Reviews for Fair Warning
misherukuro chapter 11 . 6/12
Utterly Hilarious!
Xena Anne chapter 11 . 5/20
Not only is this the best comedy of errors I have ever read, it is better than I ever expected to find. I'm so glad you continue to write.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/6
Excellent farce. You should write for the stage.
Ozzyturn chapter 11 . 4/21
Thank you for this gem of a story! I haven't laughed so hard in ages. Eureka!
GracefulKlutz1983 chapter 11 . 3/25
that was the most ridiculous, unpredictably funny story I have ever read. I can't tell you how many times I shocked my husband with my sudden bouts of laughter as i read this story. the shocking part is, you did it all without including 2 of the most ridiculous characters; Mr. Collins and Mrs Bennet. Mrs Bennets absence could be easily understood but if Lady Catherine made it to the parsonage where did she leave Mr. Collins?
Ems-g chapter 11 . 3/9
this is insane!

I love it!

Like every chapter was a wild ride and I could not stop reading it because each person was so entirely wrong about what was actually happening that I feared if I stopped for even a moment to do something else, I would forget who believed what nonsense

And then the Colonel deciding to test whether Bennet women are truly just so perfect for any person, that he decides to test his theory on his brother
like honestly I don't even think I understood half of what was happening but there is the biggest smile on my face and was throughout the story as I laughed out loud at the misunderstandings

Darcy! A gambler or a drunk! Oh I love the idea of Elizabeth telling him down the line and poor Darcy being so confused because he made the least amount of assumptions in the party but god the family reunions would be incredible
Robin Lea Daurelle chapter 1 . 1/18
I will have you know I have used cable locks for laptops - numerous ones 25 in fact. The lunkheads in charge of my department bought laptops for an AutoCAD lab and then could not understand why they could not run off of batteries for multiple labs on the same day. That and it also took 15 minutes at the start of class and another 15 at the end to get them all back in the cart to be locked up. I had to make adjustments to be able to plug them all in and then lock them down. Yes, they are stupid it just so happened the people in my department who made decisions on this before I got this were even more so.
Thought this might give you a smile.
ProfessorPedant chapter 11 . 1/15
She would not become Lady Mary. She would take the Viscount's title. If he is Henry Fitzwilliam, Lord Newmarket, she would become Mary Fitzwilliam, Lady Newmarket. Lady Mary would indicate she was the unmarried (or married to a non-Peer (see Lady Catherine de Bourgh or Lady Anne Darcy)) daughter of an Earl or higher.

Always happy to help with British forms of address.
ProfessorPedant chapter 10 . 1/15
Bedlam! Mayhem! Pandemonium!
ProfessorPedant chapter 7 . 1/15
Started as fun. Moved to farce. And now is passing ridiculopus at some speed. I shudder to think where it may eventually end up.

I suppose I must read on to find out.
Brenda Shaffer-Shiring chapter 10 . 1/15
BWA-HA-HA-HA! Can't stop laughing!
Brenda Shaffer-Shiring chapter 7 . 1/15
OMG, this just keeps getting WORSE. What a hysterical comedy of errors! And now the Bingleys? Who could possibly be next?! (reads frantically)
Elanor12345 chapter 11 . 1/14
Okay I have already read the craziest thing, this here was the weirdest and actually I am quite shocked and scandalized, (another sign that I have read too many of your books, as I am already adapting to the sociaty and morals of 1800s and found myself scandalized by this book until I remembered that this was just a book and nothing like this would have actually happened at that time and that right now it is the 2000s already so it would not be that unproper at all.) Loved the colonels theory of the Bennets sisters though, and gringed at every other one.
knuckles 8 chapter 11 . 1/8
This must be the silliest nonsensical story I have ever read. I could not stop giggling and laughing. I greatly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.
elleminnowpee chapter 7 . 1/6
I literally just slapped my table while laughing. Thank you.
Also is it wishful thinking on my part or was that a reference to Monty Python?
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