Author: Jade

Story: Dark Wings

Pairings: Jason/Kim, Tommy/Kat

Disclaimer: I own no one.

Summary: Maligore's Children will have there revenge…

Author Notes: This has multiple warnings you need to be aware of. So…yeah.

Warnings: Torture, cursing, slash, death, war, and….that's all I got for now. Oh, and this is gonna be completely un-beta'd unless I find someone insane enough to beta it for me.

Divatox: Too late rangers! Even now they're becoming his spawns of evil!

They had failed. Even as he ran with the other rangers out of the temple, the knowledge that he had failed Jason and Kim ate at him.

He could not rejoice in the defeat of Maligore, nor in the knowledge that Bulk and Skull had ended up saving Lerigot and his family from dying in the temple. He stood in the cockpit of the megazord, watching Bulk and Skull make fools of themselves yet again but he could not find it in him to laugh. Yes, they had won, but his friends, his teammates, his family, had not made it off the island.

His head rebelled at the thought even as his heart mourned.

He knew he was worrying his team. He hadn't broken down yet. He hadn't cried, raved, threw a tantrum. He showed no emotion at all as he went back to training with Adam and Richie, a last minute replacement for Rocky. He gave the customary smile when they won the money, but his friends could see it held no real warmth.

Zordon was worried.. The old mage hadn't said anything, but he could see it in his face whenever the rangers were called on to fight the returned Rita and Zedd. He knew the giant head, and Alpha as well, knew of his nightmares. Where Jason and Kim, the evil plain in their eyes, cursed him for their deaths.

It was Goldar, ironically enough, who finally got the Red Ranger to show emotion. It was the winged monkey, his bitter rival of several years, who finally gave him something to live for.

Goldar claimed Jason and Kim were still alive. Evil, yes, but alive.

And Tommy believed him.