Author has written 22 stories for Monkees, Doctor Who, Avengers, A-Team, Fairy Tail, and Virtual Villagers. So... Just in case any of my old fans or followers are reading this, I owe you guys an explanation. I'm not going to be publishing any more fanfiction, and I have no immediate plans to continue or finish any of the stories I had started here. I suppose that's pretty obvious for some of the stories that hadn't been updated in several years, but yeah. It's pretty sad, just saying it, because I do still love all the stories I was publishing here, and I still remember the plots and twists I had planned for each one, and the sequels I intended to write... But the thing is, life happens, and people change. I'm married now, I've moved across several state lines - twice - I've actually had a couple of miscarriages (Before anyone asks, I'm fine now and I'm okay, but yeah, that happened) and just, all in all, life happens. In addition, and I know this is like, sacrilege, lol, I'm... not really into writing or reading my biggest old fandoms anymore. I still love the Avengers and Tony Stark, I still love the Monkees (In fact, guess who got to meet Peter and Micky at a convention, and guess who got a vinyl record signed by them both, and guess who got her picture taken with them, and GUESS WHO HAS A FUNNY STORY ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEY KEPT GOOFING OFF AND THE CAMERA GUY HAD TO TAKE THE PIC THREE TIMES AND I GOT TO KEEP ALL THREE EVEN THOUGH I PAID FOR ONE?! YEAH BABY, I DID! And apparently Peter called me Rose Marie but I was so busy geeking out about PETER AND MICKY that I didn't even hear it and my husband told me later. XD I was super happy, PETER TORK CALLED ME ROSE MARIE!) BUT YEAH. The Avengers, the Monkees, Doctor Who (Oh yeah I've also met David Tennant and Alex Kingston now. David Tennant told a joke right before the camera guy took the pic, so my husband and I are making stupid faces, but that's okay lol) I'm just not into those fandoms any more for fanfiction. Tastes change. Life happens. But don't be discouraged... I know I'm not planning on finishing these stories, and that probably makes me as sad as it makes you. But life happens in good ways, too. I'm now seriously starting work on my first original novel, the first in a five-part Fantasy series all about kings and corruptions and wars and politics, AND DRAGONS, and if my plans go well, I'm hoping to publish sometime in 2019. So, if you remember my work and you're as crazy about dragons as I am, follow me on twitter (my username is PlushChrome there as well) to stay updated through my process, and have the potential to maybe be beta readers for my work when the time comes. In the meantime, I will always love you guys, and I will always love my old stories (especially Teenage Mutant Agent Avengers, that was my jam) and this site will always have a special place in my heart as the place where my love for writing flourished and grew into the passion I'm pursuing today. Love, PlushChrome (Oh yeah, one last thing, for anyone who didn't know, I also published some of my darker stories under the name Crashing Star, so if you're a fan of Things About Tony Stark That No One Really Knows, this counts for that too, sorry.) XD |