A/N: Jesus…this took days to put up, but it wasn't like it was like, 7 months or something…though it kind of felt like it was, so I'd like to make it up to your wait by making this

ok here, so here's the thing… this is actually 2 chapters on one page, thus why it is so incredibly long! I decided to make the two chapters I was making into one… so this is now my favorite chapter ^.^ Skip this comment if you like: in this chapter it's gonna say certain character's weight…I don't friggin' know how much they weigh so shut up. T_T

Disclaimer: Wanna know a secret? *whispers to readers* I don't own any of the characters :3 Don't tell anyone…

"So after this, you wanna go to Sunshine Beach and rent a hotel?" -Waluigi

Chapter 5: Activity Day

Luigi's head lay, lazily on his pillow, throwing one of Mario's basket balls off the ceiling and back. He patiently waited for his brother to come home, thinking what was taking him so long. It was already noon. He overheard Mario say they were going to be done with the town before midnight, but he made it sound like they would be done by 6:30, it was already 10:12.

Shouldn't I be sleeping, though?

With one last catch of the ball, Luigi stood up walking to his window. Even if it was night, the town looked pretty awesome. There were lights and soft music going on out there. Luigi smiled as he listened to the peaceful music playing outside. It made him think of things nice and pretty for some reason. Like roses, Mushroom Kingdom, it's sky, that girl from today, the ocean-

Luigi eyes widen at the thought of that girl he saw earlier. Why did he just think that? Why would he think that? Usually when he sees an attractive woman, he thinks about her for a short period of time. Then again, he had to admit he truly never saw a more beautiful girl in his life. Come to think of it, he's never really seen that girl at all. Was she from out of town or something? She had a suitcase right so she must've moved in.

…Something didn't seem to fit in this puzzle. It confused Luigi, yet he felt like there was something about the young woman.

He then heard the front door open Luigi dropped the ball he was holding to run out his room. Luigi poked his head out of the walls to the living room to see Mario walk in. Luigi then walked in the room with a sly smile on his face.

"How was your scolding with Peach, Bro?" Luigi chuckled. Mario rolled his eyes in response. "No really though, what took you so long?"

Mario smiled. "Well, we were done at like, 7:00, maybe, but Toadsworth kept going on and on about, "No, no, no, this just won't do! Take it off, and inject these on instead,'" Mario mimicked Toadsworth's accent. They both walked in the living room and flopped on the couch, sighing deeply.

"Tomorrow's gonna be the bomb...Luigi you'll like it I swear to all I love," Mario smiled. "We even got the chance to try out the games that were finally set up, before we came home."


"Do you really want to let Peachy down?" Mario did a puppy dog face. "She really wants you to go, and you promised you would!"

"I didn't promise, she just said she expected me to be there," Luigi corrected. "What's the difference?" Mario questioned.

Luigi smacked his forehead, hearing his brother laugh. "Luigi, will you reason with me if I point out that both the princesses are expecting you to be there," Mario injected. Luigi's head turned to Mario. "Both?" he repeated questionably.

"Yeah, Y'know, Daisy," Mario simply answers closing his eyes, as if he was drifting off to sleep.

"Oh…Very interesting, WHY?" Luigi shouts. "Don't know," Mario shrugs. "While we were working on the basketball court, Daisy started asking a lot about you and stuff."

"…What…What exactly did you tell her?"

"That you have cancer,"


"I'm only kidding," Mario laughs. "I told her the minor details, Y'know; like how old you were, you go on a good amount of adventures with me…blah blah blah..." Mario lazily answers.

"Oh…ok," Luigi mumbled. Mario opened up an eye to look at his brother's expression. He seemed slightly uncomfortable. "C'mon Bro, Don't make that face," he playfully punches his arm. "She really wants to meet you," Mario sang. Luigi tilted his head back on the couch and groaned. "I'll believe it, when I see it," Luigi snapped, not even coming close to believing a girl was actually interested in him.

"GREAT!" Mario shouted. "Wh-what?"

"You said you'll believe me when you it, right? Well the only way you'll know for sure is if you come to Activity Day tomorrow!" Mario stated throwing his hands in the air.

The room silenced again.

"No." Luigi blankly says. Mario slumped back onto the couch. "Please?"

"Mario don't start this-"


Luigi sighed. "Mario, No is no!"







"Awesome, I'm going to bed, see you in the morning." Mario simply stated, getting off the couch, going into his room. Luigi stared at the direction Mario went up to for a while. He smacked his forehead yet again.

"Tomorrow's gonna suck,"


Peach walked out of the bathroom wearing her pink robe and went in her room. She opened her drawer and took out her shorts, but could not find her sports top.

". . ." Peach was a little confused. She could have sworn she placed her sports attire in the laundry basket last night…Maybe they were still in the dryer. Peach walked to her desk's phone and dialed the laundry room's number.

It rang for a few times, but Peach patently waited for someone to pick up the phone. Finally she heard a toad's voice.

"Laundry room," she heard him say. "Good Morning Tallow, this is Peach calling," Peach greeted. "Oh good morning Princess. anything wrong?" Tallow asked. "Oh, I was just wondering if any of you have seen my sports top?" Peach responded. The toad pondered for a moment. "Uuuuuuum…I don't think so, Princess… Maybe one of the others have seen it, can you wait a second?"

"Certainly," Peach smiled. The toad covered the phone's speaker and turned to the other toads that were working in the current room.

"HEY!" Tallow yelled, getting the other toad's attention. "WHICH ONE OF YOU SICK PERVERTS STOLE ONE OF THE PRINCESS'S TOP AGAIN?"

The other toads suddenly started to whistle to themselves. Tallow rolled his eyes and turned back to the phone. "Sorry princess, I don't think your shirt is in here,"

There was a silence.


Peach snapped out of her horror dazed. "Oh, YES! My apologies, well thank you for your help, I will definitely check elsewhere, goodbye!"

"Okay then, goodbye Pri-" Peach quickly hanged up the phone. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered in fear. "Such mild language…" Peach stuttered.

She sat up from her bed and walked over to her closet. Peach went through multiple hangers and boxes, desperate to look for her shirt. "Oh, C'mon… It's got to be somewhere!"


Daisy was already up and awake. She's been waiting for this day her whole…well since yesterday. But she remembered Peach saying something about doing this sometime ago, but Daisy thought she was joking.

She sighed. Though…Activity day doesn't start until 8:00 am. It was 6:24. Perhaps I work up a little too early…Great! What the hell am I supposed to do during the next two hours?

Daisy looked around her room for something to do while she waits for everyone else to wake up and get ready. Her eyes met up against the wooden closet in her room. She looked down at her feet and saw she didn't have on her shoes yet. Even if it was early, it wouldn't hurt to walk around the castle, right? Daisy sat up from the bed and walked over to the closet to get her shoes. Once she opened the closet door, a very bright pink cloth fell on the floor. She looked at the object that fell to the ground and gently picked it up, examining it carefully. Turns out, it was just a shirt. Daisy flipped the pinkish shirt backwards and forward, soon seeing a blue brooch on the front of it. She rolled her eyes realizing whose tank top it was. Daisy slipped on her orange sneakers and went out the door up to Peach's room with the shirt.


"Wow…" Mario sighed as they walked through toad town. It looked more colorful than before! There were a variety of games just in every corner you go to. Balloons, picture booths, food stands. They were all over the place! There was even a stand that sold shirts that read: Happy Activity Day! And some humorous one that said: I got off the couch today!

"It looks even better than when we left it, probably cause its morning though…, what do you think Weegie?" he asked as they came to a stop at a light pole. There was no answer. Mario turned to the youngest of the Bros and saw him looking extremely uncomfortable. He was visibly shaking, he could barely stand in the spot they were in and he looked like he was going to faint any second from now. Mario put his hand on the nervous man's shoulder.

"I don't get what you're so edgy about. It's not like you're going on a date with her or something." Mario tried to convince. Luigi shook his head. "Mario, I don't know why you and Peach are doing this to me, but I'm just gonna let you know, once I meet her, I'm just gonna shake hands and go back home!"

Mario rolled his eyes. "So…you need anything?" he offered.

"Amnesia?" Luigi half-joked. Mario sucked his teeth. "I meant something to drink, you dum-dum,"

Luigi sighed. "Sure,"

"'K, listen up. I think I remembered one of the toads set up a water stand over there," Mario instructed pointing to a drinking stand somewhere in between a gym and a restroom. "Go and get yourself lemonade or something, and come back as quick as possible 'cause you got…5 minutes exactly."

Luigi took the money Mario handed to him. He smiled and went over to the stand.

Mario leaned on the ramp next to him as he looked up at the morning sky. He then heard girlish giggling coming from behind him. Mario turned his head around and saw a certain pair of princesses walking together to the stadium. Mario waved his hand in the air, trying to call the two friends.

"Hey! Guys over here,"

Peach and Daisy suddenly stopped at the voice calling them over. They both turned around and saw Mario running over to them. "Oh Mario, You've came early," Peach smiled. She looked behind him. "Luigi decided not to come, huh?" she started to frown.

"No, no, no he's here," Mario stated, trying to convince the blonde. "He's just…uh…well I'm sure we'll meet him once we get to the stadium."

"Hm…alright," Peach nodded in agreement. The three headed off to the stadium, where the introduction of Activity Day was taking place. Silence filled the air while the group was walking and if there was one person that would break it, it would have to be daisy.

"So…" she trailed off. "How's the relationship between you guys, so far?"

There was no reply from either of the two. Daisy thought they were ignoring her, but when she turned to Mario and Peach, it was a little more than clear their faces were flushed in embarrassment.

Not the best way to start conversation…


Luigi crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. He's been on this stinking line for a little over than just 5 minutes. Why was there even a line in the first place? It's so early! Besides, it just a drink stand, should you just ask for the drink you want, purchases it, and leave for the next person to go? Luigi looked in front of him to see what was holding up the line, to his luck it was an old koopa man, choosing and whatever he saw on the menu.

"C'mon man, you're holding up the line!" someone from the line shouted. The elder man turned himself around and held his cane up in the air.

"Shut your face, you inpatient son of a gun!" He yelled. "Goodness, can't a koopa get a friggin' ice-cream cone, without people tellin' me whut to do?"

The area went silent.

"SIR! THIS IS A WATER STAND!" a woman shouted. The old koopa stared at the people glaring at him.

"A whut?"

Luigi sighed. He was never going to get off this line. He then heard a trumpet sound coming from the stadium. Oh no…

Luigi turned his head to the stadium, seeing a crowd of people already rushing in. He then turned to the spot Mario was standing, but saw he was gone. Luigi smacked his head in disbelief. "Mama Mia!" he mumbled. Forget the stupid line

Luigi stepped out of the line and ran off to the stadium.


When Luigi opened the stadium's door, a swarm of boos, koopas, yoshis, and other creatures of the Mushroom Kingdom burst through and knocked Luigi over to the ground, with no one realizing they had just ran him over. Luigi sat up, looking behind him. He then looked in the stadium. No one was in there anymore. He soon sat up and walked inside the stadium to look for his twin, but the place was completely empty.

Luigi saw there was a boxing ring in the center of the stadium, but chose to ignore any hint that it would be the first place Mario would go to. Still…the games outside did look pretty fun…

Luigi turned to the exit behind him.

It wouldn't bite me in the knee to just play a game or two… Luigi mischievously smiled as he walked out the door.


"8…9…10 you're out!" a toad in a striped shirt announced to the knocked out toad took Daisy's arm and raised it in the air. "Winner! And still champion, Princess Daisy Floral, of Sarasaland!"Daisy smiled brightly as the audience clapped and screamed out her name.

Daisy was boxing for hours now. She's been coming up against multiple opponents and has won all of them in a row without breaking a sweat. The first few rounds, the stadium only had a few people watching the princess beat the light out of her challenges, but ever since they heard of the girl her knocked Donkey Kong out in less than 2 minutes, the stadium's bleacher's started to fill. It pretty much looked like a real boxing ring. Not too long ago, a group of teenage birdo's even started to give Daisy a nickname; Crazie Dazie. Which soon lead on to other people calling her the name as well. Some people even started to place in bets for Daisy and her opponent.

Daisy smiled to herself as she went to the corner of the ring, where her "coach" was. He sat Daisy down on a stool and placed a wet towel over her head. "You're doing great, Princess! You're like a monster out there," the boo complimented rubbing Daisy's shoulder. She quickly swapped his hands away, but the boo ignored her action and continued. "Keep this up and maybe you'll actually become a world's famous boxer!"

Daisy gulped down her bottle of water her boo 'coach' had refilled. She wiped her mouth off and smirked. "Ha! This is child's play, Booling!" Daisy bragged. "All these opponents are not even a challenge to me! I need someone, up to my level!" Daisy paused for a moment trying to think of the strongest person she knows. "Oh! I know, Booling do me a favor and call Peach! Tell her to invite that Bowser dude, for me to fight…I'll tear him apart so brutally he'll never look at a princess the same way again, not even Peach!" Daisy devilishly sneered.

Booling's face turned paler than it already was at the thought of a girl actually fighting the main enemy of the Mushroom kingdom. "Um…I don't think you're quite ready for that level, princess…" Booling smiled. Daisy rolled her eyes and huffed. "Whatever,"

The toad came over to them. "Are you ready for your next match Princess Floral?" he asked. Daisy nodded and stood up, following the referee in the center of the ring.

"Alright folks sorry about the wait, but who's ready to see some boxing going on, over here?" the toad asks threw the microphone. The crowd started shouting their heads off, much to Daisy's pleasure, since she already knew they were chanting for her.

"Alright, here's an opponent you'll all want to see fight this lovely lady, he looks like he weighs less than a tree branch, not to mention he's the guy who's brother stole my wallet the other night! Coming from WarioWare in Diamond City, Waluigi Wario!"

Daisy met eyes with an abnormally tall, skinny man wearing purple boxer shorts, walking to the ring.

Daisy stared at him for minute before letting out a soft snicker. "He's my next opponent?" Daisy whispered to the referee, who nodded in reply.

Once Waluigi came up to the middle of the ring, he was slightly shocked he was going to fight a girl. He examined his female match from top to…well his eyes kind of landed on her chest. Daisy noticed what he was staring at. She huffed in annoyance as she snapped her fingers in front of him. "Are you asking for me to murderer you on the spot?" Daisy questioned making Waluigi's smirk grow wider. Daisy stuck her tongue out at him.

Just then the both of them heard the referee blow the whistle and stepped in between them. "Alright guys, you all know the rules right? No funny business blah, blah, blah, shake hands and let's get this show on the road." The toad informed. Daisy looked up at the evil plumber and slowly held out her hand, in an instant, Waluigi grabbed her hand and shook it violently. Daisy quickly snatched her hand back and glared at the mustached man. They both of them slipped on their boxing gloves and got into stance.

"Alright! Were all set here," the toad referee notified as the bell started to ring.

Daisy immediately swung her fist at Waluigi, but he somehow managed to dodge her sudden move, which had the princess slightly amused, but still furious.

Daisy usually let's her challenger take the first hit so she can appraise their strength, but Daisy didn't spare this one. She wanted to tear him up for giving her such a glance. She always had that gin from her grandmother. When Lilly Beth was young, she addressed all men that looked or touched her in a certain way, was a complete pervert. No second thought about it.

Daisy saw Waluigi come closer to her, so she decided to put up another defense stand in case he tries any moves. Then Daisy noticed something…he seriously would stop nearing her. Daisy thought this was a part of a trick he was doing, but she couldn't help but back away from this sudden act.

"Ok, getting' a wee too close there, Champ…" Daisy spoke. She backed up away a little quick than she had expected, because she felt her back hit the pole near her. Daisy was now a little scared, but she still kept a straight face. But it soon turned into a bewildered expression when she saw a seductive smile spreading across his face. Daisy's eyes twitched. That's it!

"Enough of this already! Make your move!" Daisy shouted. Waluigi just smiled. "So after this, you wanna go to Sunshine Beach and rent a hotel?" he suddenly asked. Okay she wasn't expecting that kind of move. . .

Daisy froze in complete shock. "R…rent…a HOTEL?" she shouted, making the stadium quiet down a little. Wh-What was that supposed to mean? Y'know what? Screw this bull crap!

Daisy lost it, she just kicked Waluigi ring the lower gut, though she meant to go lower… making Waluigi stagger backwards back in the middle of the ring. "You're gonna regret what you just said, punk!" Daisy growled and she pounced on him.


Mario and Peach were exhausted for the day. They were trying things out with Daisy while looking for Luigi, but somehow, Daisy broke the chain and went off to some place Mario and Peach didn't even know to.

"Well, today was more than pleasant, don't you think?" Peach smiled. Mario nodded in response. "Though I'm going to kill Luigi for running off home when he said he was gonna stay," Peach giggled. "I'm sure Luigi's around here somewhere…" Peach advised, but Mario shook his head. "Peach we've been searching for him for hours now and he's nowhere in this place…" Mario sighed. "What's the point anyway? This is Luigi were talking about and besides, Daisy ran off somewhere too and we can't even keep track of her!"

Peach sighed as well. "I doubt she went home too. Knowing Daisy, she probably ran off to play another game without us, but I'm not entirely sure where,"

"Winner! And still champion, Princess Daisy Floral!"

The two friends turned around at the sound of the yellow clad tomboy's name being called out from the stadium. Mario smirked. "Wow…what a coincidence,"

Peach laughed. "C'mon, let's go get her." Peach insisted as the two went off to the stadium.


Luigi sat on a bench outside of the hide- and- seek house he was just in. He promised himself he would only stay for a few games since he could find neither his brother nor the princesses, but he had to admit, Peach's parties really had him playing games from morning to evening! But now Luigi was just tuckered out. He wanted to go home., but then if he went home before Mario, he would think he stayed in the house all day, and there would be a whole lot of shouting and Luigi just didn't want to put up with that right a t the moment.

…Well he couldn't just sit there on the bench for another hour, it was getting cold. He played around with his fingers for a while before hearing a roar of people coming from up ahead. What the heck was that all about?

Luigi stood up and ran over to the stadium where there was a signup sheet for boxing.

Luigi raised a brow in confusion as he looked at the note. He never really thought all these people would sign up for boxing, but it must have been popular if the sheet of paper was full of names. Luigi took the pen and was about to sign his name for it when a female boo opened the door. She turned and saw Luigi glancing at her as well. "Hey kid, you're signing up for this thing?" she asked. Luigi merely nodded. The pink boo tore the paper off the wall and headed inside. "No need, darling. The locker room is over there, go change and I'll see you in about 20 minutes, 'cause were about to shut this place down for the night, k?"

"Yeah, Thanks!" Luigi waved to the pink boo, who rolled her eyes and sat in a desk reading a magazine. Luigi went over to the locker room and shut the door behind him.

Silence filled the room as he waited for his name to be called on. Luigi looked at the female ghost who hadn't taken her eyes off her magazine since she first opened it. Luigi half closed his eye lids and rocked himself back and forth, trying to make the time go by faster so he could get home.

Luigi felt something pull on his shirt. He looked below him and saw a little blue Toadett's child with a lollipop stick in her mouth. She started to smile. "Hi, my name's Ginger…" she greeted. Luigi smiled as well "Hey, Ginger. Um…how are you?" Luigi spoke. Ginger stared at him for a minute and looked over at the doors that lead to the inside of the boxing area. She took the lollipop stick out of her mouth so she could speak better. "Are you going in there?" she asked. Luigi glanced at the door she was staring at and nodded. Ginger laughed and popped the candy back in her mouth, still giggling a bit.

"What's so funny?" Luigi asked. Ginger patted his knee. "My mommy will be seeing you in the infirmary room, pretty soon then," she smiled. Luigi's smile dropped as his eyes widened in shock. "Wh…Wait what?" The blue Toadett's ignored him and skipped to the double doors outside, leaving Luigi sitting in shock, confusion and fear.

Luigi heard the phone from the pink boo's desk ring. He saw her pick it up and watched her nodding to whatever conversation that was going on. Once she hung up, she turned to Luigi. "You're up, Babe." She called out. Luigi felt his heart sting, picking up in a rapid speed. "Uh…no thanks?" Luigi sheepishly smiled. The boo gave Luigi a bored expression as she placed her hand on her hip. "Oh? And what made your mind change at the last minute?" she asked, her voice sounding like she demanded an answer. Luigi gulped. "Well, I don't know about you, but I don't want to go home all busted up and discombobulated up by whatever blood thirsty beast I'm about face!" Luigi shouted throwing his hands in the air. The boo crossed her arms over her chest and huffed out a deep breath of air. "Listen Sweetie, I already signed your name up and gave it to the boss. There's no turning back on it now so you might as well just get it over with," She paused and tapped her chin in thought. "Though…I have been hearing people say there's a guy in there that's been ripping people limb from limb, in there…"

That did it for Luigi. He quickly got up and ran towards the door, but only to be stopped by the female boo, grabbing a hold onto the back of his shirt, dragging him the opposite direction of the room.

"Oh c'mon! You can't possibly be turning back now, you scaredy cat!" she nagged, pulling him over to the inside of the stadium. Luigi tried his best to pull himself away from her grasp, but that only led to him being choked on by his shirt collar.

"C'mon let me go! I don't wanna die!" Luigi cried. The boo rolled her eyes as she opened the doors and threw him on the ground. Looking upward, Luigi saw a crowd of people above him, sitting in the seats, cheering and screaming their heads off. "The…the auditorium wasn't this packed before I was here!" Luigi complained. The pinkish boo floated inside the room and looked around. "Hmmm…your right about that…" she thought aloud. "Well good luck!" she quickly floated back in the room.

"Wait! No one this cruel would leave a person to get torn apart like this without at least telling them who their up against!" Luigi whined. The boo stopped herself, turning back around to Luigi. "Honey, believe it or not, but I honestly have no idea who this guy is. All I've been hearing is, this guy hasn't lost a fight ever since he started playing, so…"

She sighed and glanced at the younger Mario brother. "Y'know what? If it'll make you happy, I'll give you a few words of advice. Would that cheered you up?" she offered.

Luigi stared at the small boo like an infant learning how to say 'mommy'. He finally gave in. "Sure," he murmured.

The pink boo smiled. "Try not to get too much blood on the ring, 'k babe?"

A/N: AAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAH! MY FINGERS! THEY HURT LIKE HEEEEEEEEL! Ooohg you guys are lucky, you're not the ones typing this, 'cause I got a whole lot more chapters to do! It's…its just unbelievable! –sighs- Ok, this was like, the LONGEST chapter I did in my life (probably because it's two in one) but I betcha chapters are going to be even longer than…this…o_o


Review, *faints again*