Yes! I have come back from the dead YET AGAIN!
my computer's working, finals are over, work is sorted, and i seriously want to start like... 4 fics but i'm still working on other ones...
And i saw AC way back in august. all you guys who haven't seen it, you have to. Vincent and Tifa are great XD Vincent is so funny... XDXD
I'm (not so) patiently waiting for KH2 and DoC to come out.
Have you guys seen DoC Galian and Chaos? They're so cute! and in Chaos form Vincent's BANDANA FUSES WITH HIS HEAD. it's SO COOL XDXD if you guys haven't seen him go to the official DoC site and go to PV. There's also a bunch of DoC scans flying around. TURKEY VIN too! can't forget Turk Vincent! and lucrecia makes him look so sad (-sob-) and you get to play as Turkey Vin in the tutorial! isn't it exciting?
Thanks for the reviews! You guys are frickin' awesome XD
Double thanks to Wyvren Wing for reminding me that Tifa and Vincent haven't limit breaked yet! (do you remember that conversation? it was like... centuries ago XD) which gave me ideas for this chapter! And... um... hopefully Vincent will get to use Tifa's moves... eventually. Um. Yeah.
Edit: thank you Decadent Doll and anyone else you put it in their review for pointing out the fact that I had italicized the entire chapter! It's fixed now (i hope).
Tifa wasn't sure what to say. Did she really mean all those things? Was she tried of waiting for Cloud? Was she actually starting to fall for Vincent? She was being bombarded with so many emotions: confusion, fear, realization, happiness... it was all becoming a blur. Even her vision was stating to fade and something was stirring in her mind...
Wait. What?
Tifa found her self on the ground and looked up to find Vincent watching her with concern apparent in his eyes right before everything went black.
Vincent stepped back in surprise as Tifa suddenly sprouted wings and horns. The next moment Chaos was grinning down at him looking very pleased with himself.
The demon gave him a look over and laughed, "Nice skirt, Vin." And with that he flapped his wings and took to the air, giving Vincent a little wave as he flew off.
Vincent's eyebrow shot up into his bangs as he watched Chaos disappear into the night with a...chainsaw...? in his hand. Vincent was sure he didn't want to know.
Oh, come ON!
'You got to come out last time...'
Cheater! You frickin' cheated! I know you did!
'Why can't you give someone else a chance...'
'Why can't we—'
Good GODS. Shut UP already!Everyone went silent and turned to Tifa who had just appeared in the black void with them. She was tapping her foot impatiently and had her hands on her hips.
'Hey! Tifa! We finally meet in person... a way.' Death Gigas grabbed her hand and shook her entire arm happily.
You're really short. Galian Beast came up to her too and brought his hand to his head and moved it over hers just to prove his point. He giggled,Shortness..., and continued to wave his hand above her head.
Only Hellmasker did not greet her for he was too busy looking at his hands in sadness and horror, Chainsaw..., he whimpered. Tifa couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for him. He looked so pitiful.
Galian looked over at Hellmasker too, Awww. Don't worry Hellmasker, we'll get your chainsaw back. Chaos is just a CHEATER, he practically screamed the word, And he sucks. When he comes back we'll gang bang him or something.
'Galian, you seem to have attained a recent obsession with the word "cheat",' Deathy said.
Galian nodded, It's all Hellmasker's fault. He was calling Chaos a cheater and it reminded me of 'Cheetos' and I looove Cheeetoooosss... Especially those really hot red ones...
Deathy gave Galian a strange look and turned back to Tifa who was looking somewhere between disturbed and amused. 'So, Tifa... you didn't confess your undying love to Vincent.'
The mood in the void changed very suddenly and Hellmasker rushed over so that he could hear better. Tifa blushed slightly and looked around, suddenly very interested in the inky darkness that surrounded them, Where are we anyways?
Ha! Subject change! The first sign of insanity!
I thought hearing voices in your head was the first sign of insanity?
Well, she already hears us in her head, Hellmasker reasoned.
True, true. But technically this is Vincent's head.
Galian and Hellmasker looked at each and shouted triumphantly, "VINCENT'S INSANE!" As if they had just realized this vital piece of information.
I supposed we should have figured that out, just look at Sephiroth. It explains so much...
Yes, like father like son. Sephiroth's mad as a chocobo.
Chocobos aren't mad, they cute.
Cute? Chocobos were made to be eaten!
While this wasn't exactly what Tifa had had in mind when she had tried to redirect the conversation, it was effective so she didn't try to stop it. Unfortunately for her, Death Gigas had realized that the important topic had been successfully forgotten and, so he took it upon himself to remind Hellmasker and Galian Beast that Tifa did indeed still exist.
'Hey, aren't we supposed to be interrogating Tifa on why she didn't tell Vincent that she loves him?'
Galian and Hellmasker stopped singing their song: 'Vincent is a Spaz and Eats Midgar Zoloms for Breakfast' and turned their attention back to Tifa.
Damn you Deathy. Damn you.
Vincent, Red, and Nightmare had wandered back to the hotel after Vincent had assured Red that Chaos was more than capable of taking care of Tifa. Red and Nightmare were watching TV, leaving Vincent by himself in the kitchen. Alone. With the freezer.
The freezer with chocolate.
Vincent had only discovered this freedom to do whatever he wanted with himself recently. He had no 'dark and mysterious' reputation to keep up while he was Vincent (though it was more the fault of his personality...) and he didn't have to constantly look badass. Though, everyone knew that only badasses had frightening chocolate obsessions (though they were secret obsessions, of course).
Well, because Vincent was alone with chocolate, he found himself on a barstool again, with yet another chocolate ice cream carton. He couldn't help but think of Tifa. What had been going on through her mind that had been so emotionally stirring it had triggered a transformation? Could she have been thinking of her feelings for him? Was it possible for her to have feelings for him? She had seemed rather shocked by the words that had come out of her mouth when she had been yelling at Cloud. The gunslinger had found her little speech amusing because Tifa had spoken about Cloud never making a move, but the way Vincent saw it, Tifa and Cloud had been dodging each other for the longest time.
So Tifa liked Cloud but never made a move... but she started having feelings for me after we switched bodies and now she doesn't want Cloud...?
There were times where Vincent's social ineptness really worked against him.
Now was one of those times.
He had no idea what the martial artist could possibly be feeling and he didn't really have anything to compare it to. It had been the same way with Lucrecia. Whenever she had started talking about 'her feelings' he had always be hopelessly confused. Now he was in the same situation, with the same problem, so he did the only thing he could do.
He ate more ice cream.
—And now I think because I never had the courage to go after Cloud, my attraction towards him started to fade and now I'm starting to fall for Vincent because he's everything Cloud isn't. It doesn't make much sense but I don't think I'm attracted to Cloud's type anymore.
Death Gigas nodded, 'I think it's perfectly understandable, Tifa, but now that you have you feelings sorted out, maybe you should start thinking about a way to approach Vincent with this.'
Well, I think you should go find Vincent right now and just let us tell you what to say, Galian grinned. I know exactly what you should say. I'm thinkin' something along Shakespeare with the 'art's and 'thou's and everything, maybe a nice dress...
Chaos beat his wings as he flew over Nibelheim. He had his freedom, but, unlike Vincent, he wasn't really sure what to do. Whatever happened was definitely going to involve the chainsaw...
Chaos paused and grinned, 'Hm... those hedges look rather tempting...'
Tifa steeled herself and said in set, determined tones, Okay. I'm going to tell Vincent.
'Well! I'm right on time then!' Chaos said just as he appeared in the void.
Where's my chainsaw?
'You'll get it back once Tifa gets Vincent,' He turned back to Tifa. 'You can have the body back now.'
Wha—? But Tifa didn't have time to finish her sentence because the void began to fade and the forms of Vincent's demons waving goodbye were the last things she saw before she found herself in front of the Shinra Mansion.
"Now, to find Vincent..."
Vincent was just finishing off his carton of ice cream when Tifa burst into the kitchen.
"Vincent! I-I... have something to tell you," Tifa walked up to him slowly, a blush slowly making its way across her face. Vincent only blinked in response. She got a little closer and touched his face and looked into his eyes so that she would see Vincent reflecting back at her instead of her face.
"I think I... I-lo...l..lo...," But she gave up and, closing her eyes, crushed their lips together, Vincent blinking up at her absolutely startled.
Women. So unpredictable.
And now he was starting to feel really weird and tingly.
And, strangely enough, the feeling wasn't fading.
'YES! Here you go Hellmasker,' Chaos said with a wide grin on his face.
Hellmasker stared at his chainsaw with complete and utter horror written all over his face, LEAVES! LEEAAVEESS! MY CHAINSAW IS ONLY USED FOR KILLING PEOPLE! NOT FOR TRIMMING HEDGES!
Chaos's grin only widened. Hellmasker was pissed and Tifa and Vincent were finally together. All was good.
And now all they had to do was wait for Planet's response.
WOOT! Vincent and Tifa kissed for real sorta! Hellmasker got his chainsaw back! Cloud is lost somewhere (i don't know where he went)!
And Vincent's feeling tingly. What does it MEAN?