Disclaimer: I wished I owned this, but alas, I do not.

Summary: Draco Malfoy discovers that he's a veela on his sixteenth birthday and… Harry's his mate?!? What would this unlikely pair do to stay together?

Author's Notes: Greetings… The only things that are going to be different from average Hogwarts fanfics in this plot are the facts about Veela's and Dumbledore being a hippie.

Prologue: Thinking Back

Draco had first noticed the gangly but skinny boy on the streets through Madam Malkin's shop. At first, it was the gigantic man next to him that drew his attention but then his gaze wandered to the pale boy almost hidden by that man's gigantic fur coat.

Messy ebony hair stuck up every way on the back of his head and a pair of out-dated spectacles sat on his nose. But what drew his attention wasn't the messy hair or the ugly glasses but the clothes that were five times too large for him, his beaten pose and the intelligent emerald eyes that twinkled behind the glasses.

The man gestured and the boy walked up the steps nervously and into the shop where he sat.

The boy opened his mouth to speak but Madam Malkin's beat him to it. "Hogwarts, dear?"

The boy nodded. Madam Malkin's lead him up to a stool… right beside him. Finally he'd be able to satisfy his curiosity for the boy. The boy probably had gotten abused at home and Draco felt a slight wave of sympathy for him. He knew personally how it felt to be abused. His father used him as a punching bag every time he'd gotten angry with him.

They chatted for a while but when the subject got too personal and Draco accidentally insulted Hagrid, the boy's face tightened in displeasure.

The second time Draco saw him before they became rivals was when they got on the train.

"Now remember dear," his mother said. "Keep your temper in check and don't ever forget that you're a Malfoy."

He had ignored her and watched the boy become fast friends with a Weasley. It wasn't until Pansy showed him a picture in the newspaper that he realized the boy he'd been thinking about the whole summer was in fact Harry Potter. The-Boy-Who-Lived.

It had insulted his pride when Harry Potter turned down his offer of friendship and turned to Ronald Weasley and that mudblood Hermione Granger.

So he proceeded to make his life a miserable, living hell for Harry Potter…

And buried his attraction his Harry under a mask of malice and hatred.

But it all changed for him when his sixth year arrived.

Author's Notes (More): I know this is a little short for the first chapter but this is just like a short summary in Draco's point of view and a beginning to the next chapter where I reveal stuff about Draco's Inheritance. Please review as comments are always appreciated!