ALIEN CURSES by Tessenchan (mihane_echo)
A/N: First posted on livejournal in March 2009.
"Stop laughing!"
Donna blushes furiously, biting the inside of her lip. She doesn't know what reaction she had expected, but this wasn't it. The Doctor, sitting across from her-- well, falling out of his chair across from her, now-- laughing so hard he can hardly breathe. He has tears in his eyes, and he pushes up his glasses to wipe them away. Donna wants to smack him. He's being rude.
"It wasn't that funny."
He can only giggle in reply. She's starting to feel self-conscious, and her face glows.
"I said it right, didn't I?"
The Doctor nods, setting his glasses onto the dining room table, pressing both palms to his face as he regains his bearings. Little half-giggles still pop out as he leans back in his chair, gazes at her. His face is flush from laughing.
"Oh, Donna Noble."
She glares at him, wishing to hell that she could stop blushing.
"Oi, Spaceman, if you're going to get so tickled every time I speak, I'll just keep it to myself."
"Oh, now, don't do that," he says, his eyes shining with irrepressible mirth. "It's so rare I get to hear Gallifreyan spoken by someone other than myself!"
"You could hardly hear any of it, going on the way you did," argues Donna.
"I couldn't help myself, it's really rather cute."
Donna winces. "Cute? Didn't I just swear terribly? I know for a fact that's what you say when you smash your thumb with the hammer, I've heard you say it enough."
"Ah--" He snorts, laughs briefly. Donna's getting tired of the rampant giggling. He clears his throat, nods. "Yeah, actually, just... Awright, seriously, it's just that it's really cute that you're, quite literally, speaking my language. No one's ever tried that, you know." Donna thinks he looks touched, for about a millisecond. Except she knows better.
"Not even Rose?"
His smile hangs for a moment as he recollects fondly, and then he shakes his head. "No, languages... Never really her strong point. Anyway, and aside from that, the literal translation of what I say when I, as you put it, smash my thumb, is kind of nasty." His eyebrows go up thoughtfully. "Funny, but... nasty, as well."
"Why? I thought it was just a plain curse word, like..." She picks something out of thin air, "I dunno... Bugger, or something."
He shakes his head, gestures at her to lean forward. Donna does, and the Doctor leans forward as well, whispers into her ear. She recoils with a shriek.
"Oh my god, that's disgusting! Owh! That's-- But it sounds so pretty in Gallifreyan! That's revolting! What, is that what Time Lords did, sit around doing nothing for aeons and aeons but think up horrid, nauseating curses?"
"No! Well, not all of us..." The Doctor grins at her. "But, the point is: you said it. Out loud. Absolutely perfectly." He fidgets, sort of dancing in his seat. "Brilliant! Well done, Donna."
This time, she does smack him, lightly backhands his arm with a groan of disgust. Afterwards, Donna can't help but groan every time the Doctor swears in Gallifreyan.
Even if it does sound poetic.