Daddy Thing

"Love is eternal while it lasts"

Vinicius de Moraes

Everybody said we were very young, Lily.

Do you believe that? Very young, honestly.

Indeed, barely twenty years old when we got married. But why wait when we knew, clearly, we loved each other? Your father said I was a great son-in-law – but still didn't want you to marry soon.

And you remember how crazy they all were when, a year and some months later that, you were pregnant?

Everybody said we were very young, Lily.

However, none of us cared. We had a little world of happiness with amazing friends and an incredible son ready to born. Your parents, my parent, even Minerva, told us: baby is a lot of responsibility.

Do you remember their expression when they saw Harry for the first time, Lils? My mom said he was lovely, but we still were amateurs in that "wedding thing, share our lives thing" and, mainly, "take care of a small life thing" – small, but elementary.

Everybody said we were very young, Lily.

Do you believe that? Very young, honestly.

The first few months, people warned, are terrible. They said the baby never stops crying and the parents never can sleep. But I think we did the whole thing right, Lils. Harry hardly ever cried and had too much energy to be spent with me and Padfoot.

When the prophecy came, we take care of this "little piece of life". And, in the end, we did not abandon him, because we knew he was our little piece. Our son.

We died for it, love.

Everybody said we were very young, Lily.

Do you believe that?

Author's Note:

People, this is my first fanfic in English, so, please, give me a break and comment!

I hope you enjoyed!


Emmy Black Potter.