Author has written 60 stories for Storm Hawks, Star Wars, Demon's Lexicon, Doctor Who, Megamind, Inheritance Cycle, 10 Things I Hate About You, Study series, Sherlock, Homestuck, and Avengers.
As of June 2010: I'm finally cleaning up this profile page. And I'm coming back. Sort of. You see, for me, even though I didn't really realize it at the time, was a tool. It let me try out various literary techniques, and get the hang of really writing fiction. Now I chose to concentrate on schoolwork and writing my own book, one that one day you may write fanfiction for. Well, a person can dream. So, I'm back but not back, not really; some of the stories I've started may never get finished, and I'm sorry, but this is the way I chose to live my life.
I, ig, solemnly swear to review all the stories I read, regardless of content, age, or previous reviews. As an author, I love reviews. They help me improve my writing immensely. Now, I'm want to do my part in spreading this joy. REVIEWS ARE LOVE. JOIN THE REVIEW REVOLUTION. SPREAD THE LOVE!
The I-Am-Obsessed-With-StarWars Section. Come on, you knew I had to have one.
I am a Jedi Knight. No, seriously. I've been one the last two Halloweens in a row. The ninjas are my archenemy, and they try to steal my computer all the time. I protect the galaxy form evil, injustice, and insane squirrels. Really, I was sitting in a tree eating my lunch yesterday, and one attacked me. Any-heuw...
a. How are you supposed to pick a favorite among so many amazing movies?
b. I think I know all the lines by heart.
c. Jedi Knights are the coolest thing ever. And I am one. So in you face, evil!
d. There's a real Church of the Jedi, which started in New Zealand. Basically, it takes whatever faith you are, and all you have to do is believe that there is a metaphysical force that connects us all on a spiritual plane. So count me in, I'm converting!
e. Have you ever seen Star Wars Robot Chicken? Funniest thing ever!
f. The lame Star Wars Jokes. And not the Yo-Mamma jokes; you can read my story of that. No, these are real uber-lame star wars jokes.
--When you're stuck in the shower with no way to clean yourself but a little replica of Obi-wan Kenobi made of soap: "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only soap!"
--When you need someone stupid, and you can't find anyone else in the universe: "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only dope!"
--When you're rock climbing, and you realize you're stuck without your gear: "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only rope!"
--When you want a place to practice skateboard tricks, but everywhere around is flat ground: "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only slope!"
--When you're feeling confused and need someone to lead you in prayer: "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only pope!"
The TARDIS's Corner
I am a big Doctor Who fan. Actually, despite having no TV, I grew up quite familiar with the show. I still have these little Daleks that I point at my brothers that will say: "Stop! Do not move!/You will obey!/EXTERMINATE the Doctor!/*exterminate ray gun sound*" I pretend to talk in a British accent. I mean, come on, it's the Doctor, who doesn't love Doctor Who? Classic Doctors, the New doctor and the New New Doctor and the Current Doctor...they're all awesome, and I want to blab about the all.
Classic Doctor Who:
Come on, it's classic. I've seen 1 and 7 (I have a VCR--I know, practically an antique!) with a movie featuring Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor and Ace, and it was so cute. But really, I sort of need to get caught up on my classics.
The Revived Doctor Who:
In the first season, the special effects were horrible. And, it's not a huge surprise, but it's hard to take things seriously when they look so fake. Then the second series came along, with David Tennant. I'm watching these all on DVD, remember, so I've seen trailers for the current season, so before watching any I thought he was okay, but Matt Smith was amazing. Then I watched an episode. But I'm not talking about them; I wanted to say that since the second season, the whole series has drastically improved and I'm completely hooked.
Matt Smith vs. David Tennant:
I love them both, but they're both so different. David Tennannt is sort of the lonely Time Lord, the tragic hero. He's probably the nicest Doctor I've ever seen--what did he say in "Daleks in Manhattan"? When he offered to save the last Dalek in existence? "I've already witnessed the genocide of one species today, and I don't want to see another." After all they did, he still offered them salvation. Kind of different than bashing them with anything he cough get his hands on *11, cough cough*. At the same time, Matt Smith is absolutely brilliant, playing this eccentric genius with all these amazing little quirks. He's always going a million miles and hour, and it's so much fun to try to keep up. So I've decided that I absolutely adore both 10 and 11. How shall I put it? I think 11 actually makes a better Doctor--an alien traveling around the universe for the sheer fun of it--but especially after 10 lost Rose, he lost his spark. I'd much rather be friends with 10, though.
Theories on the Sixth Season:
Okay, a. Somebody dies! They've all basically died already, but somebody really dies in the first episode. I think it's Rory because you hear the whole dynamic of the first episode is River Song knows something and Amy's keeping a secret in the TARDIS. Besides, do you see Rory in any of the previews? I think it would be really cool, though, if the Doctor dies, then the entire season is trying to change time. I doubt it's River, simply because she's the one who knows what's going on, and I don't think it's Amy. It just can't be. b. Did you notice in the Christmas Special how all the songs had "Silent" in them? "Silent Night," etc. We're finally going to get to meet the Silents. c. Look through the episodes for weird reactions, weird shadows. They're there. d. The silence at the end of Vampires in Venice still needs to be explained. It wasn't just a crack. e. Who was trying to build a Tardis in the Lodger? Probably going to be answered in the finale!
Opinions on Characters:
9th Doctor: Not really sure. I think his strongest point was how much he cared about Rose. I really started to like him in the episode "Dalek" (which was arguably the best episode of the season) and when he started arguing with Jack about his sonic screwdriver. You NEVER diss the sonic screwdriver!
10th Doctor: Probably my favorite, I love 11 too...well, my tied favorite Doctor. Nice, absolutely brilliant, unimaginably kind, and I'll never be able to forget his cheeky smile. If I were to travel with one Doctor, it would be the 10th, because he is by far the most nice. I feel like I could trust him.
Rose: Meh. Not really sure. I didn't really like Rose too much at first; a companion should have something that sets them out, but Rose was just a high school dropout who worked at some store. She slowly started to grow on me, and her character definitely changed as the show went on. She became more confident, and far more aware of the bigger picture. I don't love-love-love Rose, or believe she was anyone's soulmate, but I was sort of sad to see her go.
Mickey: There's a reason he's the tin dog.
Martha Jones: is absolutely amazing. A beautiful, smart, confident woman. She can take care of herself, she helps the Doctor find himself again, and she's strong enough to make the hard choices, like walking away. I admire her, I really do. She's a perfect friend for the Doctor.
Donna Noble: So much fun! I mean, it's Donna! Definitely not as bright as Martha, but outspoken and confident, and very, very stubborn. The perfect friend for the Doctor who is trying to avoid any romantic interests ("WHAT? You just want TO MATE? You're not matin' with me, Sunshine!" "A mate! I just want *a* mate!" "Well, just as well, because I'm not having any of that nonsense! I mean, you're just a long streak of nothing, y'know, alien nothing!") Donna Noble is just unique.
11th Doctor: Absolutely brilliant, and did he put it? "A mad man with a box." That sort of sums it all up. He's mad, he's young, he's excited, he's passionate, and he really brought a lot more energy to the show, especially after 10 started feeling so blue after losing everyone. 11 marks a new era in Doctor Who, and it's a magnificent era. I really love 11. Seriously. Not counting 10, he's the hands-down best Doctor. Ever. Period.
River Song: She fascinates me, she really does, and I love how she really puts 11 in his place like he's some naughty boy. She's smart, and she's obviously hiding something. I think the man she killed was the Doctor.
Amelia Pond: She is brilliant. Best companion ever, in my opinion. She's been waiting for it her whole life--so she's been ready her whole life. She has no one holding her back (well, unless you count Rory, but there's always going to be the upset boyfriend left behind). She's smart in a very practical way, like how she stopped the Angel when it came out of the security feed, how she saved the star whale, and how she basically saves the day in every episode. She's stubborn, smart, courageous, gorgeous, and just has so much chemistry with the Doctor, but it's all tension. It's not sweet, like what 10 had with Rose. But in my mind, she the absolute perfect companion.
Rory Williams: Oh my gosh, I love Rory. I didn't like him at first. I really didn't like him at all. Actually, it took him dying for me to like him. Then, 2,000 years? The whole opening two-partner with the telepathically-linked transmitter and Amy talking, even though Amy is one of my favorite characters ever, I wanted to stab her or something. She has no idea how lucky she is with Rory. That sort of love, that sort of devotion is one in a million, and she spent the entire last season ready to throw it away. I hope she doesn't mess it up now, because Rory's found his way into my heart, and if she breaks his heart, I know that I--and I don't think that any other fan, either--will ever forgive her.
Why Master Cyclonis is the Coolest Character Ever!
1. The cape. Duh. I mean, you can't not be cool when you have that awesome of a cape.
2. The overall color scheme, actually. All purple--purple hair, purple eyes, purple clothes. (Purple is my favorite color)
3. Her awesome crystal powers. Seriously, she's the best fighter in the show because of them! (Don't believe me? Watch 5 Days)
4. She rules a whole freaking empire! At fourteen! How awesome is that?
5. She's got a whole slew of adults obeying her every order.
6. They call her "Master" even though she's a girl and a kid. I want to be called Master!
7. She's a complete genius. She makes all these cool plans, she's awesome with crystals--she's just super smart.
8. She's got Dark Ace on her side, who is the second-coolest character ever. Plus her various henchmen are awesome! I mean, is it not sweet to play a violin going into battle?
9. She has awesome pets. I mean, I want a dragon-beast that I can should at in Latin gibberish and have it obey me!
10.Do you really need another reason?
Favorite Quotes:
"Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) --Descartes
"I think, therefore I'm dangerous"--Ravenclaw pin.
"Logic will get you from point A to point B. Imagination will get you everywhere."--Einstein.
"Friends are just like potatoe chips: if you eat them, they die." --Hach (don't ask)
"Stand back! I'm going to try science! Sciecne, science, science. What a beautiful day it is today--for science!" --unhelpful scientist
"If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will?" --Facebook Flair
"Tact is for people not witty enough to be sarcastic." --Facebook Flair
"I'll kill you with my teacup." --Riddick
"Officer, I swear to Drunk I'm not God" --unknown
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." --Marianne Williamson
"Now, class, make a list of different words that describe you. If anyone needs help spelling 'narcissist,' please raise your hand."--Ms. Beckwith
"True, you have the right to your own opinion. But I still retain the right to think you're stupid."-unknown
"Then Buffy staked Edward. The End."--Twilight hater
"Forget knights in shining armor, prices, or even vampires. Me, I want a Jedi Knight!"--unknown
"Say no to drugs and yes to tacos."--Facebook Flair
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about gaining the courage to dance in the rain."--H. Kociuk
"Would you care if I were ugly?"--Cyclonis. ", I mean, no."--Dark Ace