Reviews for The Limit
Centerpoint108 chapter 30 . 8/16/2014
This is an amazing piece. I'm a little disappointed, yet exceedingly happy this isn't a typical fairytale ending. People were hurt. People were changed. People matured. Yet they stayed true to how they were originally presented to us. The Limit has a bold direction all its own, and it's exciting. You have wonderful talent as an author, and I imagine you will only get better as you continue.
The last few chapters were a rollercoaster of fun, with high and low points of action and drama. I was never certain what would happen next!
And the character interactions were beautiful, again, staying true to who they are, while allowing them to grow closer and farther apart.
Evilhumour Author chapter 29 . 10/18/2013
Read all of this in a day. Amazing work.
Snakewings chapter 28 . 11/21/2010
Something's happened to Nova's MIXedCaPS speech; most of it's gone.
defectivebrainstorm chapter 3 . 9/17/2010
Hey Babeh

Just rereading this whole thing (and listening to all your song choices too) because I miss the good ol' days. Anyways man, I forgot how much I love your style, how awesome it is, how easy you portray the Hawks.

Going on now!
ighttior chapter 30 . 11/8/2009
this story was amazing.

amazing and vivid and beautiful and absolutely wonderful. i loved it. no, i adored it. i read it all in one day and i want to read it again.

you are such a talented writer. this was so awesome!
ighttior chapter 29 . 11/8/2009
awesome chapter!
ighttior chapter 28 . 11/8/2009

that's all i can say.

your writing is amazing.

i feel like i'm just repeating myself every review: I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!
ighttior chapter 27 . 11/8/2009
wow. amazing.

like i said, the histories/pasts/flashbacks are so well done. they fit so well. i love them!

you're such a great author!
ighttior chapter 26 . 11/8/2009
wow, graphic chapter...

and so olive dies...

poor stork. lucky stork. i feel really bad for him, anyways
ighttior chapter 25 . 11/8/2009

i love the action.

i love the character development

i love seeing more of the ghosts, especially immer...he interests me a lot...

this is so awesome!
ighttior chapter 24 . 11/8/2009
what? aerrow dies?


this story is just so cool...i love it!
ighttior chapter 23 . 11/8/2009
ighttior chapter 22 . 11/8/2009

so dark ace/immer likes lark?

and they don't want to kill her (phew, i would be really sad if she died)

i just love this story, i keep saying that, but it's true...this is amazing!
ighttior chapter 21 . 11/8/2009

cyclonis kicks ass again! and the sky knight council people are evil! sorta kinda...

and of course, nova has to come back and ruin the day...

heheh, i love this chapter!
ighttior chapter 20 . 11/8/2009
wow! so lark wasn't evilly torturing rave? you see, you always surprise me! i love the piper/cyclonis interaction in this one. they're just natural rivals, aren't they? anyway, you write them so well, i just love it! you are an amazing author!

stork and starling can hear the ghosts...does that mean he is the fifth?

loved the stork/starling interaction, too! oh my god, starling is strok's dad's

and lark being lead off the execution...


i just keep saying that!

well, i love, love, love this story!
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