Poll: What's your favourite fandom out of these 4? Vote Now!
Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. If you want to contact me for some unknown reason, use these. Tumblr: http:/// Email: georgeweasleysear@ I have to be honest with what is probably zero fans. I'm not English. As a small baby, I thought it would make my fics better to use British English. However, I'm an American. Hey, so I'm an ear. Despite being only a small part of a person, I do actually have a wide range of interests. Here's a few of them: Fandoms- I know ears don't have eyes, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying many fandoms, such as: Harry Potter (Technically I'm in this series, but I'm only an ear, so I don't know that) Doctor Who Sherlock Supernatural Dexter The Following (sort of??) The X-Files Marvel Orange is the New Black Buffy the Vampire Slayer Hunger Games Criminal MindsTumblr- need I go on about this? Tumblr is wonderful. Music- God, so many bands! Fall Out Boy My Chemical Romance The Front Bottoms The Vaccines Arcade Fire Margo and The Nuclear So and So's Coldplay Death Cab For Cutie Twenty One Pilots The Kinks Blue Oyster Cult Cage The Elephant Led Zeppelin The Black Keys Arctic Monkeys Bad Suns Miniature Tigers Panic! At The Disco Nirvana Imagine Dragons Foster The PeopleWriting- You probably could have figured this one out on your own, but I feel like I should put it here anyway. The kinds of writing I do/like are: ALL OF IT. ALL OF THE WRITING. Mostly horror/ mysteries/ crime at this point Shockingly enough, I haven't been doing much fanfic lately. The headcanons still emerge frequently, though. I actually wrote some poetry recently. I've been writing a butt-load of essays. Now there's a fun thing called lab reports.Drawing- I love to draw, despite being a ear and having no hands. Books- most of the books I like are fandom-y, but here are the books I like: The Old Man and the Sea (the only Ernest Hemingway book I actually liked) Catcher in the Rye Fahrenheit 451 ( Harry Potter (The books I've read more than anything else in the years since I turned ten) The Mythology Of Supernatural (Because it taught me that Castiel is not the angel of Thursday- a very important lesson for practically everyone) Perks of Being a Wallflower The Hunger Games (I didn't plan on reading it; the Capitol made me do it!) There's a lot of other books I like, but I can't remember them.If you need help, here are some help-y type things: Help with fanfic terms (I needed this about three years ago): AU - This means alternate universe. This can be literal Alternate Universes shown in Canon, or it can mean AU in the sense that a writer is taking a canon episode of a TV show, a book's plotline, a movies plotline and changing it. So basically AU doesn't always mean far from Canon, but it can mean way outside of Canon too. Some are silly while some are pretty nice. Examples include the ancient trope known as the High School AU. Beta - A Beta-Reader is a writer's best friend, and sometimes their biggest foil. The Beta of the fanfic world is like the editor in the real world. They check grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc., but also they check canon, plot flow, characterization, and many other aspects that distinguish great fiction from so-so fiction. The beauty of the fanfiction world is that most writers are feedback whores and anyone can take on the role of Beta. If you notice a lot of errors when reading fiction maybe you should consider offering to be a beta at one of your favorite sites, the writers will thank you for a fresh voice and you, the reader, can play an active role in your obsession. I am a Beta-Reader. Canon - Canon is a term used to describe things that have actually happened on the shows or been specifically referred to as having happened in the past. Like Ron/Hermione in Harry Potter or Demon!Dean. Flames - Flames are the opposite of helpful feedback. It means sending an email to an author to tell them you disliked the story you just read. Common examples are people who can't stand slash, yet read a slash story in its entirety then email the author to tell them they hate slash. Well, here's a thought, if you know you won't like it, don't read it. Remember there is a difference between saying 'you may not know it but you spelled bestiality wrong.' and saying 'if you can't spell it you shouldn't be doing it, dumb ass'. While I realize the latter is more tempting be polite, authors have memories like really well superglued traps, they won't forget your flame and will probably even send back a snarky response if you send them one. If you flame me, I'll remember it when I'm the ruler of Hell. Non-Canon - Is just the opposite of above. Relationships that have never been shown, spoken of, or hinted at on the shows are non-canon, as are the many great liberties taken with character histories. Like Dramione or Blaise/Luna. OTP - One True Pairing - A term that originated on Livejournal, means the two characters that make your heart pitter patter. Usually refers to a romantic pairing such as Draco/Hermione or Cato/Katniss. My OTP is... well crap... now I can't remember. Smut - A fic where characters do the frick-frack. PWP - Porn without Plot. This is a small, usually short, often funny, tale of smut, with either no or very little lead in. Ratings - The ratings on FanFiction. net are as follows: K- all ages, K- some intimacy, mild language, T- fleshy touching, strong language, M- actual nudity, sex, coarse language, NC-17- graphic sex with excessive detail, rape, torture, etc. I only write up to T. M is too extreme (there are children here!) Shipper - Someone who has an affinity for a specific pairing or relationship, whether conventional or non. Examples: those terrifying Destiel shippers I follow on Tumblr. Slash - Slash means any same-sex pairing (i.e. Sabriel) FemSlash is Woman/Woman (Example: Luna/Ginny) Songfic - A story with song lyrics woven into a story, can also include stories inspired by a particular song. The basic thing to remember when writing songfic is that if your story can not stand without the song lyrics it will most likely not be better with them. Always take a good look at the piece without the lyrics to make sure you have written a cohesive story that can be enjoyed even if the reader has never heard the song you have in mind. More urgent help, as in suicide helplines: If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, call one of these helplines. United States: 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) United States (en Espanol): 1-800-SUICIDA United States-veterans 1-800-273-8255, Veterans Press 1 Europe Wide: 116 123 (free from any number) Australia: 13 11 14 Belgium: 02 649 95 55 Brasil: 141 Canada: Numbers vary by region. Deutschland: 0800 1110 111 France: 01 40 09 15 22 Greece: 1018 or 801 801 99 99 Iceland: 1717 India: 91-44-2464005 0 or 022-27546669 Ireland: ROI - local rate: 1850 60 90 90 ROI - minicom: 1850 60 90 91 Israel: 1201 Italia: 800 86 00 22 Malta: 179 Japan 03-3264-4343 Netherlands: 0900 1130113 New Zealand: 0800 543 354 Nippon: 3 5286 9090 Norway: 815 33 300 Osterreich: 116 123 Serbia: 0800 300 303 or 021 6623 393; Online chat: http:///index.php/kontakt South Africa: LifeLine 0861 322 322; Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567 Sverige: 020 22 00 60 Switzerland: 143 UK: 08457 90 90 90 or text 07725909090 or email jo@ Uruguay: 7pm to 11 pm – Landlines 0800 84 83 (FREE) 2400 84 83 24/7 – Cell phone lines 095 738 483 *8483 And now for some quotes: "I've got 99 problems and 98 of them can be attributed to poor planning." - something I think I saw on Tumblr one time. "Four score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat," -Dean Winchester, wearing Abe Lincoln's hat. "SuperPotterWhoLock is the stupidest collective fandom ever."- that guy I buried under my hydrangea bush yesterday. |
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