Greetings everyone, I am JLOGO, here to bring you my first ever Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures Fanfic Story, so go easy on me, I only accept constructive criticism; no flaming, anyway this idea came to me at my grandparents, I have only seen the first 12 episodes of the show, and for those wondering; yes there is a bit of Pinky/Pac-Man in this story because they are cute together, but it is mostly Pinky hitting on Pac-Man, with some hints of love between the two, I am on break from my Walking Dead TV/Game Crossover Fanfic story, feel free to check it out, Please leave a review, ideas or suggestions I'd really appreciate it and will enjoy reading them, and I hope you guys enjoy it, read on my friends

Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures – Ghostly Guest

"WHAT?" Pac-Man's voice echoed through the dorm, it was close to night-time, scratch that; it was night-time, and more precisely nine o'clock, Pac-Man, Spiral and Cylindria stood there frozen in shock and awe; before a saddened Blinky, Inky, Pinky and sobbing Clyde that had found their way into Pac and Spiral's dorm room.

"Yuh-huh, Dr Heine face had those spy cam thingies spying on us last time we were here in PacWorld" Inky explained their situation to their Pac-friends, Cylindria covered her hands over her mouth; feeling sorry and somewhat guilty for their problem.

Inky's eyes sloped; unable to continue, Clyde's loud sobs worsened upon reliving the moment in his big empty head, Blinky floated closer to Pac-Man and through a broken saddened voice "Now we're fugitives number one, uh four? In the Netherworld, and we got nowhere to go" about ready to cry a river, before Clyde pulled him into a hug, squeezing the afterlife out of him, Clyde held him close; as if believing he was holding a teddy bear, eventually Blinky fell through his grip; passed out.

Pac-Man's face fell; feeling horrible for the position of his ghostly friends, seeing them so down was something very new; usually being in such high spirits and all. Pinky had her ectoplasm hands… uh flippers? Up to her eyes, trying to wipe away the tears that began streaming out of her eyes "We hated the place sure, but it was our home" slowly floating toward Pac-Man, Clyde then cried through his loud sobs; in a very stressed and upset tone "Now we're homeless!".

By now all four ghost were crying; Clyde was now holding Inky and Blinky in a light but meaningful hold, crying uncontrollably, Pinky was slowly approaching her beloved Pac-Man; her normally beautiful blue eyes were completely bloodshot with tears; she just wanted her 'Paccums' to hold her close, as she came in very close proximity with him and out of sheer sadness… with a small hint of loving affection; she wrapped her ectoplasm arms around Pac-Man.

Upon the second Pinky started hugging him, and crying into his shoulder; Pac was instantly uneasy; but he didn't want to brush her away in a such delicate moment like this; when she needed him most; she was a friend after all "Paccums, I'd feel much better being close to you right now, I hope that's okay" she softly stated through her tears, Cylindria had seen this coming a mile away; Pinky relying on Pac to make her feel better; believing Pinky was doing this to make her jealous… it kind of worked, Cyli nodded her head sideways in disapproval, slightly glaring at Pinky who had her eyes closed as she cried onto Pac's shoulder.

Pac didn't know what else to do except; gently wrap both arms around Pinky, the second she felt Pac's arms holding her close; her eyes widened with a purely stunned expression; two red oval shaped blushes appeared on Pinky's cheeks, a sweet smile slowly formed on her face as she leaned her cheek closer to Pac's shoulder, embracing his body's warm heat, however upon seeing Cylindria's obviously jealous and bitter glare; Pinky stared straight at her; sticking her tongue out at her, Cyli simply crossed her arms and continually glared at her.

"It's okay" Pac-Man said in a soft, friendly voice, Pinky's heart was overjoyed; like she was just given the key to her little Pac-Man's heart, her hold on him tightened, overflowing joy made time stop; she was so touched by Pac-Man's understanding of her "I knew you'd understand Packy, you always know how to make me feel better" she sounded happier than ever, though tears were still streaming from her eyes, they were tears of joy, and her hold on her beloved Pac tightened, his gentle touch soothed her ectoplasm soul.

Upon Pac-Man hearing Pinky's smitten confession, he felt more uncomfortable than he ever has in his whole life… well excluding that time he got all those zits, and floated around town; that was quite the uncomfortable and embarrassing experience, Pac-Man found himself looking at Spiral through the corner of his eye with a rather uneasy expression; almost begging for Spiral's help; though he wasn't sure he should; thinking that Pinky might evolve into her mad Cyclops Godzilla form and squash him 'Not a chance' he said to himself.

It was a minute later before Pinky released Pac-Man from her tight embrace; which was the greatest two minutes and forty-three seconds of her plasmid afterlife, feeling a warm surge of joy in her heart, Pac whipped off the pink goo imprint left from the embrace; using his tongue to do so, she winked affectionately at her 'boyfriend' which caused Pac-Man to grin foolishly, and nervously scratch the back of his circular self; around the back of his head.

Pinky positioned herself beside Clyde who was still balling his eyes out "Nobody loves us" he cried; clearly the most sensitive of them all, Inky was staring at the floor now with his eyes half closed with droplets of tears hitting the floor beneath him, Blinky spoke out of sheer panic and confusion of their predicament "We got nowhere to go! Lord Betrayus will have Heine head suck out our brains like he almost did to you, if we try to go back to that stink pit".

Pac-Man was unhappy to see his four ghost friends in such an upset state, the four ghost huddled themselves close together and were now pouring tears as one; Pac-Man turned to his friends; wondering what they could do to help their disembodied friends.

"Guys, what should we do? I feel we should help them out; considering it is kinda our fault" Pac-Man explained to Spiral and Cylindria; hoping they had any ideas, Cylindria did have one idea, but she didn't want to mention it, instead Spiral was quick to jump the gun and point out a flaw in his Pac-buddy's logic "Like how? It's not like they can just waltz back into Netherworld without Lord Betrayus or Heine Head knowing about it" that was true, Pac-Man realised that would mean the death of his ghost chums; uh second death, if that's possible.

Pac-Man was thinking long and hard about a way to assist his ghost friends, giving Spiral and Cyli a very concentrated stare, seconds later; an imaginary light bulb sparked inside his head, Cylindria got nervous upon the relieved smile he had.

Pac-Man turned back to see Clyde now holding Pinky, Blinky and Inky with one arm; each of them flooding tears; Clyde held a tissue where his nose would be, and proceeded to hold it in front of Inky, then Blinky, then Pinky; each of them blowing goo into the tissue, Spiral felt sick "Dude, that was completely off the charts disgusting" Pac-Man didn't respond, but the uncomfortable and slightly disgusted expression on his face; believed so as well.

Pac-Man stood firm, proud of himself; for what he was about to say "You know you guys are welcome to stay here" Pac-Man said aloud in a friendly manner; and the second Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde heard those words, their eyes widened in disbelief; they couldn't believe what they just heard, they were simply stunned to hear Pac-Man actually cared enough to help them out in this dire situation.

"You… you mean it?" Blinky blurted; stunned to new heights, his eyeballs were so widened; that they were about to roll out of his ectoplasm skull, Pinky's mouth dropped wide open; eyes fixated on her Pac-Man for his generously kind heart, Clyde was half smiling, but Inky crossed his arms, and eyed the Pac-Man suspiciously "You ain't pulling our legs right? Uh figure of speech of course".

Pac-Man was quick to give the four ghost; the okay thumbs up; smiling happily "Sure why not? You guys have helped us more times than we can count" Clyde averted his eyes; embarrassed by the fact that "I can't count either" Blinky slapped his own forehead; annoyed by Clyde having to admit how dumb he was, he was no Albert Pacinstein; that's for sure.

By now Pinky was transfixed by her love for Pac-Man's kind hearted nature; love hearts replacing her cute blue eyes, gazing at Pac, feeling all warm inside, Pac-Man ignored what Clyde said and continued showing his appreciation for his ghostly friends by saying "So it's only fair that we help you guys now".

Inky, Blinky and Clyde were looking at one another curiously; excitement starting to boil up inside, they turned to Pinky who was frozen on the spot; with a goofy grin and love shaped eyeballs aiming in Pac-Man's general direction, the three ghost were bored by Pinky's lovesick nature, instead they looked away to focus on Pac-Man's words.

The Ghost brothers wanted to hear for sure if they were allowed to stay; from their Pac friend's own mouth, Inky rolled his eyes questionably, as he hesitantly asked in a slow and scared manner "So does that mean-" however the leader; Blinky intervened; finishing the question for his scaredy blue brother "We can stay here?".

Spiral wasn't convinced this was the best idea; considering how mischievous the Ghost Gang was, heck Spiral didn't expect Pac to be this okay with the idea, but figured that once Pac had his mind set on something, he wouldn't be easily convinced otherwise, so Spiral decided that it was best not to ask.

Cylindria was completely against the idea; mainly because of Pinky; because she would seize the opportunity to endlessly hit on Pacster; she didn't want that to be case, fire surging from the stomach just thinking of Pinky doing such a thing to her Pac-Man, it made her angrily jealous of Pinky, which brought joy to the little pink girly ghost however.

Pac-Man was stared at by the red, blue, pink and orange ghost with high expectation; Pac had no intention of changing his mind, he owed them a lot for all they've done in their fight against Lord Betrayus, Pac-Man declared with a wide smile "Hey we're all friends here, so yeah you guys are welcome to stay with us".

Clyde instantly split himself in half; crying tears of joy, Inky, Blinky and Pinky were filled with joy, eyes widened with happiness and gratitude toward their yellow lemon pal, Pinky was by far the most ecstatic, and the happiest; and even the most gratified, she swirled herself around; giggling happily "Hear that? Packy says we can stay" the four ghosts instantly erupted into cheers, and began flying excitedly around the room, filled with joyful emotions, having being granted a place to call home.

Clyde brought himself back together, with a big wide smile; before joining in on the flight around the room, his eyeballs rolled around in his eyes as he cried "Whoo-hoo, I'm so happy!", Inky was waving his arms around whilst floating around the room "We owe you big time Lemon" he confessed, Blinky then appeared right in front of a proud Pac-Man, Blinky smiled a bright smile and declared "Anytime, Anywhere, from now on Pal" and flashing his ectoplasm arms out to the sides, indicating 'no exceptions' meaning the Ghost Gang owed him big time, before Blinky circled the room a few more rounds, happy to have a friend like the Pac-Man.

"Um are you sure this is a good idea Pac" Cylindria asked, Pac turned to face her, he had his uncertainties, but it was that or leave them homeless "How can I call myself PacWorld's hero if I don't help a friend in need, and they are our friends" Pac-Man confessed his true feelings, Cyli admired Pac for taking his role as a hero seriously, but deep down she didn't like the idea because of Pinky, the spark of rivalry existed since day one; and wouldn't let up anytime soon.

The mischievous bunch of ghost was so happy, which made Pac happy too, but Spiral wasn't convinced "But dude, what if someone finds out?" luckily Pac-Man was one step ahead of him in the thinking department; which may be a first "No worries, even if someone sees them, they'll be so scared, they'll run away no matter what happens" Spiral's left eye half closed, thinking through Pac's logic "Yeah, you're right about that dude".

"Don't worry guys; having them around will be awesome, besides how much trouble could they be?" Pac-Man declared, fist pumping the heat of the moment, before hearing something shatter, he spun himself in the direction where the noise came from; Clyde was floating beside a table, and on the floor was Spiral's shattered coffee mug, it was quite obvious who the culprit was, as Clyde had an ectoplasm flipper of his; up to his mouth, and averted his eyes "Oops, I didn't do that" he admitted, feigning any involvement with the incident.

However Inky rolled his eyes, sighing a breath of frustrated air, before pointing out the inconsistency of his lie, pointing at Clyde and eyeing him annoyingly "Then why'd you say 'oops'? You big palooka" Clyde had no idea how to respond, except by saying "Oops again" Inky just smacked his ectoplasm flipper into his forehead, sliding down his face.

Pac simply scratched the back of his head, making a light nervous chuckle while receiving a glare from Spiral himself, while Cylindria shook her head sideways, already afraid of how things would turn out with these four troublemakers.

Pac-Man was averting his eyes from Spiral; thinking to himself that they might be a slight problem; but out of the blue; Pinky suddenly flew in before her beloved Pac, eyeing him in a very sweet and seductive manner, secretly Pac actually admired Pinky for her eyes; and her kindness toward him, but it was mostly a friend/friend thing.

Pinky was abnormally closer to Pac than usual, which made him nervous; she spoke aloud in a soft, sweet but suggestive manner "Maybe Packy and I could share a blanket tonight" staring at Pac in a seductive manner, Pac smiled bashfully which caused Pinky to giggle in a giddy but dazed sort of way; she enjoyed seeing Pac so hung over heels for her, though that wasn't exactly the truth.

Pinky could tell by the annoyed look on Cylindria's face; that she was jealous of her, which is exactly what she wanted, Pinky then flew in close to Pac's face again and gave him a sincere but seductive wink before returning to flying around the room; cheering joyfully with her ghost brothers "You were saying?" Cylindria suddenly spoke out aloud to Pac, whilst crossing her arms questionably with a glare aimed at him, Pac simply chuckled

The Pac is Back Intro

I hope you guys liked part 1; let me know how I did, leave your thoughts, suggestions or other ideas and stay tune for more; hopefully in a day or two I have up chapter two, Adios my friends, Adios