A/N Here it is. Hope you like it!

Chapter 9

"So you didn't throw water in Ogata Judan's face?" Nase finished her fries enthusiastically.

"No, I did image it though." Hikaru poked her half-eaten burger aside.

"I don't know where you get the guts." Nase's face paled at the idea. "One of the youngest titleholders in Japan and you publicly challenged him."

"I just don't like him." Hikaru muttered watching other teens chat around the restaurant.

"Lots of people don't but no one actually says it." Hikaru giggled at Nase's stricken face. "Seriously next time you challenge anyone try to do it with out an audience."

"I'll keep that in mid." Hikaru tapped her fingers along the table. "How was your date with that guy?"

"Disaster," Nase slumped forward. " I'm never listening to my mom again." She shuddered at the memory. "How was the musical with Waya?"

"Oh it was fine." Hikaru's eyes seem to glaze over. "Do you think he likes anyone?"

"Why?" Nase felt her whole body tingle with anticipation.

"I think he would get along great with a friend of mine." Hikaru continued, while Nase felt utter pity for Waya.

"So she didn't throw an ashtray at you?" Koyo spoke with a hint of disappointment.

"Do you want me to say yes." Ogata placed another white stone not hiding his irritation.

"Of course Sensei wouldn't," Ashiwara smiled kneeling next to his sempai. "Sensei was worried himself when he heard what happened."

"It would have been entertaining if she did." Koyo calm voice echoed in the room.

"Sensei," Ashiwara eyes shot opened at his Sensei's attitude.

"Ashiwara-kun, Tousan is kidding." Akira smirked at Ashiwara's expression.

"Of course," Ogata definitely heard the sarcasm from his sensei. "Well now Morishita has something more to brag about."

"I'd hardly call her bragging material." Ogata paused to think his next move on the goban.

"I hear she's only been playing since 11 which is pretty impressive." Ashiwara smiled at Akira. "Right Toya-kun."

"Well she did have a great teacher." Ogata reached his bowel of white stones only to pause again.

"Yes her teacher was quite amazing. She'll probably be Morishita's top student." Koyo stared at Ogata patiently waiting for his move.

"I brought tea and cookies." Akiko opened the screen door, which Akira quickly stood to help his mother. "Does Morishita-san have a new student?" She asked curiously as they rested around the snacks.

"Yes, her name is Shindo Hikaru." Ashiwara munched happily on the sugar cookie.

"Really?" Akiko paused remembering the name. "Akira isn't that your girlfriend?"

Akira spat his tea, "Okaasan! Where on earth did you hear that?"

"It all makes sense now." Ogata rubbed his chin in thought.

"Seriously?" Ashiwara astonishment written on his face from the news. "How did you meet?"

"They go to the same school together." Ogata responded automatically.

"I think she's adorable." Akiko added eagerly.

"I'm not dating her." Akira shouted to be ignored by everyone. "Tousan," he pleaded with his father for help.

"Yes you're not dating." Koyo silenced the gossip. "But if you do in the future I would not oppose."

"I understand Toya-kun. These things take time." Ashiwara patted his head sympathetically.

"I have plenty of advice to give." Ogata's toothy grin appeared.

"I have someone to go shopping with now." Akiko's face glaze over in a daydream.

Throb…Toya grabbed his head in pain.

"Why don't you just take the goban home? No point of leaving it here when you come cleaning it almost every week." Heihachi continued walking from the shed to their normal playroom.

"Its fine here Ojiisan." Hikaru slipped her tennis shoes off. "My friends are wondering when you're free."

"Sometime soon," Heihachi poured tea into handcrafted teacups. "But you'll be a pro soon so no real point in asking for their professionalism."

"I've only just signed up for Insei. It won't be months until the pro exams. Besides my friends like you, they wouldn't make it an official tutoring session." Hikaru sipped her name-craved cup.

"You're right. But I'm positive you'll pass." His face became wistful. "It seems like yesterday I met Sakura. And now my youngest grandchild is all grown up."

"Now you're making us sound old." A gentle voice interrupted presenting an elegant woman dressed in a traditional kimono.

"Obaasan," Hikaru moved to hug her grandmother.

Patting her Hikaru's hair, her wrinkled but beautiful face smiled at her husband. "I'm home."

"Welcome back," Heihachi smiled.

Hikaru sometimes wondered if they had a secret story ever time they smiled at each other. "Do you want to watch our game?"

"Another time, I have some errands to do." Saukra kissed Hikaru's cheek. "Remember not to beat your grandpa too much." She winked playfully.

Crossing his arms, Heihachi glared at the closed screen door. "Just because I lose she has to rub it in."

Giggling Hikaru prepared for there usual game. "Don't worry Ojiisan I'll only beat you by 40 moku."

"Hikaru!" Saukra smirked at her husband voice down the hall.

Shinoda enjoyed go. Unlike many of his colleges, he wasn't aiming to have titles or everyone's acknowledgement. He simply wanted people to enjoy and spread the joys of go. He rarely took games because they would conflict with his Insei student's schedules. When he did, his games mainly consistent with lower dans. Though slightly mundane, Shinoda's real fulfillment came when his students succeeded. At times he would be sad at some of their depression but when they continued striving to be better, he felt nothing could be a better gift.

There were times in his career when he met students whose skill was above and beyond him. Yet watching these kids with such raw talent brought excitement to him. Watching them grow stronger and better always brought tears to his eyes.

So on Tuesday early October, Shinoda had gone about his day with easy. Entering his office, he greeted his co-workers with a smile. Settling his jacket he pinned a nametag preparing for Insei testing. Grabbing a large folder he breeze through the hall to see several young red eyed faces. He mentally prepared himself for the forceful parents and crying children.

"This way Okaasan." Hikaru ushered them out the elevator into the narrow hall.

"What a nice building." Mitsuko noticed anxious parents waiting with their children. "Are you positive school is fine with this?"

"I asked Toya about it and the Headmaster. I just need to always turn in my assignments and retake exams." Quietly siting with her mother she noticed a red eye kid leave with his father.

"Are you nervous?" Mitsuko spoke as she fidgeted her fingers.

"Haha," Hikaru leaned against her mother happily. "Thanks for being here today."

Mitsuko place a kiss on Hikaru head while wrapping her arms around the smaller body. "I'm always here for my baby."

"Shindo Hikaru," a male voice called out. Quickly standing the two followed the middle age man into a small room. "Hello Shindo-san," he smiled at both the ladies. "I will be playing a game with you then discuss and look over recorded kifus. You can call me Shinoda-sensei."

"Please to meet you Sensei." Hikaru bowed. "This is my mother."

"Please take care of my daughter." Mitsuko bowed noticing he was only slightly older than she was.

"Well we will see after the game." Shinoda smiled kneeling on the mat. "You have three stones advantage. Also this game will only be an hour long."

"It's not even." Hikaru's disappointment made Shinoda grin.

"No, do you have any questions?" He gathered two bowls forward.

"No sensei," Hikaru mentally prepared herself for the game.

"Sensei," Shinoda looked towards Mitsuko. "Do I need to stay and watch the game?"

"No, you can wait outside or downstairs at the café if you like. Like I said it will only be an hour long." He gestured towards the door politely.

"Thank you," Mitsuko winked at her daughter before leaving. A little baffled at her leaving Shinoda's expression clearly showed. Usually most parents hovered over their children like preying hawks.

"She gets stressed very easily. Besides she doesn't really like go." Hikaru explained.

"Does that bother you?" Wondering if he was dealing with another case of mother knows best attitude.

"Oh no, she supports me. She just can't stand the game. The idea of sitting for hours is foreign to her. Otousan says her body just can't stay still." She smiled charmingly.

"I see," Shinoda bowed. "Please."


An hour later, Shinoda wondered if he should have played an even game. He felt like he was playing Toya Akira who he believed was a genius of his time. As the timer went off, Shinoda felt glad that at least the game ended with him at least in the lead. "Did you bring your kifus?" Shinoda wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Taking out a folder, Hikaru handed her recorded games to him. Glancing over the games, Shinoda noticed that she had recorded games where she had lost as well. Though losing the games were highly and well played out. "You've lost in a few of these." He flipped through the five kifus instead of the required three.

"Yes, I really enjoy those games even though I lost."

"Interesting," Shinoda continued leafing before he saw the name. "You played Toya Akira in most of these."

"We go to the same school. And we play each other all the time." Hikaru handed a small thick notebook to Shinoda. "These are other games I've played but usually my best are when I play Toya."

Shinoda was in awe at all the names in the booklet. There were recent rookie pros, his favorite Isumi Shinichiro, Saeki 5-dan, Shirakawa 7-dan, Morishita 9-dan, and even Ogata Judan. Picking up her application, Shinoda noticed that Morishita was her sponsor as well as a recommendation from Ogata Judan.

"Do I pass Sensei?" As the seconds passed on the clock, Shinoda wondered if she needed Insei. Would her being in Insei only create chaos? Her attendance would definitely knock a few students off their seats. Yet at the same time she may mold others into better players. Well go was a game of building and conquering.

"Welcome to Insei Shindo-san."

"Waya are you wearing cologne?" Fukui sniffed his friend at the unfamiliar smell.

"Charming," Saeki grinned devilishly. "He's trying to make an impression."

"Its only a party for Shindo,' Fukui replied missing Waya's blush and everyone else's knowing smiles.

"You'll understand when you're older." Isumi patted the younger boy's head affectionately.

"There it is!" Waya pointed towards the massive hotel.

"Waya watch out!" Honda called out as the car almost hit him.

Nase shook her head. "He's going to get himself killed before we even get to the party." She quickly caught up with the eager boy, pulling his arm to slow him down.

As they entered the bellhop shot them a weary look doubting they belonged in the expensive lobby. They wondered around aimlessly looking for the party before a curious young lady step before them. "You must be Ru-chan's friends." Her elegant fingers brushed her long dark brown hair show off a friendly smile. "I'm Shindo Maiko. I'm Hikaru's cousin." Everyone introduced them selves dazzled by her calm appearance. Beautifully dressed in a satin green cocktail dress, her slim frame easily handled her thin strappy heels. "Please call me Maiko. I'm only a university student not that much older." She smiled trances of similarity to Hikaru's smile.

"Maiko!" An older man called out from down the lobby. Dressed in causal jeans, his two button open shirt showed off a bright dazzling silver necklace barely hiding the simmering row of diamond stud earrings in his left ear. "I see your arriving fashionable late as well." He wiggled his toes from his leather saddles.

"Your mother is going to have a fit when she sees you." Maiko dusted off lint from his shoulder. "When they said semi-formal I wonder what was going through your head Nobu-nii."

"It's a clean shirt." He smiled shamelessly. Noticing the group he smiled recognizing them. "Oh it's the young go players."

"Nobu-san," they bowed remember his shabby outfit when they met at Hikaru's previous competition. Arriving with coffee stained shorts and tight sleeveless shirt, he quickly took pictures of Hikaru ignoring everyone's stares. Finally satisfied with his results he turned to see his family and Hikaru's friends. Ryosuke had made the introduction of his younger son and seem unfazed by his appearance. No one else in the family did either, so the group decided not to either.

"Please Nobu is just fine." He smiled dashingly. "Let's go in maybe I won't be noticed by mama-chan." They moved towards the ballroom.

"I doubt it." Maiko grinned when she saw her aunt zoom right towards them. "Have fun, I need to find my parents before I get an ear full." She existed before she could feel the wrath of Nobu's mother.

"Nobu do you know what time it is? When I said exactly six I meant six." Her tall frame glared at her even taller son. But he still felt intimated from her evil glare.

"Sorry Mama-chan," Nobu smile sweetly.

"Don't think that a smile and hug is going to get you off the hook." She jagged her son's chest.

"Sorry ma'am we lost our way and asked Nobu-san for directions." Saeki cut in, feeling sorry for the man. Turning towards the group, the woman tough face morphed into a politely smile. "Oh don't worry. I'm Shindo Hina. Hikaru was telling me that a group of her friends would be coming a little later."

"Shindo-san," they bowed after introductions.

"Please call me Mama-chan."

"Shindo-san," Ismui gulped at the stare he received. "Mama-chan," her dark looked returned too normal. "We're sorry for arriving late."

"Its fine. Just a party with a few friends. No need to worry your cute little heads." Hina smiled, tugging on her son's ear. "But if you'll excuse us we need to find my husband. Hikaru is just over there by the tables. I'm positive I'll see each of you later. Come on dear son," She walked dragging the man who gave a cheeky wave towards the group.

Finally gathering their senses the group noticed an array of people dressed in elegant suits and posh silky dresses. "I don't want to know what formal is." Saeki whispered into Nase's ear adjusting his own tie.

"Isn't that the Commander of the Royal guards." Fukui pointed at the officer, quickly stopped by Isumi.

"Don't point Fukui." Isumi felt like he was fish out of water.

"There she is." Waya rushed towards his spotted angel. Following the boy with a mad dash, they found Hikaru chatting with a group of older people casually.

"Hey guys," Hikaru smiled moving towards them. "I'm glad everyone could make." Her normally straight hair was curled with specks of gold glitter in it matching her cap sleeve ankle length dress.

"Are these more of your high school friends Ru-chan?" A woman asked with similar hair like Maiko's.

"Obasan these are my go friends. Everyone this is my aunt Aya." Hikaru introduce each of her friends happily.

"What polite children." Aya smiled waving her husband over. "Yoji come meet Hikaru's friends."

"Hello," the group smiled at the man with such friendly eyes.

"I like your tie Shindo-san." Nase couldn't take her eyes off the dark pink tie.

"My son bought it for me." Yoji spoke proudly at the fact. "I forgot to tell you that Maiko is here Aya. She went off to find Taso a few minutes ago."

"I swear she's getting her bad habits from Nobu." Aya complained causing everyone to laugh.

"The pup is here." Heihachi wrapped his arm around Waya's neck. "I was wondering when you would get here."

"Tousan let the poor boy go." Aya only received a boisterous laugh.


"Hey kids," he grinned at the group letting a breathless Waya go. "Now I won't have everyone trying to lick my boots."

"I thought I was the one everyone wanted to be nice too." A deep voice interrupted Heihachi.

"They're nice to me because they now you only listen too me." Heihachi arrogantly spoke towards the powerful figure.

"Taso-nii meet my friends." Hikaru hugged her cousin who quickly melted from the affection.

"Ru-chan's friends are my friends." Taso smiled, while Waya felt he was on cloud nine, a step closer towards his goal. As everyone settled into pleasant conversation, Isumi noticed how most people where staring at them. He glanced around and saw how most of Hikaru's family had formed a circle around their little group. Each family was dressed in fashionable clothes and carried an air of command. It made him wonder if all rich families emitted this kind of feeling.

"Howdy everyone!" A man shouted on stage wearing large goban costume. "Ru-chan congrats!" The strange man started dancing on the stage with a man wearing dark glasses and hat, shaking his head next to the stage.

"Well at least he was creative this time." Taso smirked at the outfit.

"Oh that hilarious!" Heihachi laughed at his grandson's antics.

Taking off the ridiculous clothes, it revealed a pink hair man wearing tight leather pants and glamorous purple long sleeve shirt.

"Its Shuichi from Bad Luck!"


"I love you!"

Some of the younger attendances sprang to the stage eager for an autograph with an anger man watching only to be noticed as well.

"Its Yuki Eiri!"


"I love you!"

"You know Shuichi!" Nase's eyes glazed over seeing her idol. "Oh my god, he's your cousin!" She squealed. The family stood back watching security clear up the mini riot, as the two stars walked towards them.

"Ru-chan!" Shuichi literally jumped into Hikaru's arms.

"Brat don't break her." The gorgeous light hair man cringed as Shuichi whined at being called a brat.

"Yuki," Ryosuke patted the young authors shoulder. "Glad too see you away from your laptop."

"Sensei," Yuki bowed respectfully then greeted the rest of Shindo family. "Here princess," Yuki handed a wrapped present. Eagerly opening it, she saw a light blue digital wrist watch with pink strips on the side. "Time is going to be even more important. Remember to use it, unlike other people." Yuki gave a small smirk.

"Hey I was only late by 20 minutes." Nobu spoke about their last meeting.

"Which was 20 minutes of nothing for me." Yuki poked Nobu earning some laughs around the room.

"Should we cut the cake since everyone is here?" Mitsuko spoke.

"Actually can we wait just a little bit longer. Toya said he'd be here soon. He got caught in traffic." Hikaru looked towards the entrance of the room.

"Toya Akira!" Waya shouted angrily.

"Wait your boyfriend?" Aya asked.

"He's coming." Taso's eyes held a hard gleam.

"He's not dating Hikaru, I am." Waya spoke noticing how everyone's eyes turned towards him.

"What!" Hikaru's face flushed from the news.

"This is getting interesting." Heihachi whispered in his wife's ear.

"We're dating?" Hikaru's confused expression made Waya's face turn red. "And when did I say I was dating Toya Akira?" She spoke to her family.

"What?" Toya's face equally as red.

Chaos ensued


As I said chaos ensues!!!!!