Author has written 33 stories for Fast and the Furious, Harry Potter, Power Rangers, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, She's All That, Supernatural, Detective School Q, Angel, High School Musical, NCIS, Bleach, and Leverage. 31 January 2014: Hey, Everyone, I just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update, since it's been a while since I last updated this. I'm still in the process of shutting down my old account and moving everything over here to this one. I will be slowly deleting all of my stories over on that profile, editing them, and reposting them here. I am not stealing those stories. Gu4rd14n-Kn1ghts was me, I just don't like the name anymore. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I came up with the name in the first place. Anyway, I have a couple of 'verses that I'm working on, the details of which I will post below. In the meantime, I apologize to everyone who has been waiting for the sequel to "It's Not Easy." I am still working on it, but I'm having trouble. I'm not really sure where I want to go with it. The original idea that I had turned out to not work well with the way INE ended. I have three interim oneshots posted, and I hope to have the sequel posted soon, but I'm juggling quite a few projects at the moment, and I make no promises as to when it will be up. Fae Shoot the Moon This is a multi-fandom crossover AU 'verse that currently contains 18 different fandoms (24, if you include Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, The Avengers, X-Men and Marvel's: Agents of SHIELD as individual fandoms, rather than grouping them all under the Marvel Cinematic Universe), background characters for 2 others, organizational elements from 2 more and magical creature elements from another, though there is always the possibility of elements from additional fandoms appearing as the series progresses. This 'verse originally started as an AU Power Rangers 'verse because I don't care for Tanya and hated the way that Aisha left the show. As I was working on both this 'verse, and several other stories, I decided that I wanted to be able to cross several of my favorite fandoms. The 'verse then expanded to include AU backstory for 16 additional fandoms at last count, with elements taken from five others. Most of these pieces will be standalones, but there are some that need to be read first so that others will make sense. "Just Awesome Like That" (Bleach/Harry Potter; set in '85/86 and explains how Harry Potter became Haru Kurosaki. Edited and posted.) Catch-Fly This is a Harry Potter and NCIS crossover 'verse that is set primarily in the NCIS 'verse, as Silene relocated to the States three years after the Battle of Hogwarts. It contains a female Harry Potter and is named after the flower that Silene is named for. Silene Noeturna is the Latin name for the Catch-fly flower. The main pairing will be Tony/Silene, with Gibbs being a father figure to both of them. I am not a fan of Dumbledore or most of the Weasleys, so there is the potential for Weasley/Dumbledore/Granger bashing. Additionally, I am not a huge fan of Ziva, McGee or Vance, so there are elements of bashing in regards to their characters. I have four stories currently written, along with three others that are semi-planned/partially written. These stories are all stand-alone pieces set in the same 'verse, however some of them may make more sense if you've read others. Either way, it is not necessary to read them in order. I didn't actually write them in order, but in the order that they came to me. "No Condemnation" (Set in February '01, nine months before Tony joins NCIS and explains the beginnings of the close relationship between Gibbs and Silene.) Go Your Own Way This is a Fast and the Furious 'verse with a Dom/Brian pairing. It starts during Fast and Furious, with canon up to that point, but ignoring Tokyo Drift. (Which I suppose is technically part six, with 4-6 being moved up a spot in continuity. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3. Whatever. You know what I mean.) The idea for this came partly from Hobbs' line in Fast 5 re: Brian- "One is a former federal agent, been in deep cover for five years..." I took that and came up with an explanation for what exactly Brian was doing. The other part of the idea came from the NaNo that I did back in 2007 that took elements from Firefly/Serenity, specifically the experiments that the Alliance performed on River. Brian ended up sort of like River. The only problem- for the people in charge- Brian had already given his loyalty away, and no matter what they did to him, it would remain with Dom. I used two of the characters from my NaNo in "It's Not Easy," and several others will be showing up in the sequels. As of right now, there will be three chapter stories, one covering the general plot lines for Fast and Furious, Fast 5 and Furious 6, along with a handful of oneshots. The chaptered stories should be read in order. The oneshots can be read in most any order, but they should be read after "It's Not Easy," otherwise large portions of them will not make sense. Chaptered Stories Oneshots Taste the Rainbow This is a Power Rangers 'verse. It is supposed to primarily be a series of character study oneshots with an individual focus on each Ranger, an episode at a time. Each separate piece is named after a Skittle flavor, which is where the name of the 'verse comes from. There will be 18 stories (one for each Ranger color, along with one for Mentors, Allies, Civilians and Villains). It's not a priority for me, and will be updated sporadically, as I have both the time and inclination to write for this 'verse. In addition to the 18 main pieces, I'm also considering doing background stories set in the same 'verse. These don't have to be read in any particular order, as each of the stories and chapters are individual pieces and can stand alone. Main Stories |
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