Hey everyone! I got only ONE review on the first chapter, and I got like 15 reviews on the other story, so I decided to just make the doggone second chapter. NOW, once again- I don't own any of Nintendo's characters. Nintendo does. So, lets start the story, what do you think Luigi?

Luigi- YES PLEEAAASSEEE START! I wanna see what exactly happened between Daisy and I!

Daisy- Yea! Mee too!

Me- OK I'll start

Luigi and Daisy- yaaay!

Lets see here... Its been a whole freggin MONTH AND A HALF since I updated this story. Why? Because I only got ONE review. It was from daisy'sdaisy. So I'm dedicating this chapter-and maybe the story-to her. So I'll get this show on the road!

Chapter 2: The Unexpected

The next morning...

Luigi wakes up and goes downstairs. He goes into the kitchen and turns the stove on. He goes into the refrigerator and grabs out eggs, bacon, sausage, and some fruit. He gets the pancake mix out of the cabinet and gets to work.

Half an hour later...

Daisy wakes up, and ponders where she is. Then she remembers what happened and calls for Luigi.

"Luigi?" yells Daisy. She smells the wonderful aroma from the kitchen.

"Hold up- stay where you are. I'm coming," Luigi yelled from the kitchen. Luigi puts the last pancake on the top, and makes sure he has everything. He runs upstairs to see Daisy standing there, enjoying the scent.

"Hey Lou, what are we having?" asks Daisy

"You'll have to come and find out," Luigi said as he led Daisy down the stairs and into the kitchen. When Daisy enters, she is surprised that Luigi had enough time to make all of this.

There was bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes, eggs, and fruit. By then, Daisy's mouth was watering.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I made everything. If you don't like any-"

"Lou, I absolutely LOVE everything that's here. Come on, lets eat!" said Daisy as she sat down and got a serving of everything. Luigi chuckled as he watched Daisy gobbled everything down.

I don't even think Mario would be able to eat that fast. I mean- he will eat more- but not that fast.

Luigi sat down as he got some food.


Daisy was gobbling down the last piece of bacon when the doorbell rang. Luigi excused himself and opened the door. There were Peach and Mario standing in the door way. Peach had a small bag with some of Daisy's clothes in it. Mario had a card in his hand, but as soon as he smelled the food, he gave it to his brother, and rushed into the kitchen, and ate, too.

"Um.. Hi Mario?" said Luigi as he took the bag from Peach and set it down.

"Ok... hey Peach!"

"Hello Luigi, we just brought some stuff for Daisy, and I guess Mario came over for food," said Peach as she giggled, "is Daisy alright now?" Peach asked worriedly.

"Yea, she doing great! She's in the kitchen eating. Would you like something too?"

"No thanks..."

"We have peaches."

"OOOOHHHH! I want me!" said Peach excitedly as she ran into the kitchen. Luigi chuckled as he went into the kitchen and saw everyone eating. Daisy had just gotten done, so she took the bag and Luigi lead her back upstairs.

"I'll wait in my room- I still have to change too. If you are done before me, you can call Shivers. He'll take you back downstairs. After Mario and Peach leave, we can go on our way to the store to get some stuff for the picnic. Ok?"

"Got it." Daisy said as she went into her room to get changed. Luigi went down the hall into his room to get changed.

10 minuets later...

Luigi came out of his room, fully dressed and cleaned. He waited for Daisy to get out. As he was waiting, Peach and Mario bid goodbye and left. As Luigi was turned around, Daisy saw this the perfect opportunity to scare Luigi. She started to run to him. When she got close enough, she jumped on his back.


"Woah! Daisy! You scared me!" Luigi said as he got his balance back.

"PIGGYBACK RIDE!" yelled Daisy as she was carried back downstairs by Luigi.

"Ok Daisy- I'm gonna go grab the picnic basket. Stay here."

"No promises!" said Daisy with a wink. Luigi blushed.

At the store...

"Lets see here, ham?"






"Toppings you and I wanted, snacks, juice pouches?"

"Check, check and check."

"Want anything else, Dais?"

" You?"

"Nah, I'm fine. Lets check out and head back so we can get the picnic ready."

Back at the Mansion...

"Ok Dais, lets star-"

SPLAT -on Luigi's nose.

Daisy had opened the jar of jelly, and tried to get it out slowly without making a mess- opposite of what she just did.

"Umm..sorry?" Daisy said with a hint of laughter in her voice.

"Its ok, now, as I was say-"


"Ok, now THAT was funny!" laughed Daisy as she pointed at the peanut butter splat in the middle in the forehead. Daisy was laughing so hard she started to cry. Luigi just stood there with a flat face, and his arms crossed.

When Daisy had gained her composure, she saw Luigi's face and immediately stopped.

Oh shiz, he's mad at me. Daisy thought, worried

"Daisy." Luigi said sternly, even though he had a crazy idea in his head.

Im sooo dead. He didn't call me Dais or any other nickname.




"IM GONNA GET YOU!" Luigi said as he grabbed a spoon and started to flick jam, peanut butter, Nutella, marshmallow cream, and any other toppings they bought, at each other.

"OH NO YOU WONT!" Daisy said, a wave of relief going over her, as she got the spoon she was using, and aimed for Luigi. Luckily for Luigi, his kitchen was enclosed, so none of the toppings got into any other room.

20 minuets later...

Luigi reached for one of the jars-empty. Daisy did the same.

"Awwww dang! No more!" said Daisy sadly.

"Yea, now look what we have to clean up." said Luigi as he looked around the kitchen

"Master Lui-" Shivers stopped mid sentence

"Hey Shivers, we'll clean this one up" Luigi said as he looked at Shivers with an apologetic look on his face.

"No we'll clean it up. This looks like fun! Maria! Tommy! Katie! We have a fun one!" said Shivers as he went to find the other ghosts.

"Ok? Thanks?" Luigi said confused.

"Now what will we have?" Daisy said upset.

"Well for one- lets wash up. I have some lasagna and other stuff in the fridge. We still have the snacks, so we'll pack those up. Meet me back down here in half an hour."

"How do I find my way back down here?"

"Shivers and the others put up arrows, saying like how to get back down here. All you have to do is follow the arrows-but backwards to your room, and the right way to down here. Also, they put some leading to my room, if you ever need anything from me."


"Here, I'll lead you up to show you." Luigi lead Daisy upstairs as he showed her the arrows to his room and to downstairs. "Ok half an hour got it?"

"Got it!"

Half an hour later...

Luigi was downstairs at the door waiting for Daisy.



At the park...

Luigi and Daisy had set up their spot next to the lake, and had their picnic.

"Luigi that lasagna was amazing! You really cooked that?" Daisy asked as she casually laid her head on his shoulder. Luigi blushed as he looked down at her.

"Yea, when Mario and I moved out, I did most of the cooking." Luigi said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Aww, you are such a sweet little brother, Lou."

"Hey Dais, do you have a brother or sister?"

"Nope only child! AND I'm lovin it! I get to be free! Although, sometimes, I wish I had a sister or brother. Sometimes, I feel lonely. I have a servant, Tia, she's like a sister to me sometimes, and Peach, too. But, it doesn't fill me up completely. Being eighteen and all, its kinda stressful. Ya know, doing business as a princess, and having no one to be there to calm you down when you get stressed out." Daisy said with a long sigh afterwards.

"Sometimes for me its hard to deal with Mario."

{Mario: Hey!

{Luigi: Its true

{M: Like how?

{L:When I had to clean up the entire apartment when you just watched models in bikinis.

{Peach: MARIO!

{M: That was BEFORE I fell in love you, Peachy Poo

{P: Awwww! I'm sorry Mario. I still love you

{M: Love you too, Peachy Poo

{Daisy: Hey! That rhymes!

{Well, that was random. Now. Can we PLEASE just get back to the story? THANKYOU!

"Haha. I can kinda imagine that. When Peach and I had a sleepover, she always said she wanted to do my hair. I was twelve, so I agreed because I was always late for school then. So one day, she had done my hair up in pigtails in the side of my head, WITH pink bows. I had to fake I liked them, then she made me wear them to school the next day. I was so embarrassed. My boyfriend had to comfort me the entire day just so I didn't cry from all the embarrassment. I ran home that day and threw them off. I NEVER let Peach do my hair from that day on without making sure she didn't use pink OR put my hair in pigtails."

"Wow. I never knew."

"Now back onto subject- thank you Luigi for the picnic and everything you did for me. You used your time for me- and I appreciate that very much, Luigi. You are very kind." Daisy said as she hugged Luigi. Luigi was shocked at first, but then, he hugged her back. It was a wonderful scene. After they broke the hug, they looked each other in the eyes. They were about to kiss until Waluigi interrupted them.

(Uggghhhh! Why Waluigi? Why?!)

"Well, look who it is! Little wimpy cousin Luigi, and..Princess Daisy! What a pleasant surprise."

"Waluigi- seriously. You had to interrupt here and now?" Said Luigi angrily.

COME ON! We were about to kiss for crying out loud! Thought Daisy.

"Listen Waluigi, just scram. You are already pissing me off." said Luigi as he stood up.

I never knew Luigi was this defensive. Hmm... I like it! Daisy stood up as well and touched Luigi's shoulder.

"Luigi, are you sure? I mean-"

"Daisy, trust me. I'll be fine." said Luigi as he turned around. He saw the worried look in her beautiful blue eyes. He couldn't help it.

"Does it make you feel better if I call you in for back-up? Or- fine. You can help." sighed Luigi. Daisy perked up.

"Awesome thanks Lou!"

"So are we gonna fight, or are you gonna give up and give beautiful to me?" Waluigi asked as he wriggled his eyebrows towards Daisy.

"No, cause I'm gonna fight."

"OK! I don't care as long as I get you sweet cakes"

Uggghhh! He's soo cheezy. Cheesy enough it makes me sick

The fight begins

Luigi takes off running at Waluigi. He punches him in the face. Waluigi recovers quickly. Then, Daisy comes out with a stick and whacks him in the head. Waluigi grabs her arm and twists it. He punches her in her stomach. She moans in pain.


"Muwahahaha I've got her now!" Waluigi says as he catches her when she passes out. Luckily and unknown to Waluigi, she is still holding the stick. "No! Daisy!" Luigi yells as Waluigi runs off with Daisy. Luigi chases him. While Waluigi is running off with Daisy, she recovers, but she doesn't move. She has a plan. They get onto the very tip- top of a bridge. (Ok, so just imagine a bridge with a big wire cover over it. Like a bridge crossing over a street. Ya. That's where they were. on the top cover of it. and it was over a river/lake.) Waluigi puts Daisy down.

"Now how are ya gonna get me now wimp?! Huh?" As Waluigi was making fun and teasing Luigi, Daisy slowly sneaks up behind him. Right at that moment when she was raising the stick Waluigi turned around. He had no time to react. Daisy whacked him with the stick. Waluigi passes out. Only for a brief minuet.

"Ok Lou, I'm alright! I'll be down in a minuet!" Yelled Daisy from the top pf the bridge. But a minuet was too long, for now, Waluigi had gotten up and pushed Daisy off the bridge.

"Daisy, Look out!"


"I'm coming Daisy!" Luigi says as he runs to catch Daisy. He gets there right in time to just hold her up for a split second. His arms weren't prepared for the force coming down to him. He caught Daisy with his hands under her arms, and since that only held up a fraction of her weight, she came down stronger. Their lips met. They finally got their first kiss. There were flashes of phone cameras and there was a news truck that came to the scene.

"So, now we know who the Sarsaland princess was with the entire time. It was Luigi Mario- Mario Mario's younger brother. Princess Daisy was visiting her best friend -Princess Peach Toadstool- in the kingdom. I guess the sidekicks are kicking in people. Im news reporter, Todina." As Todina finished that sentence, Luigi and Daisy had broken the kiss. Unknown to them, they were live on T.V. Also unknown to them, some certain people saw that.




Haha left you guys on a cliff hanger there :3

Luigi and Daisy: Nooooo!

Me: Hmmm.. I wonder who saw that. I wanted to put it in this chapter, except, I felt like this was my only opportunity to give you a cliff hanger

Mario and Peach: ...WHY HOLLY, WHY ;(

Me: Hahahaha! Im soo evil! MUWAHAHAHAHA *cough* *cough* anyone have a cough drop?

Mario: Ooh look! Rasin!

Me: Ummm Mario, I wouldn't suggest that you-

Mario: Thats not a rasin, or an olive, (covers mouth and runs out of the room)

Luigi: Awwww dangit! Mario! (runs out of room chasing him)

Me: Hey Peach, Daisy, since you two didn't go running off, do you wanna say goodbye?

Peach and Daisy: Sure.

Peach: Don't forget to review!

Daisy: Also, don't forget to check out Holly's profile and vote! People! She's trying to do alot in such small time!

Me: Yea! See my list of stories I wanna accomplish in about oh I dont know...

Daisy Peach and Me: A YEAR

So, Review and don't forget to vote and check out the last part of my profile, and start asking those questions people! (Yea, you can skip all the parts where I run my big mouth)

Daisy and Peach: Bye everyone!

Luigi: Guys, we might need to take Mario to the hospital

All: Awwww shizzzzzzz!

R&R and thanks for reading!


Daisy, Luigi, and Peach: HOLLY NO!

Me: Hahaha Just kidding! Let's just get Mario to the hospital so I can get to work on a possible new story! :)

Bye! Thanks for reading!