I'd say it's unfortunate I couldn't post on the accurate date, but I don't think you guys mind. So here it is...The last chapter of Winky and Blinky...Enjoy!
Unite or Die Part 2
Pinky blinked her eyes open, adjusting them to the light. Blinky, was her first thought, ...but why?
The red ghost appeared next to her and gave her a confused look. "Uh, hi...Pinky..."
Pinky rolled her eyes. "Where is Inky and Clyde? They were supposed to meet us here hours ago!"
Blinky smirked. "Maybe your boyfriend is freshening up a bit before he-" The pink ghost shot him a filthy look that quickly shut him up.
"Fine...Maybe we'll run into them along the way..." The red ghost muttered.
The two aimlessly wandered side by side with no particular interest in their surroundings.
Suddenly Blinky halted in his tracks. "Whoa, déjà vu...Look over there!" He pointed out to his friend.
The pink ghost smiled. "Weird, I think I've seen her before..."
A lone purple ghost worriedly paced to and fro looking for something or someone.
Blinky quickly darted over to the ghost leaving Pinky to figure out her unsolved mystery.
The purple ghost was already going off on Blinky by the time Pinky reached the two.
"Excuse me? I don't know who you think you are, gliding over here like you own the-..." She stopped herself, looking slightly confused.
Blinky shook her head. "Now I definitely know this is an 'I've seen this before' moment..."
The purple ghost floated completely dumbfounded. "What?"
Pinky shook her head. "No, Blinky it can't be this ghost has...red eyes..."
Inky and Clyde raced in joined the trio. "Winky! I have looked everywhere for you!"
The ghost looked over to the two and turned back to the first couple; her eyes were green.
Pinky's eyes widened. "I remember all of this happening!"
"Me too..." Clyde added blandly.
"Then please explain to me what's going on, because I still don't get it." Blinky sighed.
The purple ghost tilted her head. "Me neither Pinky, you'll have to..." She cut herself off again. "'Pinky'? Where'd that name came from?"
"Time travel..." Pinky muttered.
The others gave her looks of disbelief, making her explain further. "We must've been sent back in time to stop an occurring event. I know your memories of our future are slow to catch on right now, but we have to go, like now! Come on!" Pinky rushed away to the Spooky Hallow Graveyard.
Inky, Blinky, and Clyde exchanged looks. "You know I really hate when your girlfriend has an idea, and won't share..." Blinky grumbled.
Inky blushed. "She's not my girlfriend. Come on Winky, let's go after Pinky."
Winky sighed. "Whatever you say, darling brother of mine."
The four ghosts finally caught up to their anxious, genius of a friend. "Here, it's somewhere here. I remember seeing someone right here before we left."
Growing steadily impatient, Blinky sighed. "What are you talking about?"
Pinky took a deep breath and explained everything at a fast pace:
"Alright listen closely and listen well, I'm only gonna say this once. We were sent back to come stop an event that happened at this point in time. I'm not sure exactly what yet, but I noticed something very odd from the beginning that I should've paid closer attention to. I just never put it together until now." Pinky turned to Winky. "You were being possessed by Penny the witch when we first met you. That explains your eye color changing from red to green. Now, you were looking for something when we first noticed you, what were you looking for?"
Winky looked nervous. "I uh- my brother?"
"No, think harder. There has to be a reason Pac-Man sent us back in time..."
Winky sighed. "Alright...I was looking for the Diamond..."
Inky's eyes widened. "Wait, what?!"
Pinky pointed her head towards the pumpkin patch they had just left from. "Idmon the Pumpkin Spider...He's one of the Darkness' forms right?"
Blinky turned around to look up at the Pumpkin Patch up top the hill. "That little sneak...That's where they were hiding from the beginning..."
"Exactly, so the Darkness takes refuge in a pumpkin patch, no one expects pumpkin spiders to come out of their shells unless they're mad, right? So no one touches them. Years and years, the Darkness watches, studies, and plucks at all the little things we do and this particular spot is where I saw Penny come along to meet with a certain cookie-eating Pac-Person with the Spooky Hallow Diamond."
Right on cue, Pac-Man walked through the gates of the graveyard. "Hey, Pinky, Inky, Clyde, and Blinky...what brings you four here?"
Blinky narrowed his eyes. "Why are you trespassing on our property?"
Pac-Man shrugged. "I didn't know the entire Hallow belonged to just you four. I just wanted to return this Diamond your friend gave to me."
"What friend?" Clyde asked.
"Well there she is right there." He replied, pointing to Winky.
Winky tilted her head. "I didn't give you the Diamond."
"But I did!" A second ghost appeared out of thin air. "No need to use Winky here anymore, now that I have the Pac-Man and the Diamond...wait...How did you ghosts know that this was happening! We had impeccable timing!"
Pinky rolled her eyes. "Time travel, compliments of Dr. Labo."
The purple ghost disappeared in a wisp of purple smoke and appeared a tiny blue haired witch. "Time travel...Wow, now that's high standard witchcraft! I need to hang out with you ghosties!"
Blinky narrowed his eyes at the witch. "We don't accept witches."
Winky bumped Blinky out of the way. "Don't mind him, we'll be more than glad to receive your help, if you help us find the rest if the crystals."
Inky turned to Pinky. "What?"
Pinky smiled and mouthed the words 'curious traitor'. Inky nodded understanding their situation.
"Well, it's gonna take a lot more than time travel to get me on your side. What else you got?"
Pinky remembered the package of cookies, Future Pac-Man gave to her.
"How about these?"
Pen hopped up and down. "Power cookies! Those are really hard to get and very easily used up! You have at least fifty in there! I want 'em! I want 'em! I want 'em!"
Pinky pulled the basket out of her reach. "Only if you help us regain the crystals and find this 'Ultimate'."
"Fine, I'll do it."
"Pac-Man, you should head to Greenwood Grove and retrieve the Peridot." Pinky suggested.
Pac-Man looked shocked. "How do you know about the Peri-Oh never mind. I need to stop by Crystal Cliffs anyway, so I'll get my gem and meet you ghosts at Greenwood."
"While you're at Crystal Cliffs, you can do us a favor and get the CC Aquamarine." Blinky put in.
Pac-Man shrugged. "I don't know what you'd want with that, but I could ask Woofa."
Pinky nodded. "Right."
Pen grabbed the Diamond from Pac-Man's grasp and handed it over to Blinky. "You'd better not lose it this time!" She growled.
Blinky sneered at the tiny witch. "And what are you gonna do if I do lose it?!"
The group resumed travel along the card path leading to Celebration Ave. Winky couldn't stop her laughter as Blinky struggled to move, having had to drag the heavy gem behind him all the way. "Stupid witch and her stupid curses! Winky can you at least lend an orbit and help me lift this thing?"
Winky smiled. "I thought you were a big tough guy?"
"I am a tough guy!" He whined.
Winky giggled and helped Blinky with the heavy crystal.
"Maybe if you didn't threaten her she wouldn't have placed a weight curse on the gem." Inky suggested.
"Maybe if she wasn't such a-"
"Hush." Pen shushed them. Ahead was the prized possession of the celebrating town: the cake.
"The inside has the Celebration Ave. Ruby right?" Winky asked.
Penny nodded. "We just need to convince the robot to get over the fact that no one is ever gonna eat that thing, and help us with the mission. We get Roger on our side, we'll only need the princess and the Ultimate will be yours."
"Unless time catches up to us, look!" Pinky pointed out the cybernetic bear stealthily creeping over to Roger.
Pen frowned. "Yeah I forgot about him..."
Winky looked around. "I could go distract him."
"No." Blinky and Inky chorused.
Winky groaned and dropped the crystal forcing Blinky to drop down with it.
Pen scuffed her foot on the card covered ground. "Then I guess I'll have to."
"What?! You're supposed be our guide! You can't bail on us twice!" Pinky snapped.
Pen shrugged. "Life doesn't always end up the way you want it to, but you deal. Besides, you're the brains of the group, figure something out."
She sealed a pink air bubble around the cookie basket she was holding. "I bewitched the cookies to maximize their strength, now hurry along and go get that Ruby!"
With that said, she broke the curse on Blinky with a snap of her fingers, before running along to distract the Darkness.
The ghosts watched as Penny caught up to the Darkness before he launched his attack.
"We need to get Roger outta there, now!" Blinky ordered. The five ghost easily transported themselves from their current hiding space to Roger's side.
"Yeah that's great Roger, you need to come with us." Inky cut him off.
Blinky clenched his teeth looking around for the Darkness to spring out of no where. "Just shut up for a second and we'll tell you."
"But right now we have to get you outta here!" Pinky rushed.
Just then a cute stuffed bear appeared from behind a card house.
Inky's eyes widened. "I think a hospital will be recommended if he gets any closer!"
Bearzerk tilted his head curiously and smiled. "Oh you ghosts, thought you could easily elude me, huh? Well I do have more than one trick up my sleeve."
The bear turned from innocent to pure evil; his black button eyes turn robotically red in a flash, a sweet smile turned to a razor-filled, iron-jawed cage, and dagger sharp claws exploded from his soft, cute paws. He roared and soon the area was filled with zombie-like toys.
"Uh-oh..." Pinky panicked. "I don't think we can get outta this one like we did last time..."
Winky floated next to her side and shook off frosting bits from her head. "Don't have to, I've got the Ruby. Let's go!"
The ghosts took hold of Roger and phased away just before the first zombie toy could strike.
Traveling through the desert wasn't very fun, or easy. The trip seemed to last longer than the first time for some reason, especially since Patra was no where to be found.
"Ugh, where does your friend go when she has no place to be?!" Blinky groaned.
Pinky thought for a moment, then grinned with realization. "I know exactly where she is!" With lightning speed, Pinky was gone and back with Princess Patra in moments.
"I was in the middle of brushing my tail, until Pinky came bursting into my room exclaiming about the Darkness! Is it true, is he really coming?"
Roger's eye flashed green. "INDEED, YOUNG VULPES OF THE TEMPLE."
"What did he just call me?" Patra asked obviously offended.
Inky shook his head. "That doesn't matter Princess, we are running out of time. Do you have the Jade?"
Princess Patra took off a bracelet and revealed it to her friends. "Of course I do, my father turned it into a charm when my mother...Anyway, if the Darkness is coming, there is no time to wait."
Winky stared up at the sky. "Yeah, we need to hurry before things do get ugly..."
"I thought the Oasis Jade was black?" Clyde questioned.
Patra winked at the large ghost. "Jades are green, Clyde."
Pac-Man and Woofa wandered the village warily, keeping an eye out for the foretold adversary. "No way I'm going to let him destroy Greenwood." He muttered to Woofa.
"Big bad cloud will not hurt Woofa's friend. Woofa strong."
Pac-Man smiled before opening his mouth and digging down in his bottomless stomach. He pulled out the green Peridot. "Safe and sound."
Like a light switch was switched to 'off', Greenwood was covered in immediate darkness.
"Hey who turned off the sun?" Pac-Man asked. Woofa jumped in surprise and shook in fright. "Woofa afraid of dark!"
"It's okay, it's just a little dark..." Just as the yellow cookie-eater finished his phrase, a black tornado cloud hailed down on the poor Pac-Person. "Whoa!" Pac-Man cried out as he whirled around and around in the storm.
He landed down on the ground without the Peridot in hand. "This can't be good..." He murmured as he dizzily passed out.
"Oh no, Pac-friend hurt!" Woofa cried.
The ghosts, Patra, and Roger made no effort to waste time as they raced against the clock across Greenwood Grove. "Pac-Man! Oh Paaaac-Maaaaan!" Patra called out.
"I see him over there!" Blinky pointed out. "And Woofa is with him!"
The seven rushed to the cookie-eater's side.
"Cloud came in sky and hurt Pac-Man! Woofa was afraid of the dark!" Woofa explained.
"Oh no..." Clyde murmured. "Poor Pac-Man..."
"Maybe he's dead..." Blinky muttered. Winky shot him a look and tilted her head towards the Princess, who looked completely distraught.
"He's definitely took some damage...This should at least help him regain his old strength." Pinky pulled a power cookie from the stack and waved it just above Pac-Man's nose.
The Pac-Man jolted up at the smell of the baked good. "Mmm, Power Cookie! Please tell me you're not gonna keep that one for yourself, Pinky!"
The pink ghost giggled and surrendered the treat. "You can have it."
"Pac-Man do you still have the Greenwood Grove Peridot?" Winky asked as the cookie-eater shoved the bigger-than-average cookie in his mouth.
Pac-Man stood to his feet. "No, sorry. The Darkness just came by and stole it. We need to track him down and take it back."
"Or..." Patra smiled and took the green gem off her charm and gave it to Pac-Man. "You can have the real one."
"I knew it." Clyde beamed.
Patra giggled. "Yes, the real Jade is indeed black, a unique color considering its brethren are all green."
"Patra smart." Woofa complimented.
"Why thank you Woofa, at least someone in this fanfic finally recognizes my genius." She muttered.
"So now we get the Ultimate, give it to the Royal Color, and save the world?" Blinky summed up.
"Pretty much." Patra nodded.
"Oh, Woofa has present. Woofa don't want crystal, it too hard to eat." The yeti happily handed over the Crystal Cliffs Aquamarine to Pinky.
Inky smiled at his sister. "Heh, guess that's your cue?"
Winky smiled weakly as everyone gave up their locational gems. "I guess so...but what do I even do? I don't even know what this 'Ultimate' thing is or how to summon it, or anything!"
Pinky passed the younger ghost the last gem. "I'm sure you'll figure it out, you've come this far haven't you?"
Winky nodded and held up each gem in her orbit. "Yeah, I guess I did...I think we should head back to the spot where the Darkness summoned up the Dark Realm."
Pinky smiled. "See you're doing fine already. Alright guys lets go."
All it took was an easy phase from Greenwood to Spooky Hallow to return home. What the ghosts did not expect upon return was something that was not home.
"We're too late..." Patra murmured as she stared at the ruined location.
"Pinky this has to be normal right? Please tell me it's normal!" Inky pled.
Pinky shook her head. "No...the Darkness has already taken over Spooky Hallow..."
"IT TOO DARK!" Woofa squeaked frightfully hiding behind Pac-Man.
All around the dark world nothing was visible; every inch and corner was not filled with just Spooky Hallow darkness, but pure, scathed, consuming darkness.
"I can't see past my bang in this dark cloud..." Winky sighed.
Patra flattened her ears and shuffled her feet uncomfortably. "We have to go in...Winky was correct when she said we had to come here. Where the Darkness was originally unleashed, it must be sealed back in."
"How did this not spread to other regions yet?" Clyde asked.
Blinky rolled his eyes. "The Darkness is trying to scare us by starting in our home, duh. The other locations are going to be next" He turned to Winky with full concern. "But we're not afraid of the dark, as long as we have each other and a little light. Right Winky?"
The purple ghost gulped. "Yeah...but Blinky we still don't have the Ultimate."
The group fell in silence with those last words hanging in the air.
"Man, I wish there was somewhere all this stuff was written down." Inky complained.
"Yeah but, where's the fun in that?" Pinky giggled.
"I think I can live without fun for a while, Pinky." Clyde murmured.
Blinky snorted. "No fun? May as well have no reason to be alive. Or dead."
"I forgot that guy was here." Blinky muttered to Inky.
Inky gave his friend an incredulous look. "Really?"
Inky rolled his eyes and pushed his friend forward through the darkness. "Come on!"
"Hold on." Pinky held up the Power Cookie basket. "Everyone take a Power Cookie...We don't need to take our chances, anything can be in that fog and we should be ready to face it.
"Oh Woofa see now, the dark is not so dark now!" The white furred yeti cheered.
"Winky! Oh we've been here for hours! She can be anywhere!" Pinky cried.
"We can't give up!" Inky encouraged.
"We'll find her, just keep looking!" Blinky added.
"I'm sure she couldn't have gone too far." Clyde put in.
"Define far..." Patra sighed.
"How could she have found her way anywhere?" Pac-Man added.
"Woofa hope she not lost. Little ghost could be in trouble." Woofa sighed.
"Thanks Woofa, you just made me feel a lot better." Inky grumbled.
"POLTERGEIST DETECTED UP AHEAD." Roger interrupted the group's speculations. The group looked around, but remembered it was no use, the fog was just too thick. "Winky!" They called instead. Someone answered them back, but it was not Winky.
The groups groaned. "We're in Spooky Hallow, for Pac-World's sake. Of course there are gonna be ghosts everywhere..." Inky muttered.
Just then not too far from where they stood light broke through.
"Is that..."
Winky closed her eyes, which wasn't necessary because she couldn't see anyway. Taking a deep breath, the purple ghost focused all of her energy on each crystal from the locations. "Please let this work..." She whispered to herself.
When she opened her eyes again, she saw light begin to emit from each gem. She smiled. "Yes! Now keep doing that!"
Just as she wished, the light began to glow brighter and brighter, canceling the concealing darkness.
"Yes!" She cried out happily.
Her happiness soon changed as she saw a figure step out of the shadows. "Idmon." she growled. Next to the spider, his son, Archne, came forth. Soon other bosses from the other location surrounded her.
"So the gang is all here." Winky said lightly.
"Indeed." They spoke as one. "And the Royal Color is all alone."
"Check again losers. My friends are not too far!" She retaliated.
"Is that so? Do you know this for sure? Or just what you beseech?" Idmon hissed.
"They may see you, but they never will they reach." Arachne added darkly.
"They will run and run until they turn blue." Krakken chortled.
"But never will they catch up to you." Captain Tentacles laughed.
"So indeed, you are all alone." Bearzerk smirked.
"So a fight is what you must condone." They all chorused, lurching towards the lone ghost.
Winky's rolled her eyes. "You're lame riddles won't discourage me. I'm not afraid of you!"
They approached her quickly as she braved herself, however they did not lay a single claw or tentacle on her purple spectrum. She gasped slightly seeing ghosts surrounding her.
"Whoa!" She smiled. She would've recognized them anywhere; her brother, Clyde, and Pinky appeared out of no where in whips of white smoke and fought off the attackers.
Winky smiled meekly. "You came for me." She looked around for the others. "Where is everyone else?"
Inky shook his head. "I'm sorry little sister, we aren't exactly who you think we are."
"More like shadows of ourselves." Pinky added.
"How?" Winky demanded slightly upset.
"You summoned us to help you with these." Clyde pointed towards the gems.
"Peice them together and receive the Ultimate." Inky added.
"Save the world." Pinky put in before the three disappeared.
Winky felt deeply hurt. "I guess I am alone in this..." She sighed before smiling a bit. "But not really..." She muttered as she did as her ghost of her ghost brother told her.
The pieces fit together and formed a heart. "Wow...very cliché..."
The heart exploded into a million pieces and swarmed all about Winky. "Whoa!" She shouted over the roar of the swarming crystal bits.
"I guess this is it..."
Winky blinked herself awake. Through the slits of her eyes, a blue dressed officer peered down at her. "Yep, definitely the Royal Color. She's got the green eyes, like you said." The figure spoke into a walkie talkie. "What?"
She murmured.
"Oh great, you're awake." A voice muttered sarcastically.
Winky shook her head and used her orbit to steady herself. "Where am I?" She asked woozily.
"Celebration Ave.!" The officer announced. "You took a mighty hard fall, good thing that heart thingy of yours didn't break."
Winky looked around at her surroundings. Like the officer said, toys, cards, Lego blocks, and of course the cake, partied before her eyes.
The crowd of toys before her cheered loudly. "Winky! Winky! Winky!" They chanted.
"What in Pac-World? What am I doing here?" Winky demanded. "Where's the Ultimate? Where are my friends? And why is Penny here?!"
Penny waved at the purple ghost. "Oh ghostie, you were out for some time. Maybe the Ultimate did a whole number on your head."
Winky growled and towered over the tiny ghost. "Do you think this is funny?! I will personally-"
"Winky!" A voice called behind her.
"Oh great, we leave for five minutes and my sister wakes up!" Another complained.
"Inky, it's not like she's gone off to Greenwood and back. She probably just woke up." Another replied softly.
"Just in time for our date." Another laughed.
Winky turned to see her four friends grinning broadly at her. "Inky? Blinky? Pinky? Clyde? You made it? How?!" Winky cried as she rushed up to each of them.
Pinky giggled. "Well kinda, it's a long story."
Inky nodded. "Yeah, but the important thing to know is if our Royal Color is alright."
Winky nodded. "Of course, but you escaped the Darkness? Is he gone?"
"For good!" Penny piped up from behind her.
Winky let out a deep breath then caught it again. "Are you sure? It isn't one of those tricks again?"
Blinky nodded and floated close to the purple ghost. "Of course we're sure. Just look at this." He held forth the Ultimate. Inside the combined gems was a black smoke of some sort.
"We'll figure out how to properly get rid of him later. Right now we need to go do something fun!" Pinky cheered.
Winky let out a deep breath and smiled. "Alright then, what's keeping us from doing so?"
"This fine that I'm writing you six for trespassing in an enclosed historical monument!" The officer growled.
"Since when was this a 'historical monument'?" Penny demanded.
The officer finished writing his citation before answering. "Since the Royal Color stepped foot here. And your feet don't belong here!"
The ghosts all looked down. "Oh will you look at that we don't have feet..." Blinky answered smartly.
The officer turned to Penny and handed her the bill before walking away.
The ghosts joined in laughter as Penny yelped in surprise. "Hey this bill is worth 10,000 Pacdollars! I don't even use that currency! Wait, guys you better get back here and help me with this bill!"
I don't know why, but I feel as if there is something I missed...Maybe it's how the Ultimate actually has an importance...The symbol of the heart I used to be the Ultimate...Well call me cheesy but the Ultimate is a heart because the ultimate weapon is love. Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde's love is what protected Winky in the Darknesses circle of the 'final battle'. Why am I telling you this outside of the story? Well no one not even Patra really understand this until Winky V.S. Blinky...
I apologize for errors, I read this story a thousand times so my mind probably autocorrects everything I didn't see.
I love you all! Until January!