy to play along.

Hothead stood from his chair and walked behind Don. His bigger hand moved past Don's and gripped the coffee cup. His thigh bushed past the wiggling tail as he moved up.

"Here ya go, Donnie." He rumbled, giving his brother the cup.

Donnie turned around to face Raph, now their plastrons touched and their faces were so close…

"Thank you Raphie." Donatello smiled, blushing softly.

Raph's mouth cork in a tiny smirk.

"Anytime, Don." He purred.

His hand moved across brother's thigh. Donnie licked his lip again and Raphael lend down. They almost kissed, but then Raphael felt a finger against his mouth. He blinked and looked at Donnie's smiling face.

"Sorry, Raphie boy, but I'm not that kind of guy." Genius purred as he moved away.

Raphael growled, he was about to pull Donnie closer to him, but their Father came in. Not the best time…

"Ah, good morning, my sons!" Splinted said in his usual calm voice.

They greeted him back.

"I'll see you both at dinner!" Don said as he picked his laptop.

He walked away and, as a test to see if Raph was still watching, wiggled his tail again. He couldn't help but smirk smugly, when he heard low angry growl behind him.

Day 6

With quiet hiss Raph shut the bathroom door behind him and leaned against it heavily. It was the third time today he had to run there to take care of 'growing' and 'hardening' problem and it was only early evening. Damn Donnie had been doing well in teasing Raphael since the very fucking morning – smiling at him, purring, wiggling his tail, sucking cursed popsicle, touching him lightly all the time and doing other things that seemed to start driving hothead crazy, because all his advances had been denied in 'kitchen' style.

Sure, Raph could just ignore that denial and teach sweet little geek a lesson, but others were always around somewhere and that was kind of part of Don's game, although genius did his best not to let anyone notice those tricks he played on his hot tempered brother. Yes, Donnie seemed to clearly enjoy his damn game.

Raphael wondered if Donatello realized completely, what he had been doing, as hothead got out of the bathroom many long minutes later and saw violet-clad terrapin, standing near the door to his room with some opened book in his hands. Having heard him, Don raised his head and glanced at Raph with that special tiny smirk he kept only for him.

"Is everything ok, Raphie?" He purred softly.

Raphael's eyes narrowed. He snarled suddenly, crossed the space between them in two large jumps and grasped brother's arms. Having dragged surprised Don into the room, Raph pinned him to the wall, pressing against him tightly and forcing a knee between olive green legs. Finally, for the first time since the beginning of this game genius looked a bit frightened, but Raphael could bet that Donatello's breathing quickened not only because of that.

"Everythin' is fine, lil' bro." Raph grunted, leaning forward so their lips almost touched. "Just makin' sure ya know what ya've done'."

"What are you talking about?" Don muttered, shivering slightly and making feeble attempts to get out of brother's grip. "I haven't done anything…"

"Sure." Raphael chuckled, placing one hand on Donatello's thigh. "Not yet. But you'll have to do a lot."

Younger brother jerked to get free and in that moment both turtles heard Leo's voice calling for Don. Raph threw quick glance at the aperture, then grabbed Don's chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"It's a dangerous game ya're playin', Donnie boy." Raphael growled. "Just remember then that it's ya who started it."

He stared at him for few more seconds, then let go of him and walked out of the room. Whatever was the goal of Don's game, Raph didn't care. He was fed up with it. It was time to end it.


Day 7. Morning

He panted softly, his hands tightened into the bed sheets and his hips rolled into it few more time. After one last time he stopped and moaned. Yellows eyes snapped open and the dark green turtle growled lowly inside his throat. Raph licked his dry lips, moving a little and feeling the wet sheets. He growled again. Fucking great! He was humping his bed like some horny little punk and all because of his little brother and his damn wiggling tail! Donnie's smooth legs, pretty smile and his lips didn't help him all that neither. Raphael slowly rolled out of his bed and was please to see that only the sheets used to keep warm need cleaning.

He'd do it later, Raph decided, after he'd clean himself up. Having quickly made his way to the bathroom, hothead opened the door. He blinked as he saw bend over Donnie, his sweet little ass up the in the air, giving Raphael a very nice view. If only that damn tail was bit higher...

Don, hearing the door opened up, jerked up. The olive turtle, who was nude as the day he had been hatched from his egg, turned around to see Raphael, a bottle in his hand. Hothead walked into the room and locked the door behind him. He took his time, looking at the olive green turtle, let his eye soak in the sight of a dripping wet Don.

"Hi, Raphie... You're up early this morning." Genius said softly as he put down the bottle and took a step back, when Raphael moved closer.

Dark green arm shot out and gripped Donnie. Having jerked smaller terrapin closer to him, Raphael pulled them both into the still running shower. Donatello blinked his dark eyes as darker male carefully pushed him into the wall.

"Raphie, I told you I'm not that kind… Ooo..."

Don hummed, as Raphael kissed him deep and hard, opening his mouth and letting other's tongue in to fight with his own. They moaned loudly and Donatello's arms ran up Raph's deep yellowed plastron and the upper rim of his carapace to wrap around his neck, pulling his head down to Donnie even more. Raphael slid himself between the slim legs and used both hands to raise them to his sides. He churred loudly, when Donnie obeyed his command and wrapped those lovely legs around him.. Having moved his hands to the soft rump, hothead squeezed it hard and then softly. His left hand moved up to play with tail, stroking and carefully tugging. Don pressed himself even closer to Raph, both males moaned and churred. Raph pulled his head away, only a line of their spit connected them. His normally sharp amber eyes were smoky with lust and Donnie knew his were the same.

Raph gave him another fast kiss and genius smirked. Surely, Raph didn't think he was that easy... Donatello gripped one of the bottles close to him.

"Raphie" He moaned. " Watch out!"

Raph, who pulled his lips away, blinked and as he moved to push Donnie up he felt himself slipping. He cried out as they both fell down and out of the shower.

"What the SHELL, Donnie?!" Raph growled.

He looked more pissed off than a mother bear, when one of her cub was hurt, but Donnie only smirked. He wasn't worried, after all Raph would never hurt him... He hoped.

"Sorry, Raphie, but I told you I'm not that kind of guy." Donatello purred.

He turned around to run and gasped, when a hand jerked on his ankle and pulled him down on the cool floor. Don landed on his front half and felt his hot head brother lead over him, using his body to press the smaller of the two down. He felt the growl next to his ear, and shuddered, but didn't know if it was fear or something else.

"Bullshit!" Raph rumbled, angry that Donnie kept acting like a fucking tease, he wanted it, Raph wanted it, so why didn't he just let them do it?!

"Raphie..." Don, unsure how to go, licked his lips.

He opened his mouth again only to feel Raph kissing him again. He whimpered softly and elder male jerked his mouth away.

"Ya're fucking lucky that our family is gonna wake up in about five minutes or ya would have been fucked, and fucked hard, lil' brother." Raph hissed softly.

He moved off and help his brother up.

"Ya're done?" Hothead asked, narrowing his eyes.

Donnie only nodded. Raphael tossed him a towel and watched Donnie leaving. He went back to now cold shower, but not even that helped his hard on.

DAY 7. Breakfast

"You had a long shower…" Genius purred quietly, not turning around. "Was there a problem?"

Raphael stopped for few seconds in the kitchen aperture, staring at brother's shell with narrowed eyes, then walked to the table and without hesitation took a chair near Don's. Usually, it was Mikey's place, but not today.

"No problem, Donnie boy." Raph grunted softly in a reply. "At least nothing I can't take care of."

Having muttered something indistinct to that, Donatello continued his cooking as it was his turn to do the breakfast. It smelled good, but there was something more delicious in this kitchen that Raphael wanted to savor. He licked his lips as younger terrapin wiggled his tail and leaned against the back of his chair.

"Where're the others?' Donatello asked, filling teapot with hot water.

"Be here in a minute, brainiac." Hothead didn't even bother to sound less roughly. "What? Is there a problem?"

It seemed like Don had heard some undertone in brother's voice as he didn't say anything in return. Raphael chuckled quietly. Yeah, he could enjoy that game too, after all. Besides, Raph had already decided what to do, and that made everything even more interesting. And easier to bear.

Nevertheless, pouring himself a glass of juice, Raphael swore that if Donatello only dares to take that damn popsicle for dessert, he would screw his little brother right there and then on the kitchen floor despite his own decision. Fortunately, last piece of cursed frozen snack had ended yesterday. Or was it unfortunately? Raph couldn't actually decide.

"Are you hungry, Raphie?" Donatello asked softly after a pause as he threw a quick glance over the shoulder at elder brother and wiggled his tail again. "I'm almost done with the breakfast."

Raphael raised an eyebrow ridge. So, sweet Donnie still thought he was safe and intended to continue his teasing. Naïve…

"Yeah, I'm hungry." Raph replied slowly. "But don't worry 'bout me, sweetie. I'm gonna have my main dish tonight."

He was delighted to see that Donatello froze near the kitchen rack. Surely, olive green terrapin knew perfectly that his elder brother's words were always followed by actions. Smirking widely, Raphael glanced at stilled tail. It seemed like he won that round of Don's nasty game.

Others gathered in the kitchen before Raph managed to relish his little victory, but he wasn't frustrated with that at all. He will have enough time for relish in the night.

During the breakfast red masked ninja couldn't help grinning mentally every time he looked at quiet Donnie, sitting near him. He thought about doing something like touching his thigh under the table to see him blushing and remind of what was coming, but Mikey suddenly tossed his head and waved hand, attracting attention.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you!" Youngest brother seemed to be exited. "Casey and April invited us for movie night today! Do I need to ask who wants to go?"
Leonardo nodded, smiling, and Mike gazed questioningly at other two brothers. Having closed his eyes for a moment, Raphael slowly took his hand away from the glass with juice as he was afraid to crush it in his tightened grip. Why tonight? Why couldn't they invite them tomorrow? Raph turned his head to Donnie only to see that familiar, tiny and teasing smirk on those tempting lips.

"That'll be great." Donatello said and looked at irritated hothead with sparks in his dark eyes. "What do you think, Raph?"

Raphael thought that he wanted to kill Mikey right now and Casey later, crush the damn TV and, maybe, couple of video shops, but he didn't say that aloud, of course.

"Sure." He grunted lowly, getting up to get out of the kitchen. "Why not?"

Never before he believed that he could hate movies so much…

Day 7. Before training

Donatello sighed, his day had so gone hell. This morning in bathroom… He thought Raphael was going to have sex with him and Don tried to run off only to be slammed in the floor. Donnie felt a shudder, wiggling down his back, not fear but arousal. Then, at breakfast Raphael had pretty clearly told Donnie that he would fuck him later tonight. Not make love, not sex, but fucking. Pure, raw fucking, and Donnie wished he didn't like the idea so much. But April and Casey's movie saved his little ass for another day…

He ambled to his messy bed to make it up. Bending over to grasp the sheets, Don started working.

He never saw the shadow of his older, darker brother, moving from the hiding spot near the door, and only heard the low growl. The olive green turtle gave a small cry as he was thrown onto his bed. The smaller of the two moaned dizzy as he landed on his front. His ass and that little silt, where his dick hid, were revealed to Raphael and hothead smirked, enjoying the view. Purple masked ninja fought off the dizzy feeling the best he could as he turned his head to look over the rim of his shell.

"RAPH! What in the world was that for?!" Don nearly screamed at his wild brother.

Raph scoffed at his smartest brother's anger, and sauntered closer to the bed. The purple mask brother scampered away, his shell hitting the wall behind him.

"You damn well know what that was for, Donnie-boy." Raph rumbled as he moved onto the soft bed.

Don's dark eyes looked around, trying to find a out. He could jump off the bed and land past his hotheaded brother, but that didn't mean he will make to the door and to safety among his other family members.

Glittering amber eyes moved across his brother's form, and Don felt like a prey with no way out. Donnie pulled his legs together and watched his brother warily, his onyx eyes never leaving Raph's yellow ones. Dark green male moved in front of the smaller turtle, his rough hands cupping under Don's calf and squeezing. His thumbs rubbed little circles, and Donnie felt his breathing quickening. Smart turtle's tail started wiggling, but genius wasn't aware of this. Instead he was attentive to Raph's hands, moving up to kneecaps, rubbing and squeezing. Donatello knew just what Raph was going to do and was proved right, when Raph pushed his legs apart. Don licked his lips and didn't bother to fight Raphael as that one moved in between slim legs. Olive green male felt a blush, forming on his cheeks, as the older turtle's hand rubbed his inner thighs.

Raphael churred, pleased that Donnie wasn't fighting off, and gave another squeeze. Darker male leant down and nuzzled his brother's warm cheek. Smaller terrapin whimpered, as Raph nipped his jaw, and offered Raphael his neck, making a tiny churr himself. Hothead, however, ignored the offer and pressed his lips to Don's. Genius moaned softly as he opened his mouth for his soon-to-be-lover. Both of their tongues fought as olive green arms moved over dark green skin and wrapped around the thicker neck.

Raphael, still kissing his little brother, guided him away from the wall and more onto the bed. Donnie pulled away, panting.

"Raphie We got to go trai...Ahhhh…" Donatello gasped as the hand lightly traced his silt.

"What was that, Donnie boy?" Raph purred, kissing the soft neck of his purple masked brother.

"YO, GUYS! Hurry up, we got to train!" Mikey yelled as he banged on Don's door.

Raphael growled lowly and blinked, when Donnie dashed away from him.

"He is right, Raph, we have to train." Olive green mutant told him quickly as he went to the door. "We're coming." He yelled to Mikey.

Donatello was cursing himself inside for giving in so easily to Raphael and blushed harder at the thought of what might had happened if they didn't have to train today. Raph pushed himself off the bed to follow Don, wondering if their Father would mind having three sons and none that went by the name of Mikey.

Day 7. After the training

That wasn't the best of his trainings, because all Donnie could think about was what had happened before the session. His knees trembled every time he caught Raph's piercing glance, thrown on him, and genius hardly managed to perform easiest exercises and attacks. Damn training lasted what felt like eternity and Donatello felt himself happy, when it finally ended. At least it was some relief that Raph didn't do very good either.

After the small rest they all, except hothead, gathered in the living room for some free time. Mikey read some comic book and Don couldn't help but sighing with relief when he remembered that, being exited because of the coming movie night, youngest of the clan hadn't paid attention to what exactly his elder brothers had been doing together in Donnie's room when he had come to call them for training. Leo discussed something with Splinter as they both sat on the couch, and violet-clad terrapin worked with his laptop, doing some upgrades. Normally, he would be doing it in his room or lab, but right now he didn't want to be alone.

Donatello didn't quite understand his feelings when he thought about previous hours. Sure, he clearly realized, that If it wasn't for some lucky circumstances, he would have been taken by Raphael already. Genius couldn't say that he didn't want this, he was just sort of confused. And scared.
It was hard to say now why he had started this nasty teasing game in the first place or, what was more important, why he had let it came so far. It's just teasing Raphael was something that Donatello simply couldn't restrain himself from, it was unusual, arousing, breathtaking, even dangerous, never before in his life smart terrapin hadn't let himself do something like that. Plus he had feelings for Raph and that was the reason as well.

At some point Don realized that he probably had been pushing hothead too much, but it was too late to stop. Besides, he didn't actually want to stop. He had amazing power over Raphael, that made Raph's brain melting and think only about his younger brother, and Donnie enjoyed it. But now, when situation had come to its logical peek, genius felt strong insecurity. He wanted his brother, but yet he wasn't sure he was ready for that, that he was ready for giving in to Raph completely. And it didn't make everything easier that dark green mutant, from his side, was completely ready to take what he wanted. And knowing his brother, Don was sure that hothead wouldn't stop from taking it by force, if Donatello only dared to resist further. After all, Raphael wasn't called 'hothead' for nothing.

And now Don didn't know what to do. Talking was futile and he couldn't escape his elder brother forever. Genius was safe for today's night, but what was he going to do tomorrow? Ask Leo if he could stay and sleep in his room? Well, Donnie could bet his latest invention that this would only make Raphael more angry and wouldn't solve their little problem…

Donatello shuddered again, thinking about what could have happened in early hours today, and flinched, feeling touch to his shoulder.

"Donnie, are you ok?" Mikey asked, looking at him with small confusion. "You're sitting in front of your laptop for ten minutes already, staring at the blank screen and pushing the same button from time to time."

"I'm fine, Mikey." Don averted his eyes to avoid Leo's and Splinter's concerned gazes. "I was just thinking…"

Genius flinched again, seeing Raphael in the aperture, but hothead didn't even look at him. Raph's face had irritated and discontent expression and it meant that it was better not to touch him right now. Donnie followed him with his eyes, till Raphael disappeared in the dojo, and only sighed quietly. After all, what else could he do?

Day 7. Lunch

Donnie fought to keep himself calm as the rough hand caressed his upper thigh and slowly slid down and up. It was so faint, barely there, but it was enough to make Donnie blush. He was thankful that others were too busy auguring with Mikey about how much food was safe to eat. They didn't need to know just what the hothead was doing. The rough hand squeezed his lower thigh and Donnie stole a peek at his older brother. Hothead was on his elbow, looking bored as he took a slip of his soda, like he was not stoking Don's left leg, as if he was not making Donnie aroused. And for some ungodly reason this upset Don. He pulled his legs even closer to keep Raph from dipping his hand between olive thighs like he had done earlier, when they first had sat down for lunch.

Raphael's hand had almost got to the silt before the smaller male batted the hand away and put his legs together to keep Raphael from doing this again. He got a hot glare from Raph for blocking his hand away and Don shot him a look. Raphael had spent almost all of lunch trying to coax Donnie into opening his legs. The olive green almost wanted to, in fact if his family wasn't here...

A shower, he needed a shower.

"Um... Father, maybe…" Purple mask turtle was cut off with a wave from his father, who was still auguring with his youngest son.

Donatello avoided looking at Raphael, who had a tiny smirk, and quickly made his way to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him as a warning to Raphael to not come in, but he didn't think it would really work. After all, when Raphael wanted something badly, he would do anything to have it, one way or another. The thought caused genius's gut to flip a little and small male let a huff out.

Donnie gave a blissful sigh as the warm water hit him. He leant his head on the cool tiles and let the water hit his shell. His left hand ran down lovely and started tracing his silt. Licking his lips, Don imagined that it was Raphael's. Olive green male could hear the low rumbling hothead made, when he was aroused or pleased about something… That heat that always came from the bulky body…

Donatello let himself drop down and get lost in his own world. Raphael would churr and call him a good boy, or maybe he wouldn't want Donnie to do that and would slap his butt cheeks until they become a dark red. Elder brother would call all kind vulgar names and tell the smaller male that he had made Raph do this. Dark green mutant wouldn't touch him, where he needed to be touched the most… Moaning, Donnie moved one of his hands to his wiggling tail and gasped, as he played with his cock and tail... Donnie would beg Raph to come back and touch him again. Raphael would call him a slut or something and then fuck his little brother just like one...

Donnie shuddered as he came and warm white cum slid down between his legs. Dark eyes male panted softly and let himself come down from his high. He thought back the past day and frowned. Now Don understood that he had been pushing Raphael too far, but it was too late to go back. The thing was Donnie wasn't sure if he wanted to go back to being brothers, the idea of having Raphael as lover was just too good.

The olive green turtle scowled, just how did he fall for that jerk anyway? Why not Leonardo, who took such good care of his family and was the one of the sweetest guy you can met. Or even Mikey, the lighthearted turtle, who pulled out a real laugh of Donatello even on his worst day. But no, smallest turtle had to fall for that arrogant hothead, who not only put himself in life and death situations, but others too. He went out to hurt and kill people just because he was a little moody! He got drunk almost weekly, and cursed in every other sentences! Overall he was nothing but a rude asshole!

"No he is not!" A voice yelled in Don's head. Raphael was also there for his brothers when they needed help, even after a big fight. He was the one to help Don fix up around the lair and take care of their Father, after he had fallen sick, while Leonardo had been out for his training. Raph was the first one to help Mikey, when the youngest started his job. Hothead was the one to stop the first human from killing them, when they were mere children, by taking his life and holding a sobbing Donnie after...

Donatello wondered what it would be like to be in those arms again, it had been years since they last hugged. Donnie shook his head at his thoughts. None of that actually mattered, what he needed to do was to find a way to keep Raphael at bay for longer, at least, until Donnie felt ready… But at this point Don was starting to think that he won't get that time.

Day 7. Early evening

"I'm going to meditate for a while." Leo stretched, put away his book and got up from the sofa. "Need to relax before movie night."

Donatello actually felt his stomach curling into a tight ball as he looked at senior brother with almost despair. Mikey was in the sewers, riding his new skateboard, Splinter meditated in his room and now Leonardo was going to do the same. Leader always asked not to be disturbed during those times and Don suddenly felt himself trapped.

Having gulped, genius threw quick glance at Raphael, who was standing near TV. Golden eyes practically devoured him, glimmering with desire, as hothead folded his arms and grinned slightly. Even if Donnie didn't know what Raph wanted from him, he would have guessed now by that cheeky and a little dangerous grin. It was obvious that dark green mutant waited for Leonardo to leave.

Donatello gulped again, trying to think of any reason to make blue masked ninja stay, but before he came up with any idea, Raphael walked to him in few large steps and grabbed his forearm, squeezing it sharply.

"Not gonna run now, brainiac." Raph said, pulling Don a bit closer and meeting Leo's questioning gaze. "He gotta fix something for me. I've been waiting for it for too long."

Interest disappeared from Leo's eyes as leader nodded and turned away to go into his room. Those two always spent a lot of time together fixing something and upgrading Raph's bike to make that horrible thing go faster, so there was no reasons for senior brother to pay some extra attention to that. Had he looked back, he would have noticed two pairs of eyes, following him – one with despair and silent plea and another one with hungry expectation. But Leonardo hadn't looked back. He just walked into his room and closed the door behind.

Everything happened fast then. Still grinning, Raphael dragged his brother into his own room, closed the door behind, having locked it swiftly, and roughly threw his scared prey onto bed. Donatello whimpered quietly as bulky terrapin practically fell down on him a moment later, forcing air out of smaller male with his weigh. Wanting to say something, Don opened his mouth only to feel Raph's lips pressing to his and wet tongue gliding inside. Moaning with arousal, genius closed his eyes and trembled as those demanding palms moved all over his body, stroking and caressing, exploring it. Shifting atop of him, Raphael braced himself on his knees and elbow so just he could slide his right hand down along Don's plastron and then in between his legs.

"Ra-aph…" Donnie groaned, breaking the kiss and trying to jerk away from Raph's fingers. "Don't do that… I'm…"

Rumbling roar met his ears. Having pulled his hand up, Raphael suddenly collapsed back on his brother, pressing their plastrons tightly against each other and not paying any attention to Don's feeble attempts to push him away. Strong fingers clenched on genius's chin, holding it firmly. Golden eyes narrowed.

"Ya'd better stop that, Donnie." Raph growled angrily. "I've had enough of that damn little game of yers. Don't piss me off more than ya already did."

Donnie shuddered, desperately trying to think of some appropriate answer, as he was afraid to say something that would only increase Raphael's dissatisfaction. But how could he explain to angry and horny hothead that he wasn't playing anymore, that he was just scared and wanted to delay their mating for some time, because, despite wanting it, he didn't feel like he was ready for that? And how could he expect Raph to believe it after Don himself had pushed this situation so far?

"Raphie…" He muttered quietly. "I'm not teasing you… It's just I'm…"

"…Not that kind of guy." Raphael interrupted him and golden eyes narrowed even more. "Yeah, I've heard that."

"No!" Donatello cried out, moving his hands to grasp brother's shoulder. "That's not what I wanted to say…"

"Sure." Dark green mutant almost hissed. "I see ya just can't get enough of this bullshit. Fine. If ya wanna it rough and hard – ya'll get it."

Having abruptly moved off from Donatello, he gripped the rim of his shell and turned smaller terrapin on his stomach. A moment later genius was shifted so his knees were on the floor. He jerked, realizing in what position he was now, but Raphael forced his both arms behind his back and, holding his wrists with one hand, pressed him into the mattress even more. With inarticulate grunting sound elder brother smacked olive buttock. Donnie squirmed, but mostly because of surprise as that hit was just more like a warning. It didn't hurt too much.

"But don't be afraid, sweetie..." Raphael's voice suddenly softened. "I won't hurt ya. Well, at least not more than it's inevitably."

He gently kneaded soft buttock he had just smacked, and then stroke small tail, covering tight opening into genius's body. Donnie took a deep breath and then moaned as those fingers moved farther to tease the slit, which hid Don's cock. He almost dropped down to that capable palm, but Raphael only chuckled and returned his hand on brother's ass, that was exposed to him in such tempting manner.

"Now, Donnie boy…" Larger turtle purred, rubbing buttock with his thumb. "Be a good boy and raise yer tail yerself. Don't make me make ya."

Whining quietly, Donatello pressed his tail to his opening even more, protecting it as good as it was possible, and heard his brother chuckling again. But to Don's greatest relief his so-called 'personal guardian' once again interrupted Raph's further advances.

"Raph!" Mikey's yell made them both flinch. "Are you there?"

Youngest brother banged on the door enthusiastically and Donnie almost felt burning waves of anger, radiating from Raph's body. Sensation was accompanied by low rumbling roar and that was enough to wipe out all doubts about what exactly hothead felt at the moment. Well, if there could have been any doubts.

"Raph! Let's play 'Street fighters'!" Mikey banged on the door again. "You promised me! I so wanna beat you again! Raph? Come on, are you there? Raph?"

Both elder brothers knew that usually the only way to get rid of Mikey was giving him what that one wanted. Muttering stifled curses, Raphael let go of his prey and stood up, staring at the ceiling as if in complete despair. Donatello got up too, moving slowly and trying to calm down his breathing. Mikey called for Raph few more times and then stopped his banging. Judging by the direction, in which his voice had disappeared, orange-clad terrapin run to the lab to search for his brother there. Having unlocked the door, Raphael opened it and stepped outside.

"I'm gonna kill him this time." That was the last thing Don had heard before dark green mutant rushed after Mikey. "He's so dead."