Author has written 6 stories for Gundam Seed, Prince of Tennis, and Code Geass.
Road to Love
Chapter 9... maybe?
30_kisses LJ
Feat. Suzaku and Girl!Lelouch
Boy do I love this girl!Lelouch idea.
Truth Hurts
Honestly, I have no idea where this story is going anymore... I had an idea years ago, but not anymore so... DISCONTINUED
In the process of writing
(most likely these will never be put up... since they're just random ideas... but we'll see...)
PoT, AU, TezuFuji, Past TezuAto.
Summary: Sometimes, being with someone you love doesn't always lead happiness.
Status: I finished writing this one, just need to edit it... massive beta-ing (is that even a word?)... so it'll be up one of these days... or years...
My Shiki
Code Geass, AU, SuzuLulu
Inspired by Ze by Shimizu Yuki, though I'm only stealing the kotodama/shiki idea. Thus the rest of the plot, drama and possible stupidity are mine
Untitled new series
Code Geass, AU, SuzuxFem!Lulu(xGino?)
Summary: Their love had taken a detour... will they arrive at the same destination?