Disclaimer: Believe me, if I owned Doctor Who, you would not be reading this right now. You'd be watching it in a full length movie special.

Furthermore, I can't even claim to have written this all by my lonesome. This story was co-written with my sister, who wanted a story with Ten and Eleven, most of their companions, and a reformed Master.

Special thanks: I would like to thank my laptop, PollyX7, for supporting me throughout this project, and I would like to thank Leroy, our family computer, for doing his best despite old age, slow loading speeds (and everything else) and the increasing desire to go to sleep.

Warnings: Main character death, and spoilers for just about everything, if you've missed a single episode, you probably will read spoilers about it somewhere. Except for Idiot's Lantern. I don't think there will be any spoilers for that one. Not that it's not a good episode, I just don't think I ever reference it. Oh, now I'm rambling. Oh well, there's just a lot of spoilers...


Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory: After Season 6, before Season 7.

Jack: Sometime after Journey's End, Torchwood episodes non-existent.

Mickey and Martha: Sometime after future scene in End of Time.

The Master: Sometime after End of Time.

Donna: Sometime after future scene in End of Time.

Sally and Larry: Sometime after final scene in Blink.

Jenny: Sometime after The Doctor's Daughter.

Rose and John: Sometime after Journey's End.

Tenth Doctor: After Waters of Mars, before End of Time.

River: Sometime after Angels in Manhattan, before Silence of the Library.

OC's Twelfth Doctor, Kara and Jimmy: It's been at least two years since his regeneration from Eleven to Twelve, Jimmy and Kara have been traveling with him for about a year.


"Meladiere," The Doctor said, spinning away from Amy and Rory and walking toward the TARDIS console. "The biggest city in the universe, spans across three planets, with an interplanetary teleportation public transport system and everything. It's most popular vacation destination is Singing Reefs, an entire suburb built beneath the waters of their biggest ocean. That's where we're going."

The Doctor was starting up the TARDIS as he talked, circling the console, twisting knobs and pushing buttons, all the while smiling at Amy and Rory, who were excited at the prospect of touring a city at the bottom of an ocean.

"The neighborhood is inside an oxygen dome, the sky is literally a lake. Finest subaquatic diners in this part of the galaxy. They've got what is affectionately known as the "Sea Needle," based on your earth's Space Needle, it rises up out of the dome and gives you a whale's eye view of the city below."

The Doctor pulled on a lever and with a lurch, they were off. At first, nothing seemed wrong, but then Amy noticed they were being thrown around a little more violently than usual, and it was getting increasingly worse. A particularly rough spot sent her sprawling to the ground as Rory grabbed hold of the railing and the Doctor toppled backwards down the stairs to the level below.

"Doctor!" Amy called. "What's happening!?"

The Doctor's head popped into view and Amy could see on his face a mixture of confusion, worry, and complete bewilderment. She groaned. "It's going somewhere on it's own again, isn't it?" She called.

He looked at her indignantly. "It's a she," he yelled. "And she's never steered us wrong yet!"

"Yes she has!" Rory cut in. "What about when we were supposed to go to Rio and ended up at that drill in Wales and I died?"

"Or when we went to that hotel spaceship thing, with the Minotaur inside?" Amy said.

"Yeah, that was weird," Rory said. "And what about when-"

"Okay, so maybe a few times," The Doctor admitted as he climbed back up and tried to run for the console. Another lurch sent him running dizzily past it instead, yelling and waving his arms so he could regain his balance.

"I think we're rematerializing!" Amy yelled, as she heard the familiar noise. That was when the engine started sparking. The Doctor, who had gotten to his feet again and had been running towards it, stopped and started yelling again as he changed direction. "To the door, to the door, to the DOOOOOR!" He yelled, grabbing Amy's hand and falling towards the door.

Rory joined them as the Doctor continued trying to make his way to the door. "But we haven't landed yet!" Rory exclaimed. "No matter," Said the Doctor. "Wherever we are, we'd be much safer than in here."

He reached for the door when the TARDIS suddenly began to tilt. "No, no, NO!" The Doctor yelled, as he, Rory and Amy fell backwards into the TARDIS. "Please be there, please be there, please be there!" Amy heard the Doctor yell, but she didn't have time to wonder about it, as she and Rory were yelling themselves.

They crashed through a door and down a hallway before the TARDIS tilted a little further and they landed hard on the ceiling. Then, everything stopped.

After a few moments of waiting and groaning, they all got to their feet. "So then," Amy said. "Meladiere. Nice. Can we go somewhere else now?"

"Oh, shut it, Pond," The Doctor said, rubbing the back of his head. "Let's just focus on getting back to the door. Although," he said, looking around at the hallway they were in. "This does make it easier than when I had to climb from the swimming pool. It's lucky we stopped here, I'm not sure the pool is still there. That wouldn't have been very fun, now would it?"

They made their way back through the corridor and into the control room, which was smoking heavily, the engine still sparking. "Cover your mouths! Quick!" The Doctor said, pulling his jacket up to cover his mouth and nose. Amy and Rory followed suit and they clambered down into the ceiling and back up the other side towards the door.

"Now then," the Doctor said, using his screwdriver to turn the handle, which was out of his reach. "We just have to figure out what caused the TARDIS to go off course. We're looking for some sort of alien technology, anything that seems like it might be out of place."

He climbed through the door, followed by Amy and Rory. They found themselves in London, with crowds of screaming people pointing at the sky. They all looked up and stared. Hovering over London and taking up the entire view of the sky was the biggest space ship Amy had ever seen, even after nearly ten years of the Doctor.

"Found it," she said.